Ludwig II von Lorensberg

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Ludwig II, Prince von Lorensberg (1800-1877) was a Braslander nobleman. He was the son of Prince Franz Hubertus von Lorensberg.

In 1828 he married Countess Maria Eusebia von Lichtenberg. They had children: Theresia (born 1829) and August (born 1830). Maria Eusebia died in childbirth.

In 1831 Ludwig remarried to Princess Eloise von Hohenburg. They had five children: Monika (born 1832), Anna Eleonora (born 1833), Karl Alfred (born 1834), Wilhelm (born and died 1835) and Marie Valerie (born 1837). Their marriage was very difficult and they were both unfaithful. They separated in 1841 and Eloise moved to Schloss Bandern with the children, while Ludwig remained in Markund with his two children from his first marriage. In Bandern, Eloise scandalized society by living openly with her lover, an officer five years her junior called Klaus von Mühring. Ludwig, humiliated, sent her to a convent, from which she was rescued by her lover. They escaped to Ostis, but Ludwig challenged Klaus to a duel and killed him. Eloise went mad and Ludwig locked her in one of his rural residences. She died in 1856.

Ludwig never remarried and he spent most of his time at Schloss Hartenburg, where he hunted and climbed the mountains.