Nation/dus osts

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Dus Osts

The Democratic Republic of Dus Osts is a massive, cultured nation, ruled by Prime Minister White with a fair hand, and renowned for its ubiquitous missile silos, aversion to nipples, and pith helmet sales. The hard-nosed, hard-working, democratic, devout population of 36,235,890 Dus Ostis are effectively ruled by a group of massive corporations, who run for political office and provide their well-off citizens with world-class goods and services. Their poorer citizens, however, are mostly starving to death while being urged to go out and get real jobs. The populace has reasonably extensive civil rights, although these are mostly aimed at allowing them to buy whatever they like.

The relatively small, corrupt government juggles the competing demands of Law & Order, Defense, and Education. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Kolmainsus. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 7.3%.

The all-consuming Dus Osti economy, worth 266 trillion Gelders a year, is broadly diversified and led by the Arms Manufacturing industry, with major contributions from Retail, Woodchip Exports, and Book Publishing. Average income is an impressive 140,128 Gelders, but there is a large disparity between incomes, with the richest 10% of citizens earning 564,735 per year while the poor average 23,238, a ratio of 24.3 to 1.

Politicians accost strangers in the street to ask their problems, 'The Anti-Government Hour' is a popular programme on many of Dus Osts's radio stations, factory workers offered 20-hour shifts are expected to thank their bosses for the wonderful opportunity, and the government sends submarines to retrieve bodies from shipwrecked submarines. Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown, thanks to a capable police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Dus Osts's national animal is the fox, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation, and its national religion is Christianity.


It is important to recognize that Dus Osts was founded in response to many neighboring countries succumbing to the influence of Communism. Two men, Eugen Kramer (1871-1965) and Hans Lange (1887-1969).

Eugen Kramer was born on April 3, 1871 to a large, wealthy family who lived in what was technically unincorporated as any country. The land was largely unexplored as Kramer's great-grandfather discovered the land and never left his 18,000 square miles of land. The land was left undiscovered after a lake that fed a river was drained and created a harsh desert-ring which nobody ever bothered to explore inside of, they assumed it was just desert inside as well. After a few years of figuring out a way to leave the desert ring, Eugen Kramer finally left the settlement, headed for civilization, and college, via a ten foot wide stream that supplied just enough water to survive. Being a "Stranger in a Strange Land" upon his arrival to university, he was quick to explain where he came from and made quite a few friends. He wrote a newspaper and studied philosophy at university and finished eight years' worth of college in only three years. By this time, around the summer of 1897, he had gained quite a following for his drastic conservative and capitalistic ideas that contrasted views of communist thinkers of the area. His return home included about 350 people who all settled in the land before the stream that aided travelers in leaving and entering dried up again.

One of these men was Hans Lange, an eleven-year-old boy who ran away from home to "make something of himself" out in the promised land of the time. When a series of several tornadoes ripped through the land in 1899, Lange's house and farm were destroyed. He and a group of other displaced settlers went further West to a mountainous region. Many of the travelers, including Lange, said they saw the trinity before them when they reached a spot. The group of 50 men and boys constructed a church on the spot and dedicated the land, calling it "Kolmainsus" and the land they came from "Easdon". In 1900, the population of the area had reached 10,000. It was eligible for sovereignty as a third-degree nation. (Each degree refers to influence in the world, a first degree nation is what one would think of as an actual nation. Third degree nations have no government, merely laws and territory.) The title of the area was decided upon as Kramersburg and the Kolmainsus kept its name. The two states had friendly relations and Lange became good friends with Kramer, who was becoming a big influencer in Kramersburg. In 1920, the commission of sovereignty declared that if either of these to nations could multiply its area by five and increase the population by ten, they may get full nation status. In December of 1920, Kolmainsus and Kramersburg officially combined under the joint-name "Kolmersburg". They had developed the government, with Lange as the first official Prime Minister (It is an untold truth that he was merely a puppet of Kramer). Kramer became the head commander of the Kolmersburg Militia and he went on three conquests to increase the size of the nation. The first, to the North, where he conquered groups of fur trappers and forced them into work. He then moved over to the Warding region that was a large desert, he set up weapons factories to aid in production. Over time, the large area of Sackten was slowly acquired and little happened until 1964 when Rasmus Mark overthrew the government and personally executed Kramer. Lange went into hiding and died of old age in 1969. Around this time, E.T. White learned of the state of his nation and became very interested in politics. Inspired by the story of Lange, he ran from home at the age of 12 and was accepted into a prestigious private school that he paid for himself by working in an automobile factory on the weekends. He had no house, little food, and relied heavily on friends to share books with him. He inspired people to rise against the extreme dictatorial government and led a group of rebels to attack the gates of the Ministral palace where they were able to overtake the guards and kill everyone inside. The government went through restructuring and was officially a democracy again in 2004. E.T. White ran for the position and was elected, he currently is serving his second of three allowed terms.


Prime Minister: E.T. White

Vice Minister: Jugen Kraus Sr.

Speaker of Defense: General Dmitri Mann

Speaker of Public Services: Maria Green

Speaker of the Treasury: Hans Lange Jr.

Curator of Records: Gloria Sparder

Chairman of the House of Electors: Bernard Johnson

Dus Ostis Against Terrorism

Terrorism is considered a huge problem in the world to all Dus Ostis. Dus Osts takes a firm stance against terror, on June 22 each year, all citizens must take a test to make sure they are still loyal to their country. Anyone who fails the test will be interrogated. All airports have security directed by a branch of the Dus Osti military called the DOCTS (Dus Osti Counter Terrorism Sector) DOCTS members working at airports search each person flying. All baggage is also searched and flyers must present proof that they passed the Dus Osti allegiance test. Flyers may bypass this if they have a foreign passport. All planes have three DOCTS members on board as well as armed pilots and co-pilots. In public, 3 out of every 10 people are DOCTS undercover operatives. Every major city has security cameras, metal detectors, and a 100 person bomb squad. All firearms must be registered amnd gun manufacturers in Dus Osts are required to install tracking devices on every gun. In the 20 years the DOCTS has been in operation, they have stopped over 130 attempted terror attacks. In Dus Osti history since the founding of the DOCTS, terrorist attacks have claimed only three lives,