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[floatright][box][center][b]The Imperial Order of Baxten[/b] [hr]

[img]baxten__366494.png[/img] [b]Flag[/b] [hr]

[b]Motto: Iustitia et Ordinem[/b] [hr]

[img][/img] [b]Northwest/Central Europe, Horn of Africa, Hawaii, Samoa, Panama[/b] [hr][/center]

[b]Population: NS: 4.4 billion RP: 250 million[/b] [b]-Density: 221[/b] [hr]

[b]Capital and Largest City: Imperial Heights[/b] [hr]

[b]Official Language: French[/b] [hr] [b]National Language: French, German, Dutch[/b] [hr] [b]Demonym: Baxtonian[/b] [hr]

[b]Government:[/b] - Emperor: [url=]Emperor Baxter Beck[/url] [hr]

[b]Establishment:[/b] from France Independence: November 6, 1816 [hr]

[b]Land Area:[/b] 400,039 mile²

                        643,801 km²

Water Area: 6,438 km² Water %: 1% [hr]

[b]Elevation[/b] Highest Point: Mont Blanc Lowest Point: Rhone River [hr]

[b]GDP (nominal): 8.5 trillion Kroner (17 trillion dollars)[/b] [b]GDP (nominal) per capita: 201, 325[/b] [hr]

[b]Human Development Index (2020): [img]11px-Dark_Green_Arrow_Up.png[/img] 0.981 [color=green]very high[/color][/b] [hr]

[b]Currency: Kroner[/b] [hr]

[b]Time Zone: Central European Time Zone[/b] [hr]

[b]Drives on the: Right[/b] [hr]

[b]Calling code: +33[/b] [hr]

[b]Internet TLD: .bax[/b]

[/box][/floatright] [size=200][b]Baxten[/size][/b] [hr]

The Imperial Order of Baxten commonly called Baxten, is an empire in Northwest/Central Europe, Africa, and the Pacific. It is bordered on the north by [nation]Vista Major[/nation], on the south by [nation]Flynnvakia[/nation], by the east by [nation]Huddenbourg[/nation] and [nation]Antioch States[/nation] and on the west by the Atlantic. Baxten covers 643,801 square kilometers and has has an estimated population of 250 million people. Baxten comprises of 50 districts and 50 territories.

Baxten, with one of the largest militaries and economies, is considered one of the world powers of the [region]Commonwealth of Free Nations[/region]. It is the founder and head of the [url=]International Trade Federation[/url], as well as an influential member of the global community. Baxten's sphere of influence is found on every continent, either in former colonies or current territories owned by Baxten. Military bases have been established all around Baxten and in allied terrtories, such as [nation]Markotovia[/nation] and [nation]Aldaur[/nation].

The country itself is very young. Before the Baxtonians were the French, and they were one of the most prosperous nations during its time. However, after the defeat of the skilled Emperor and general Napoleon Bonaparte, the nation couldn't come to terms on a new leader, and so the countries split into two: [nation]Baxten[/nation] and [nation]Flynnvakia[/nation]. A civil war broke out, with no clear victor. Monarchs of Baxten came and went, and the Becks quickly took power. I'm the 1990s, a new republic was established. However, corruption soon settled in, and another civil war broke out. This time, the heir to the Baxtonian throne, Emperor Baxter Beck, came to power, restoring the monarchy and bringing a golden age to Baxten.

[floatleft][box][center]Contents[/center] [url=]1 Etymology[/url] [url=]2 History[/url] [url=]3 Geography[/url] [url=]4 Demographics[/url] [url=]4.1 Population[/url] [url=]4.2 Language[/url] [url=]4.3 Race[/url] [url=]4.4 Largest Cities[/url] [url=]5 Government[/url] [url=]5.1 Foreign Relations and Military[/url] [url=]6 Economy[/url] [url=]7 Culture[/url] [url=]8 Infrastructure[/url] [url=]8.1 Energy[/url] [/box][/floatleft]


The name "Baxten" actually comes from the first Emperor of Baxten, Leon Baxten. However, the Becks quickly took power after Baxten's death, as he had no heirs before his assassination. They named the nation in his honor, and they have kept that name since the country's beginnings. However, some believe it is a reference to the very ancient Bax tribe, who made the first discovered cave drawings. Debate still rages on about how Baxten received it's name.

