Fluviquean National Anthem

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The Fluvique National Anthem was originally written in 1812 by Marius Martin following orders of the First Consulate (that also made official the tricolour flag and the name Provinces of the Yellow River). It's use spread in the first years after the revolution, especially during the War of Independence and in the official acts of the new country

After the Independence in 1821, the hymn was forgotten and was fully missed during the Civil Wars, as both Confederates and Republicans discarded it due to it "soft lyrics". In 1871 the country became a constitutional monarchy and it seemed necessary to unite a divided society after almost half of a century of civil wars. The national symbols were renewed and revalorized and a national anthem was a key issue. The original lyrics were rescued, altough the music was fixed and performed for the first time in the 81st anniversary of the April Revolution and the National Anthem Day is a public holiday since 1920.

Originally named "Ode to the homeland", singing the entire anthem lasts from 3:51 to 3:55 minutes. The lyrics depict the geography and the natural beauties of Fluvique. Nowadays only the first strophe is sung in all the official acts, schools and sports events.


According to the legend Marius Martin was a lawyer member of the local aristocracy and lived at Retuille hotel, in the Little Angels boulevard, near the Arms square (the nowadays April square) When he heard the revolution, he left behind his customs and decided to join the patriotic cause. He dressed up and took part in the militia, helping in the construction of barricades, before being injured in combat and admitted to the field hospital created in the square. At the next day, when the local forces were threatening the british army entrenched in the fort and he was still convalescing, he asked for paper and ink to write a letter to his father and tell him what happened but, inspired by the revolution, he wrote a short letter that became the outline of the Fluviquean National Anthem.


Only the first verse is sung today in Fluvique. The following is the official version released from the Fluviquean Ministry for Culture. Verses sung in the contemporary version of the anthem are in bold.

O my glorious homeland
Beautiful land of mine
From your glaciers and pink mountains
To your golden and calm shores
Crystalline creeks and splendid forests
And green plains kissed by sunshine

O my glorious homeland
Beautiful land of mine
O my glorious homeland
Beautiful land of mine!