Personal Defense Force Army

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Template:Infobox Military Unit

The Personal Defense Force Army is the primary land force as well as special police force for the nation. They are tasked with being the nations equivalent to SWAT, the nations primary incursion force, and the primary defense and deterrent force. With rigorous training involved in every job path, from infantry to military police, the soldiers are known across there region for there discipline and there efficiency. Equipped with the latest in military hardware and software, the BACANS system, as well as the newest rifle in there arsenal; the PDF-40.

Equipment in use

Small Arms







Grenade Launchers



Body Armor

PDF-100 series body armor

Tactical Gear

Artillery Pieces


Small caliber

Medium Caliber

Heavy Caliber




Guided Missile Launchers

Torpedo Launchers

Vehicles in Service

Armored Cars

Logistic Vehicles

PDFA-18 Multiple Logistics Vehicle

Scout Tanks

PDFA-12 Infantry Support System

Light Tanks

PDFA-42 Multiuse Vehicle System

Main Battle Tanks/Self Propelled Guns

PDFA-38 Multiuse Tank System

  • --MBT
  • --Artillery System

Aircraft in Service


Fixed Wing





PDF 2005 Modernization Initiative PDF 2001 Military Enhancement Program


Special Divisions

1st Section, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Divisions

Part of the "Super Soldier" program instilled in the beginning of the PDF's military enhancement program, these soldiers are all originally orphans that volunteered for the intensive program at the age of 5, with the youngest volunteers at 3. Put through a special version of the PDF's educational system that is monitored by military personal. At the age of 12 the children are split up dependent on there interests, and from there are split up based on there leadership capabilities coupled with intelligence. Those that are intelligent and have good leadership capabilities form the officers, those that have good leadership but mediocre intelligence are trained to be the NCO's, and the remainder are trained to be the grunts. Special care is taken to evaluate soldiers and promote and demote students in the program as seen necessary. Cross evaluations are constantly prevalent in the program to make sure personal grudges do not get in the way of student rankings. Rigorous physical exercise is tuned for each group of students in order to promote growth, so when they enter in the next phase of training they are prepared.

The next phase occurs a year after the first phase ends, the teenagers begin to undergo several artificial upgrades. Part of which are injections of proteins that boost immune system functions and an increase in efficiency of cellular metabolism of energy and materials; This means that the "Students" can function much longer then normal human beings and with much less intake, begrudgingly of course. All students are given ocular surgery in the forms there bodies are less likely to reject, making it so most of the "Students" have better then perfect vision, similar surgeries are also undertaken for hearing as well. Any other surgeries that can be undertaken to improve the physical condition of the "Students" are undertaken at this time, in which all ailments and abnormalities are taken care of before they are put into a temporary "Rehab" phase, a six month period in which they are prepared for the next phase of there training. Any persons thats bodies reject the surgeries are put through a secondary type of surgery, and those that reject that as well are put into support roles in the military.

The final stage of there training starts after the final "Student" recovers from there surgery, ranging from 6 months to a year. It is signaled by a start of classroom style training alongside live fire exercises to begin to integrate the future soldiers into common and uncommon military tactics, familiarize them with common military weapons as well as the PDF's weapons of choice, and physically and mentally prepare them for an active warzone. This includes Survival and Resistance training with casualties expected.

All candidates are fitted with there own set of the PDF's heavy infantry armor, and all further exercise is done inside of it to further augment the candidates capabilities. Towards the end of the phase they are put through what is known as the "Volunteer" phase, in which groups are organized into platoons and lent out to countries putting down rebellions in order to give them combat experience in urban environments. Casualties are expected in this, although they are small in numbers and most are treatable. A few deaths are expected, however, and losses are generally treated as martyrs for the moral of the remainder of the troops. Those that survive three of these "Volunteer" courses are sent to be evaluated for battle damage and those that pass are set up for graduation. After a three week evaluation phase, final rankings are set and graduations are set up depending on rankings. After a brief graduation ceremony graduates are integrated into the 1st, 2nd, and 7th battalions to be intermixed with older platoons to share experience.

Template:Personal Defense Force