Nation/The United Irish Empire

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The Kingdom of The United Irish Empire is a tiny, socially progressive nation, remarkable for its compulsory military service and suspicion of poets. The hard-nosed, hard-working, democratic population of 16 million Irishmen enjoy a sensible mix of personal and economic freedoms, while the political process is open and the people's right to vote held sacrosanct.

The relatively small, outspoken government juggles the competing demands of Defense, Education, and Welfare. The average income tax rate is 9.5%, but much higher for the wealthy.

The strong an Irishman economy, worth 1.18 trillion Spuds a year, is broadly diversified and led by the Arms Manufacturing industry, with significant contributions from Information Technology, Tourism, and Retail. Average income is 73,514 Spuds, and evenly distributed, with the richest citizens earning only 2.6 times as much as the poorest.

Stony-faced prosecutors play loud gangster rap music during court proceedings, school teachers check the staff room for hidden webcams before complaining about rebellious students, in distant lands the nation is known as a lovely place that was even better in the good old days, and nobody is allowed to stop the local daycare from reading Nietzsche to pre-schoolers. Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown. The United Irish Empire's national animal is the Leprechaun.

The United Irish Empire is ranked 74,880th in the world and 12th in Parmaetheus for Nudest, with 132.75 Cheeks Per Square Mile.