Reproductive Freedoms

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#286: "Reproductive Freedoms"
WA General Assembly resolution
Category Human Rights
Strength Strong
Proposed by Eireann Fae
Status Passed
Adopted Sat Mar 1 2014
Votes For / Against 7,786 / 3,649

Reproductive Freedoms (GAR #286), abbreviated RF, is a particularly notable (and notorious) WA General Assembly resolution, having repeatedly sparked controversy ever since it was written in early 2014, mostly over the fact that it arguably legalizes all abortions without exception (despite the word "abortion" never once appearing in the resolution text). It nonetheless remains an overwhelmingly popular resolution, both in terms of support and as a target for repeal, as the GA has brought three repeals to the floor since RF's adoption, and defeated all of them by lopsided majorities. Reproductive Freedoms was named the Best Resolution of 2014.[1]

Opponents of RF have argued that the resolution goes too far in securing abortion rights, as the text forces all nations to legalize late-term abortions, forced abortions and sex-selective abortions. Supporters, however, claim that the language allowing for live births as an alternative to late-term abortion gives nations an out. In addition, the author of the resolution, Eireann Fae -- a past supporter of allowing children to consent to sex with adults and charging parents with "abuse" for talking to their children about religion -- insists that the resolution contains an intentional loophole, contending that "termination of pregnancy" could also mean induced labor.

See also