Nation/Greater fascist socialist napoli

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Greater Fascist Socialist Napoli is a major nation in The Union Communist Fascist states, it's capital is Sorrento, an underground city and currently has 3 puppet nations. The puppet nations, churchill gun carrier, communist raglafart and DASHKA, the nation is the founder of international communist currency, the CommEuro which is used by many nations especially in The Union Communist Fascist states. Greater Fascist Socialist Napoli is generally thought to be the best nation in the Union of Communist States(SoKoG) and has one of the highest drug use levels in the world, scoring 368 on the census. the flag of Greater Fascist Socialist Napoli is a tricolour flag with vertical bands of brown (hoist side) white and pink, on the bottom part of the section of pink there is a yellow hammer and sickle. Also it is recommended by the owner of this nation to join CommEuro, as telegrams are written to nations by churchill gun carrier to join. The national anthem of Greater Fascist Socialist Napoli is 'The Mighty Quinn' by Manfred Mann, in Italian.

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