The standard way to refer to a citizen of Baxten is as a "Baxtonian."


In June 1815, Napoleon was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo by the combined forces of Europe. He had been exiled for the second time, and so the people sought a new leader. Some people wanted a democracy, as to get rid of the Emperor's before them. However, some wanted a great Emperor like Napoleon before he was exiled. This caused a split in France, which formed two nations: The Parisian Kingdom of Northern France and The Democratic Republic or Southern France. The two had tense relations at first, but didn't act upon it at the time. The Emperor of Northern France was Emperor Leon Baxten. He made great strides for the country, taking over Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, Denmark and all of Germany besides Prussia. Of course, the major powers of Europe were not pleased with him, and declared war on the newly founded nation. Leon Baxten was able to repel the forces of England, Prussia, and Russia until a peace treaty was signed. However, Baxten tried to take one very desired country: Southern France. This is considered the First Civil War in Baxten. Both sides were evenly matched, and a stalemate occurred. When the peace treaty was signed, borders were returned to how they were before the war, and much distrust of the two nations remained for decades. A deserter of the Army, who was secretly giving information to Southern Baxten, assassinated Emperor Baxten in 1830. He wasn't able to produce an heir, which caused a war between the most prominent families of Baxten. A new Emperor had to step up to the throne and claim Baxten as their own

Two families, the Montagues and the Becks, were especially powerful. They had control of parts of the Army and Navy, which was a very large advantage. Most of the other families were defeated immediately, and the Montagues and Becks fought for domination. It seemed that, for a while, the Montagues would win the throne. They had set up trenches on the French-Belgium border, and the morale of Beckian soldiers was low. But then, a large battle occurred which changed the tide of the war. This was the Battle of Brussels. The Beckian forces went around Belgium into Luxembourg, Germany, and the Netherlands before finally reaching Belgium. Brussels was the de facto capital of the Montagues, so an attack there would prove disastrous for the Montague family. However, the Beckian soldiers did reach Brussels, and ambushed the city, essentially destroying all order in the Montague's territory. The Becks took advantage of this, and defeated the Montagues on May 6, 1841.

When the Becks took the throne, the first Emperor was Robert Beck. He changed the country name to [nation]Baxten[/nation], as a homage to Leon Baxten, and immediately outlawed slavery. Southern France was renamed [nation]Flynnvakia[/nation] during his time as Emperor, but that was decided by the Flynnvakian leaders. Robert Beck led Baxten through the Industrial Era, where they were a major player, competing with England for the latest technology. In fact, much of the technology Baxten started with was stolen by Baxtonian spies from the British. Emperor Robert I died in 1891. His son, Jonathan Baxten, took the throne after him. He modernized Baxten even more, and gave women equal rights. This would prove well, as Jonathan had an untimely death after a battle with leukemia on November 5, 1900, and his wife, Empress Amidala took the throne. She is known as the War Empress, as she led the country during both World War I and World War II. The Baxtonians defended themselves from the Germans and Nazis, as the Empress had modernized and drastically increased the size of the military. However, she died soon after the defeat of the Nazis, on August 31, 1945. Her son, Felix Beck, who was only 2 at the time of his father's death, took the throne. He built many nuclear missiles in order to protect Baxten from what seemed like an imminent Soviet attack. He also made the military have the largest government funding in the Baxtonian government. He married and had 2 boys. Emperor Felix died on January 29, 1975. His first-born son, Justin Beck, took the throne after him. He led the Second Modernization of Baxten, which saw Baxten become one of the superpowers and most technologically advanced nations in the world. However, the people wanted something more. They wanted a republic.

