Nation/Al Khem

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Khem, sometimes known as The Khem or Al'Khem, is an archipelago nation organized upon a strict caste system, the result of generations of selective breeding. Civil unrest is high among the working poor and whispers of rebellion circle the slums. The wealthy Librarians, the caste at the top of Khem society, control nearly everything and live extravagantly, though they appear to many observers to be losing their grip on reality. Da'Kavo, a slave soldier caste, patrol the streets at night, leaving a trail of "disappeared" people in their wake. The craftsman, a builder caste, design and live comfortable, simple lives for themselves. Tension is mounting on these fertile islands, as sacred religious orders drift off into heresy, a sect known only as the "Shadow Library" fights among itself, and even the Da'Kavo splinter in schism. Al'Khem is an archipelago nation with a tropical rainforest climate on the central islands and a wet mediterranean climate on the outlying islands. It is a multicultural nation, consisting mainly of ethnic Khems, Ozians, Jutensans, Lycanthropes, Harad, and Austrasians. Despite widespread poverty in the lower castes, an abundance of food ensures no Khem goes hungry.