Nation/The New English Commonwealth

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The New English Commonwealth is a small nation, seated in between The United States and Canada, northeastern as it can be and still be caught in the middle. It consists of 6 states; Maine. Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. It's an intensely democratic nation, whose founders and citizens hold their political freedoms sacrosanct, and use their abundant ability in legislation to grant every persons equal treatment in all effects. The NEC has been praised as the best nation in The New Union World Order for civil rights. They've constantly had troubles with their economy, but, it's been getting better recently due to efforts by current, and beloved, Prime Minister, William O'Connor. Recently, The NEC was elected the WA Delegate for the New Union World Order, and national officials have spake that they wish to use their new influence to cause sweeping democratic reform for the region, extending the political rights they enjoy in their home to the rest of their known world.