In 1980, the people of Baxten were asking that a new republic, with a Chancellor, Senate, etc., to be established. The Emperor was at first reluctant. He didn't want to give power to the people, and wanted to keep it for himself. However, his advisors warned that if he didn't give power to the people, they would almost certainly revolt. So, to prevent a revolution, the Emperor stepped down from the throne and helped establish a democratic republic. The people first elected James Herald, who had stabilized the new Baxtonian Republic. After him was Jean Bergeron. He was famous for writing a new constitution and having a large part in the making of the Republican Code, which was a law code for the republic. After him, however, came Isaac Fardeu. He is considered the worst leader for Baxten, as he did nothing good for the Republic. In fact, after his term, he was found guilty of embezzlement. He was impeached and kicked out of office. A new election took place, and Baxten elected its greatest leader of all time: Daniel Hilliard

Daniel Hilliard was born to English immigrants in rural Normandy. He was very popular in his school, being very good at debate, leadership, and politics in general. Daniel went to law school, and graduated with a doctorate in Law after 12 years of college He was very popular, and so when he ran for governor of Normandy, he won in a landslide. He made a name for himself when he prevented what seemed like an imminent recession in Normandy. After that, he ran for the Senate under the Liberal Party. He was a major player in the Senate, and he eventually ran for Chancellor. He won in a landslide against the very weak Conservative Party, which had been disgraced by Isaac Fardeu. Chancellor Hilliard first put in environmental reforms, making Baxten one of the cleanest and environmentally stunning nations. He then endorsed and paid for the arts, which drastically increased tourism. It made Baxten the place for artist, musicians, and all other types of people. He also reformed the economy, and drastically increased the economic standing of Baxten. All of this made Baxten have one of the highest HDI ratings. By the time Hilliard had served his two terms, Baxten had become a global leader in almost all aspects. He is the greatest leader that Baxten has ever had.

After Daniel Hilliard's terms, things went downhill. Baxten had many lackluster leaders that did nothing good for the country. Corruption became widespread, and the people knew it. They knew that their precious republic had failed, and so the Third Baxtonian Civil War occurred. This time, a sergeant-turned-general of the Rebel forces Baxter Beck had led the rebellion under the pretense that the Imperial Throne would be restored, and that he would regain control. It was discovered that he was a direct descendant of the Emperors of Baxten, and so he valiantly led the people to fight against the corrupt Republicans. The Civil War ended in only two years, and the rebel forces took Imperial Heights, then known as Acadia. The Imperial Order of Baxten was established, with Emperor Baxter Beck at the helm.

The Emperor is considered a light ruler, letting the people voice their opinion and even writing bills to be sent to the Emperor. He has expanded Baxten beyond Greater Baxten, to the Horn of Africa, Hawaii, Samoa, and Panama. He has done like Chancellor Hilliard, promoting the arts and increasing tourism in Baxten drastically. He has built many grand palaces for himself, and has reformed the nation completely. He has also overlooked the creation of the International Trade Federation, and has made Baxten's military the largest in the world. Emperor Baxter Beck has truly brought Baxten into the Global Age.


Baxten has different types of geographical features. On one side of the country are large mountains, and one the other side are fertile plains. The plains that are around the country are usually utilized as farms, and in the mountains are mines and sometimes tourist destinations. The tundra area is a very secretive area. No one really knows what goes on there, and many conspiracies involving the area are present. In the African colony, many beaches and desert area are present. In Hawaii, Samoa, and Panama, the geography is very tropical.

The climate is usually moderate in the southern areas to cold in the northern areas. Almost all the land is habitable, besides the tundra and extremely mountainous areas. This also means that there is lots of fertile land, and farms are scattered all around Baxtem.

The Baxtonian environment is one of the most beautiful in the entire world, with many lush forested areas and beautiful coast. This attracts lots of different people, both immigrants and tourist. The Baxtonian government has spent lots of money to protect the environment. They've established national parks all around the country, and do the best they can to help the environment.

