Nation/New Fidelita

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New Fidelita's flag; the colors of freedom; a deer, symbol of liberty
New Fidelita's location

The Republic of New Fidelitais a tiny, socially progressive nation, remarkable for its devotion to social welfare. The quiet, industrious population of 7 million Fidelitans are fiercely patriotic and enjoy great social equality; they tend to view other, more capitalist countries as somewhat immoral and corrupt.

The large, socially-minded government juggles the competing demands of Welfare, Education, and Defense. The average income tax rate is 45.1%, but much higher for the wealthy.

The struggling New Fidelitan economy, worth 135 billion Weptis a year, is broadly diversified and led by the Woodchip Exports industry, with major contributions from Furniture Restoration, Door-to-door Insurance Sales, and Basket Weaving. State-owned companies are common. Average income is 19,387 Weptis, and distributed extremely evenly, with little difference between the richest and poorest citizens.

Education and welfare spending are on the rise, gambling is outlawed, military spending is on the increase, and meat is a luxury afforded only to the wealthy. Crime is totally unknown. New Fidelita's national animal is the Ocelot, which can occasionally be seen sifting through garbage in the nation's cities.

How New Fidelita were born

Adamska Boreyev (1810-1884) was a Russian military, anthropologist, diplomatic and writer. Although living in a unwealthy family, Adamska had always an almost inhuman percepetion of the world, always consuming the most culture and information as possible from literature. With 18 years-old he already spoke 2 languages - English and Japanese. His will of discovery brought him to the Imperial Russian Army. His intelectual skills made him closer and closer of the high-patent officials. He dreamdt of a Nation of fearless freedom, starting as a military commonwealth - a home for drifters, mercenaries and immigrants. And that's how he started, with the help of Gregor Herczeg (1789-1876), a hungarian medic he met while drifting around the globe.

A young Adamska, circa 1820
Adamska, circa 1850
Gregor Herczeg, circa 1860
Portrait of Emperor Dante I, circa 1880

The word "Fidelita" comes from the latin translation of "loyalty, fidelity"; and "New" means they had in mind a totally new kind of State. They claimed a small amount of territory for the Balkans, and started their nation there, in 1841. A village, then a small town. Economy was based on resources gathered from war. The Politics at the time were basically a rough and brute form of the Libertarianism as known today. In 1843, Adamska and his soldiers flew to Rio Grande do Sul, in Brazil, in the events of the Farrapos' War, working as mercenaries, helping the two sides of war, in 1844. Gregor became an intimate friend of Giuseppe Garibaldi, while Adamska became intimate friend of an Ocelot, a type of cat found in South America. In 1844, New Fidelita had to make a deal with Russia: their nation needed to become annexed to Russians. It wasn't what Adamska wanted, but they had no choice. In fact, it could help even more that small mass of land. Slowly, New Fidelita was becoming more and more Imperialist, just like the Czarism by the time. In 1850, Adamska was wounded while in combat during the Apache Wars, in the US. Sent to an Hospital in New México, he started a romance with a Mexican-american nurse, Vera Villanueva Sanchez (1815-1900). In 1953, Dante Boreyev Sanchez, son of Adamska and Vera, was born. Gregor died in 1876 of a cold. By the time in 1880, New Fidelita was governed by Adamska's son, Dante I (1853-1921). Adamska couldn't govern anymore because of an stroke and old age. In the same year he flew to Berlin, Germany, where he met Max Weber (1864-1920), becaming close friends. Adamska moved to Moskow, Russia, and no one heared nothing more about him, untill 1883, when he returned to Fidelita. As soon as he returned, made an announcement for all of Fidelitans: a "pact of silence" for an indeterminate period of time, and become more and more friendly of Russia. The country was divided by what they called, the "Molchalivies" (those who broke the "pact") and the "Slovukhotlivies" (those who maintain the "pact"). In his death bed, Adamska made Dante promisse him that he would find Weber and do as what he said. Adamska died in 1884, of a fever. Dante I did exaclty what his father did. Weber carried out the plans of his father and passed on to Dante. Weber became a type of "mentor" to Dante. In 1890 the country found itself in the blink of a Civil war, until Dante I showed up and inspired confidence for those who didn't want to mantain the pact. And then, New Fidelita became a "pawn" of Russia. And then, in 1917,. happened the Russian Revolution, charged by Vladmir Lenin (1870-1924). After 27 years of regime, New Fidelita became an independent country, filled with all the goodies the old-czarist Russia left. The new-communist Russia, still weak, couldn't dare attack New Fidelita. It would be a fair fight. But, in Lenin's words, "Fidelita is a friend of ours". Adamska's plan was right. In 1918, Dante implentend the "Libertarian Communist Republic", passing the charge as country leader to a friend of his, Yevgeny Djugashvili (1870-1838), and in 1927, New Fidelita saw it's first democatric election. In 1987, New Fidelita declared itself a "Libertarian Neo-liberal Socialist Semipresidencialist Republic", untill this day.

