Politics of Grand Greater Korea

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The Utopic Supreme Imperial Government of the Great Utopic Empire of Grand Greater Korea

The Utopic Supreme Imperial Emperor

He is the Leader of the Empire and the Supreme Overlord of the entire Empire. He is the Chief of State of the Empire. He is also the Head of the Supreme Imperial Assembly. He is the de facto Chief of State. New Emperor is appointed by the reigning Emperor.

Imperial Regent of the Grand Select

He is the de facto Chief of Government. New Imperial Regent will be appointed by the Emperor. He will have ultimate power in the whole Empire, He can overrule everyone and everything in the Imperial Government except the Emperor.

The Imperial Grand Inquisitor of the Grand Select

He will be in charge of the Grand Select meetings. He will also be observing the government's Ideological obedience and that the codex is followed in every way. He appoints the Overseer of the Imperial Senate and Diet. He is the de facto Attorney general of Grand Greater Korea.

The Imperial High Chancellor of the Grand Select

He is the de facto Head of the Government. He will be in charge of the Privy Council meetings. He is appointed by the Imperial Regent.

Imperial Lord of the Grand Select

One of the 10 High Imperial Lords appointed to the Grand Select to serve as Lord Secretaries/Ministers

The Imperial Grand Select/Imperial Court Council

The Executive Council, composing of 13 members, 1 Imperial Regent, 1 Imperial Grand Inquisitor, 1 Imperial High Chancellor and 10 Lords, Plus one extra seat for the Emperor/Supreme Ruler to oversee the meetings. It serves as the Imperial Government. It is appointed by the Imperial Regent and has to be approved by the Emperor. The members of the Grand Select has to be at least Lords.

The Lord High Protector

He serves as the Supreme Chairman of the Presidium of the GGK Supreme Imperial Assembly. He is the head of all the Lord Presidents and the de facto Head of State.

The Lord President

He serves as a member of the Presidium of the GGK Supreme Imperial Assembly. He is a ruler of a Province and a Chairman of the respective Province's Grand Assembly Presidium.

The President

He is a ruler of a State/Region and its respective State/Regional Assembly. He has very little power in the central government except some ceremonial privileges.

The Grand Presidium of the GGK Supreme Imperial Assembly

The Presidium is composed of The Lord High Protector (Supreme Chairman) and all the Lord Presidents of the different Terran Galactic Republic's. It is a council of Presidents of the different Terran Republic's, making up the Terran Empire. Its members will join the council when they gain their presidency and lose it when they lose their presidency. The respective republics assemblies appoint the new presidents. (NOTE! The candidates have to be approved by the Lord High Protector or the Imperial Emperor!)

The Supreme Imperial Assembly

It's the main legislative body of the Empire. It's composed of two chambers/houses, the lower and upper chamber/house. It has an extra chamber/house called the Inquisitorium, who are the guardians national internal security and obedience. It is headed by the Supreme Chairman of the Presidium who is appointed by the Emperor. It’s duties is to make laws for the Empire.

The Inquisitorium

It's a very secretive body that is in the Supreme Imperial Assembly, but has power outside of the Assembly. The Head Inquisitor is called the Master Inquisitor. It also houses the two Imperial Overseers, tha observe both the lower and upper houses.

The Supreme Imperial Senate Privy Council

It has 7 Seats 1 Imperial High Chancellor + 6 Privy Councillors as the other members. It is the Council-in-Charge of the Imperial Senate The members has to be at least High Nobles. Its members are elected by the members of the senate.

Lord Speaker of the Supreme Imperial Senate

He is in charge of the Imperial Senate meetings.

The Supreme Imperial Senate Overseer

He is appointed by the Imperial Steward of the Grand Select. He will oversee the activities of the Senate and may approve or deny the nominations for Privy Council member elections. He will also report of any findings directly to the Steward of the Grand Select.

The Supreme Imperial Senate

The Imperial Senate is the Upper house of the Supreme Imperial Assembly. Its meetings are overseen by Lord Speaker. The members of the senate have to be at least Nobles.

The Supreme Imperial Diet Overseer

He is appointed by the Imperial Steward of the Grand Select. He will oversee the activities of the Diet and may approve or deny the nominations for Ruling Council member elections. He will also report of any findings directly to the Steward of the Grand Select.

The Chairman of the Supreme Imperial Diet Ruling Council

He will be the order keeper in the Diet and Diet Ruling Council meetings. He also oversees the party ideology in Diet and the Ruling Council.

The Supreme Imperial Diet Ruling Council

The Council-In-Charge of the Diet, makes the proposals and amendments. Can be overruled by the Grand Select. Composing of 10 Council members elected by the Diet. Nominations must be approved by Diet Overseer. The council members are called Councillors.

The Supreme Imperial Diet

It is the lower house of the Supreme Imperial Assembly that works as a legislative assembly. Every Citizen can attend the meetings of the Imperial Diet. Its powers can be overruled by The Grand Select.