[floatright][img]western_europe_physical_map.jpg[/img] Geographical Map [img]copyright-french-moments-alsace-wine-route-3.jpg[/img] Baxtonian Plains with Village[/floatright]


[b][u][anchor=Pop]Population[/anchor][/b][/u] The population of Baxten is 250 million, with many diverse backgrounds. This is due to the imperial expansion of Baxten, which has also caused immigration to Baxten, where colonial people find a better opportunity for themselves. Immigration in general is high in Baxten, and many people move to the suburbs or smaller cities besides te capital.

The population average income is a staggering 101,000 Kroner, which is about 202,000 dollars. Baxten is considered one of the richest countries in the world. That is another reason that immigration is high. Most people would be considered liberal, but almost everyone does accept the Emperor as the true, legitimate leader.

[u][b][anchor=Lan]Language[/anchor][/b][/u] Most Baxtonian people speak either French or German, with French being the official language of the government and business. German is spoken in the eastern parts of the empire, and French and German are used pretty evenly in the area. In the colonies, French is used, as well as the local tribal languages. Panama is a special case, as they also speak Spanish, as well as French. Hawaii and American Samoa speak English, French, and tribal languages and the Horn of Africa colony speaks French and tribal languages.


The majority of Baxtonian citizens, including the Emperor, are atheist. However, the major religions of Baxten are Argentism and Orthodox Shirleyism, with Argentism winning very slightly over Shirleyism. [url=2000px-Scientology-Kreuz.svg.png]Argentism[/url] says that the Archangel Argentium came down and defeated Satan, saving us from the sin and death. [url=957ec553e42b5053befe87f752fe281e.jpg]Orthodox Shirleyism[/url] states that the God-Mother by the name of Shirley has come down and spared us from the wrath of the great gods called the Moderators.

[u][b][anchor=Race]Race[/anchor][/b][/u] Baxten comprises of many different types of races. French and Germanic people are relatively even. After them is Hispanics and Pacific Islanders. After them is Arab people. Baxten has an extremely diverse population, filled with many cultures.

[u][b][anchor=City]Largest Cities[/anchor][/b][/u] [table][tr][td]Rank[/td][td]City[/td][td]Metro area population[/td][td]State[/td][/tr] [tr][td]1[/td][td]Imperial Heights[/td][td]8,897,623[/td][td]Imperial District[/td][/tr] [tr][td]2[/td][td]Amsterdam[/td][td]1,113,792[/td][td]District 14[/td][/tr] [tr][td]3[/td][td]Brussels[/td][td]964,405[/td][td]District 9[/td][/tr] [tr][td]4[/td][td]Hamburg[/td][td]916,775[/td][td]District 21[/td][/tr] [tr][td]5[/td][td]Luxembourg[/td][td]899,745[/td][td]District 19[/td][/tr] [tr][td]6[/td][td]Cologne[/td][td]885,764[/td][td]District 20[/td][/tr] [tr][td]7[/td][td]Copenhagen[/td][td]678,995[/td][td]District 15[/td][/tr] [tr][td]8[/td][td]Antwerp[/td][td]587,773[/td][td]District 7[/td][/tr] [tr][td]9[/td][td]Lyon[/td][td]484,344[/td][td]District 2[/td][/tr] [tr][td]10[/td][td]Toulouse[/td][td]441,802[/td][td]District 1[/td][/tr][/table] [b][u][size=150][anchor=Govt]Government[/anchor][/b][/u][/size]

The government of Baxten is an imperial system, with Emperor Baxter Beck as the sole ruler. However, he allows people to propose bills and he is known to sign many of them. He also has a Council of Advisors, who help him when it comes to making specific decisions for the nation. The nation is also divided between districts, and there is one advisor per district. This is so everyone gets some representation by having one of their own becoming an advisor, even if they are appointed. There is also a system of judges, with city, district, then federal courts.