Where New Fidelita is located

New Fidelita is a small, mediterranean island, formed by 12 States, estimated in 15,569 km², located between Italy and the entire Balkan western litorean region.

The Culture of New Fidelita

Adamska always believed that "we do not live in a Nation, but a language". Although pretty upset by his motherland, Russia, he loved it. Its language, its poetry, its literature - Adamska carried on Russian blood in his veins. With a Libertarian ideology that persists over 2 centuries, New Fidelita is the "hangout" of the world for all kinds of cultures, from here and there. So, instead of its living alongside others like USA, New Fidelita assimilate them. The currency is called "Wepti", a variation of Uapiti, a type of Deer Gregor discovered in his travels in the US, also, it's in the nation's flag. It symbolizes "freedom". The common language is Russian, but as a country that embraces so much others, the English becames the Lingua Franca of New Fidelita. Italian and Hungarian are pretty used, too.

The official sport is the Soccer. New Fidelita debuted in the World Cup in 2009.

Implented politic of today in New Fidelita

Vladek von Porter, 2013

Libertarianism > it's the source of it's strenght. A country paved by the individual will of people. "To let the world be" Neo-liberalism and Socialism > The Republic of New Fidelita tries at maximum to prevent an "opposition", uniting neo-liberals and socialists - the capitalist and the communist. The market uses an still inexperient neo-liberal system, while socialism is for social means. Semipresidencialism > the very same model modern Russia uses: a president and a prime-minister Republic > While remains of the Monarchy still exists, Fidelitans believe that Democracy can work - and it works.

It is denominated since 1987, but still walks in baby steps. New Fidelita uses an innovative kind of politics, trying to unite the Right, Left and Cente wing. The country have an Uni-party system, due to his ideology of unifying different ideals. There is no opposition, in New Fidelita the Right and Left Wing comes togheter. Eleging its politics are up to the people. Inside the Parliament, 150 politicians vote for 3 officials, who will judge a total of 30 who wants to run for the 3 supreme charges: Ruler, Jurist and Caz. When choosing its politicians, 9 politicians forms a group of 3. Each group runs for the election for a period of 6 Months. Respectively:

-The 1st group is called "Pretor": who wins becomes the "Ruler" - a Head-of-state or President, which basically represents the country as a whole; the 2nd least voted becomes Prime-minister, charged of the economy; the 3rd least voted, the "Companion" becomes in charge of chosing a total of 55 senators. -The 2nd group, the "Pragma": the most elected becomes the Jurist, head of the Zakonica's Bureau, responsible of chosing and avaliating laws; the others become the "Mantias", who are basically helping the Jurist. -The 3rd group, the "Oymnen": New Fidelita tries to bring people's problem closer to the Parliament, choosing people who brings the problems to the Supremers: most elected, the "Caz", who controls the Fidelitan Police and Army: the other 2 are the "Insoyders", who travels around the 12 Fidelitan states gathering the more intel they can find. The 3 responsibles for judging the candidates becomes responsible for charging the remaining 138 senators: the "Primesen", Primesan I, Primesan II and Primesan III.

