2019 Kyrlot Arachnist Expansion

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Arachnism, named after its leading figure, the former dictator of Zreiru'a, Elwin Arachne, is the name given to a wide variety of different ideologies that revolve around the central idea of a united Borea, typically achieved by force. Although not strictly a necessary part of the ideology, many Arachnist figures and political parties, such as the Soldiers Guild in Kyrloth and, until recently, Unity in Kireitarenu'a, are also very authoritarian, totalitarian, and militaristic, leading some political commentators to label Arachnism as a fascist ideology.

Following the 2019 Kyrloth General Election, in which the Soldiers' Guild won an absolute majority of seats in the House of Debate, Kirrhion Sinter Tass embarked on two successive wars against Kyrloth's neighbours, Kireitarenu'a and Izria, both of which ended in decisive victory, and annexation.

2019 Kyrlot Expansion

Other Modern Arachnist Conflicts

  • 1992: Izrian-Kireitan Border Skirmish
  • 1974: Kyrlot War of Restitution
  • 1963: Kotari Invasion of Kyrloth
  • 1919: May 1919 Kireitan Coup
  • 1918: Collapse of Zreiru'a