[b][u][anchor=FRM]Foreign Relations and Military[/anchor][/b][/u]

Baxten is a part of [region]The Commonwealth of Free Nations[/region] and the World Assembly. They have a major presence, with spheres of influence around the globe. Many nations are in awe of Baxtonian culture and military might. They fear the nation, which is why Baxten has a large presence not just in Europe, but everywhere across the globe. They has embassies in almost every country around the world. Most embassies are armed with [url=slider2_07.png]guards[/url] with pistols and submarine guns. Most [url=63_big.jpg]embassies[/url] have a modern building type, with guards at the door and around the embassy. The staff for most embassies is around 15 people. Transportation for embassy workers usually consist of [url=hqdefault.jpg]armored SUVs[/URL] for ambassadors, and personal cars for anyone else. Only a few embassies have a civilian class helicopter. Below is a chart of immunity for embassy workers.

[table][tr][td][b]Subject[/b][/td][td][b]May be arrested or detained[/b][/td][td][b]Residence may be entered subject to ordinary procedures[/b][/td][td][b]May be issued traffic ticket[/b][/td][td][b]May be subpoenaed as witness[/b][/td][td][b]May be prosecuted[/b][/td][/tr][tr][td][b]Ambassador or equivalent[/b][/td][td]No[/td][td]No[/td][td]No[/td][td]No[/td][td]No[/td][/tr][tr][td][b]Member of embassy administrative or technical staff[/b][/td][td]No[/td][td]No[/td][td]Yes[/td][td]No[/td][td]No[/td][/tr][tr][td][b]Member of embassy service staff[/b][/td][td]Yes[/td][td]Yes[/td][td]Yes[/td][td]Yes[/td][td]No for official acts. Otherwise, yes[/td][/tr][tr][td][b]Career consular officers[/b][/td][td]Yes, if for a felony and pursuant to a warrant.[/td][td]Yes[/td][td]Yes[/td][td]No, for official acts. Testimony may not be compelled in any case.[/td][td]No for official acts. Otherwise, yes[/td][/tr][tr][td][b]Honorary consular officers[/b][/td][td]Yes[/td][td]Yes[/td][td]Yes[/td][td]No, for official acts. Yes, in all other cases[/td][td]No for official acts. Otherwise, yes[/td][/tr][tr][td][b]Consular employees[/b][/td][td]Yes[/td][td]Yes[/td][td]Yes[/td][td]No, for official acts. Yes, in all other cases[/td][td]No for official acts. Otherwise, yes[/td][/tr][/table]

[b]Imperial Order of Baxten - Baxtonian Imperial Military[/b]

Info: Baxten's military, with a personnel number of 2.7 million, is one of the largest and strongest militaries in the world. The military has been a fundamental part of Baxten since the creation of the Empire. They are highly organized and highly trained, as they must keep up with the other militaries of the world. Baxten has some of the most modern technology in the military, with new weapons coming out frequently. It is safe to say that the Imperial Military is a force to be reckoned with.

Size: 2.7 million personnel (825,000 infantry, 240,000 Navy, 240,000 Air Force, 50,000 Special Forces, 75,000 Imperial Guard, 60,000 paratroorpers, 1.2 million reserves), 4500 Armored Gunner Vehicles (AGV), 45 submarines, 3 hospital ships, 1000 amphibious assault vehicles, 5 amphibious assault ships, 6 amphibious transport docks, 5 nuclear submarines, 20 cruisers, 55 destroyers, 200 armed dinghies, 4 aircraft carriers (including the Executor), 3000 battle tanks (1000 M1A2 Abrams, 1000 Leopard 2A5s, 500 AMX Leclarcs, and 500 Challenger 2s), 1000 amphibious/light tanks, 2000 Buzzards, 1000 Heavy Helicopters, 600 fighter jets, 400 stealth bombers, 200 drones, 100 transport planes, and 1 superjet (Colossus)



[img]51j2OYqc-aL.jpg[/img] Average Infantry and Standard Helmet

[img][/img] Navy Personnel

[img]1.jpg[/img] Air Force Pilot

[img]sam_fisher_by_jitterbugie-d30knz5.jpg[/img] Special Forces

[img]B-2nYAdWwAA9GGt.jpg[/img] Paratrooper

[img]600px-07_Royal_Marines_Montevideo_Jan1972.jpg[/img] Imperial Guard[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Land Vehicles][img]maxresdefault.jpg[/img] AGV

