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The Great Peoples's Jamahariyah of Hajirah is a nation which is a member of the New Warsaw Pact.It's capital city is Zoukrani and it is ruled by Brotherly leader and Guide of the Hajiran Revolution,Omar al-Habaji.

The flag of the People's Republic of Hajirah is identical to that used by the now defunct Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahariyah,a plain green flag reflects the ideology of the Hajiran nation and "The Green Book" from which it is derived.

The ideological basis of The Great People's Jamahariyah of Hajirah. The ideology of the Hajiran nation is that which is described in the green book,also know as the third universal theory.It promotes tolerance and curbs private ownership in favour of public ownership of the nation's assets.It ascribes the concept of direct democracy through popular conferences and people's committees as a means to allow it's people to participate in internal political affairs.The state supports it's people and fervently denounces the capitalist system.In practice it is closest to the concept of Socialism albeit with direct democracy integrated into the system.

The Hajiran attitude towards communism Communism as a system is an improvement over that of capitalism yet is still inherently flawed.Communism has a vanguard communist party to supposedly "guide" the revolution,yet all it does is herd the people into a homogeneous apparatus which stifles the opinions of the individuals within it thereby allowing the majority to rule (quite plausibly only 51% of the population) over the minority (which can be up to 49% of the population),this is obviously not true equality.The communist state enforces atheism,often through violence,it is religion however that often transcends ethnic boundaries and unites otherwise opposed groups.Therefore banning religion is equivalent to banning the unity of the people and as a result is a dictatorial act which should not be stood for.Though the Hajiran nation criticises communism it is more than happy to fraternise with communist states,mostly due to sharing a common enemy (In most cases capitalism) and due to having a vaguely similar goal (that is achieving equality of the people as a whole). .

Hajirah and the New Warsaw Pact Workingmen's Congress On the 18th of March 2015,seeking to increase co-operation with fellow socialist states,the General People's Congress of the Great People's Jamahariyah of Hajirah applied to join and was admitted to the New Warsaw Pact Workingmen's congress.Omar al-Habaji,brotherly leader and guide of the revolution anounced on state television that this event (the creation of the New Warsaw Pact Workingmen's congress) heralded a new era for socialism in the 21st century and appointed Abdul al-Misri as Hajirah's representative in the Workingmen's Congress.

Hajirah and the New Warsaw Pact Trade Federation On the 29th of March 2015,Hajirah applied to join and was admitted to the New Warsaw Pact Trade Federation.During an address to the public on state television,Brotherly Leader Omar al-Habaji proclaimed that the day shall mark a new era for the economies of both Hajirah and the New Warsaw Pact.He also appointed Hassan al-Maghrebi as Hajirah's representative to the Trade Federation.During his speech,al-Habaji also advocated the creation of a tariff free trade zone for State and Federation approved goods between members of the Trade Federation.He also stressed the necessity of combating smugglers and advocated a joint effort by the Federation to eradicate smuggling.