Eric Maleinos, 34th Duke of Cappadochia

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Eric Maleinos, 34th Duke of Cappadochia (16 August 1632 – 9 February 1688) was the second son of Kostas Maleinos, 32nd Duke of Cappadochia, and Lady Angelica. He succeeded his brother Kostas Maleinos, 33rd Duke of Cappadochia after his death in 1681.


In 1664 he was summoned to the House of Archontes since his brother the 33rd Duke was insane, it was felt desirable to summon his brother to the Archontes in his own right.

His career as Duke began inauspiciously when he announced that he had married his french mistress: this caused a violent family quarrel and he went abroad for a time.

In January 1678, he took his seat in the House of Archontes. He later gave away the greater part of his library, grounds, and rooms to the Imperial Society. He sat as a peer at the trial for treason of his close relative Lefteris Maleinos; unfortunately for Lefteris, he had quarreled with most of his relatives, including Cappadochia, and with the exception of the future 35th Duke of Cappadochia all the Maleinos peers voted Guilty, and Lefteris was later executed.