[img]1516423.jpg[/img] Amphibious Assault Vehicle

[img]7vKfl9HDfaU.jpg[/img] Light Tank

[img]SAf3nVfzQb8.jpg[/img] M1A2 Abrams

[img]Leopard_2a5_main_battle_tank_Germany_German_army_defense_industry_military_technology_640_002.jpg[/img] Leopard 2A5

[img]640px-Leclerc-openphotonet_PICT5993.JPG[/img] AMX Leclarc

[img]3d102765e363cf9ef36e4f5a01a92cd8.jpg[/img] Challenger 2[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Battleships][img][/img] Armed Dinghy

[img][/img] Cruiser

[img]640px-100120-N-4995K-038_The_Military_Sealift_Command_hospital_ship_USNS_Comfort_is_anchored_off_the_coast_of_Haiti_to_support_Operation_Unified_Response.jpg[/img] Hospital Ship

[img]almanya-denizaltilarin-teslimindeki-gecikme-icin-6957020_x_1704_o.jpg[/img] Submarine

[img]16_4.jpg[/img] Nuclear Submarine

[img]amphibious.jpg[/img] Amphibious Ship

[img]usa-hii-gets-advance-procurement-contract-for-amphibious-transport-dock-lpd-27.jpg[/img] Amphibious Loading Dock

[img]9-image008-2834-29-1388395157111.jpg[/img] Aircraft Carrier

[img]sR5lcP0.png[/img] [i]Executor[/i][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Aircraft][img]0_11.jpg[/img] Buzzard

[img]1433603675_2015-06-06_00008.jpg[/img] Heavy Attack Chopper

[img]WzvHvXZ.png[/img] Fighter Jet

[img]CUPQTEhUkAApdIz.jpg[/img] Stealth Bomber

[img]ac130frt.jpg[/img] Transport Plane

[img][/img] Colossus[/spoiler]


[floatright][box] [center][b][u]Economic Indicators[/b][/u][/center] [b]Rank: 1[/b] [b]Currency: Kroner[/b] [b]Fiscal Year: Februrary 1-January 29[/b] [hr] [b]GDP (nominal): $16,453,762,524,783[/b] [b]GDP (nominal) per capita:$ 201,564[/b] [b]Labor Force: 134 million[/b] [b]Unemployment: 1.9%[/b] [/floatright][/box]

The economy of Baxten is one of the strongest in the world. The economy is largely due to Tourism, IT, and Arms Manufacturing. The people of Baxten are very rich compared to the rest of the world. The economic system is like the Nordic economic systems, and it has proved very good for the Baxtonian economy.


Baxtonian culture is some of the most influential in the world. They hold some of the finest artwork and most beautiful buildings of the world. [url=]Imperial Heights[/url] is considered one of the most cultured cities in the world. It combines modern building style with classic, Mediterranean style. The city houses many famous pieces of art in the Louvre and the National Museum of the Arts.


Most of Baxten's cities are organized similarly. A very large transit system runs across the whole nation which includes [url=1-Texas-Central-Rail-high-speed-train-rail-March-2014_112425.jpg]high-speed rails[/URL], [url=Stuttgart_Airport_Interior_2005-06-02.jpg]luxurious stations[/URL], and low prices. Cities are usually mixed with futuristic and classic buildings, with an efficient road system.

[b][u][anchor=Energy]Energy[/anchor][/b][/u] Most energy is provided through geothermal, solar, wind, and a small amount of [url=JETs-fusion-reactor-007.jpg]fusion power[/url]. The energy surplus is stored in energy storage facilities, which is like a humongous generator that doesn't need gas. In fact, the energy surplus is so large that if all Baxtonian power went out, the energy could provide for the nation for almost a decade.