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Ok. Hi. I don't know why you're reading this. I don't know what to write all up in herrrr. So, ah, I guess you can just keep reading everything that I'm writing. I hope I can edit this later. That would be a little embarrassing if I couldn't... I'll just keep typing as though I can edit it later. For some odd reason, you're reading this and I can't figure out why. I mean, I told you I don't know what to write here. I'm just going to keep rambling on until I get tired of rambling. Some Wikipedia pages are so long. How in the world do people have the dedication to sit down and type like 40000 words on a blue whale. I guess that whoever did that must really like whales or must've been paid handsomely to do it. Why are you reading this? Even I would rather not be reading this. Hey, want to make a bet? I bet that from the time you read the first word of this to the end of this, I'll have wasted a small portion of your life. You're welcome by the way. Ok, I think I'm done.♣♣♣♣♣