NationStates Z

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NationStates Z or Z-Day is a zombie apocalypse that hits the NationStates world every year on Halloween. Sadly, Brad Pitt does not make an appearance in this series. There have been four iterations of NSZ since its debut as an April Fools' prank in 2013; it got such rave reviews that admins agreed to make it a regular Halloween prank.

In this version of the NS world, nations are given options on how to respond to the oncoming pandemic, whether to kill off infected citizens, endeavor to cure them, or embrace them as the lovable little undead cannibals that they are. Once national leaders have rendered their decisions, they are given additional tools to deal with the crisis, equipping them to attack other nations with either kill squads, cure bombs, or zombie hordes (depending on which decision they've made). A tally is kept for how many citizens of each nation remain alive, have been infected, or have died. Similar tallies are kept for regional and World numbers.

Regions, though lacking central controls, often rally their citizens before the apocalypse comes, usually encouraging members to research a cure to keep regionwide stats on "live" citizens up. Sometimes region leaders will even eject members who attack their regionmates with hordes or kill squads.

At the end of each apocalypse, population numbers are restored, and a leader board records the top 100 regions in the following categories: Most Survivors, Most Survivors with No Infected, Most Infected, and Most Dead.

In 2014, there were nearly 70 trillion survivors worldwide, with little more than 12 trillion still infected, and a staggering 240 trillion people killed.

Z-Day Leader Boards