A new election starts after 10 years. It doesn't to be born in New Fidelita to run, with the exception of Jurist, Mantias and Insoyder. The remaining 138 are the "Counselor", helping all elected chargers in any way they can.

New Fidelita's actual political formation since 2010 is: Pretor: Ruler - Vladek von Porter Prime Minister - Emílio Nestor Companion - Nena Stoya Pragma: Jurist - Christopher Nguyen Mantias - Karl Yugo Porisovich and Karoline Szizek Oymnen: Caz - Gen. Alexis Ourumov Insoyders - Tchéky Karyo and Xenia Onatopp Primesen: Primesan I - Synnøve Sander Primesan II - Nicholas Hammersmith Primesan III - Jonathan MacLand

The Religion of New Fidelita

Anyone in New Fidelita is free to choose any Religion it wants. Be atheist, christian, jew, muslim, it doesn't matter. Be free to choose. Of course conflicts between Religions can happen, and we are here to dissolve it, and trying hard to prevent. Asides being an agnostic, Adamska believed in spirits, and Gregor, a Christian. It maintains the spirituality of New Fidelita and, in the words of Dante I, "maintains the balance between rationality and creed". So, people are allowed to build churches, but the taxes are raised the more popular is the religion. So, building a Christian church is pricier than a Budhist convent.

The War Economy of New Fidelita

First of all, New Fidelita runs around a economy that works by the "War Economy". The Fidelitan Army is formed by 2 divisions: the National Army and the Congressional Army. The Fidelitan currency is: the Wepti. The National Army is responsible for resolving problems within the country, while the Congressional Army is basically formed by mercs. New Fidelita works this way for 2 centuries, taking part on many armed conflicts ongoing around the globe. And, of course, New Fidelita makes enemies and enemies by that, so our national borders are the best in the world - not only in protecting, but avaliating who can and who can't. For a foreigner enter in this country, passes on a rigorous test, that lasts 3 months or less, until he can enter our country. People are allowed to enter the Army since it's 15 years, but aren't obligated. Inside our country, we try hard to be the most respectful and non-stereoptycal for immigrants, for exemple, muslins. Kids are teached right in school to be this way. Asides from military, New Fidelita runs a neo-liberal form of economy.

New Fidelita National Anthem

  • Cold and gloomy
  • And darkness in my soul
  • How could I have known
  • that you would die?
  • Farewell, our home shore!
  • It's so hard to imagine, this isn't a dream...
  • Motherland, our dear home,
  • Farewell, our Motherland.
  • Ey! Let's go, let's go!
  • Water, seas are waiting for us desperately
  • The vastness of the sea is calling us
  • And the tides!
  • Hail to our fathers and forefathers.
  • Wholly faithful to their covenants.
  • Now nothing will stop
  • Our Motherland's victorious march.
  • Sail, Sail on fearlessly,
  • Pride of the Northern Seas.
  • Hope of the Revolution,
  • The burst of faith of all the people.
  • Sail, Sail on fearlessly,
  • Pride of the Northern Seas.
  • Hope of the Revolution,
  • The burst of faith of all the people.
  • Hail to our fathers and forefathers.
  • Wholly faithful to their covenants.
  • Now nothing will stop
  • Our Motherland's victorious march.
  • Sail, Sail on fearlessly,
  • Pride of the Northern Seas.
  • Hope of the Revolution,
  • The burst of faith of all the people.
  • In Fidelita, in Fidelita,
  • We report our victories
  • In Fidelita, in Fidelita,
  • Our forefathers gave us a new world!
  • Sail, Sail on fearlessly,
  • Pride of the Northern Seas.
  • Hope of the Revolution,
  • The burst of faith of all the people.
  • Hail to our fathers and forefathers.
  • Wholly faithful to their covenants.
  • Now nothing will stop
  • Our Motherland's victorious march.
  • In Fidelita, in Fidelita,
  • We report our victories
  • In Fidelita...
  • A new world...