Nation/Democratic Socialist Saxony

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The Fall Of Rome 476 A.D.

The end of one nation and the beginning of a new [nation=shortnoflag]Democratic Socialist Saxony[/nation], the day of independence. The imperialistic ways of Rome seemed unstoppable. Our kingdom like many were forced to be a part of an empire we did not want to be a part of. Our national spirit called out for freedom from tyranny. Our nationalism like many others helped lead to the downfall of Rome.

However it wasn't enough, soon King Saxon was leading his men to battle one of the fiercest armies of the time, The Persian Empire. A fierce empire in which embroiled the Kingdom of Saxon with war for 26 Years of endless battles. In the end however, the Kingdom of Saxon owned modern-day Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. The Kingdom was far from peace, however, and soon after the death of King Saxon a civil war broke out between the Christians and the Islamic peoples, a war that lasted another 8 years with both sides in a stalemate, finally ending due too the destruction of the Kingdom and the suffering of war, finally brought an end to the conflict.

The treaty of power is what caused the formation of the Christian Democratic Party and the Socialist Islamic Party, but this treaty of power brought on a new type of government lead by the people for the people and thus the nation Democratic Socialist Saxony formed. Democracy brought freedom and the guarantee of basic human rights to all. And most important about the end of the creation of this government was the promise of everlasting neutrality of peace to all.

To this day it is one of the greatest fundamental beliefs taught in Democratic Socialist Saxony. We will fight for our independence and freedom. And we will lead knowing that war is never a winning option, only a destructive one. Many are greater than one, and democracy is more than one.

Democratic Socialist Saxony has risen from the ashes of war and conflict. The key to Democratic Socialist Saxony rise is the unity between the parties, the united coalition is the key to the success of the Democratic Socialist Saxony.