Nation/The Yahya

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The Yahya
The Yahya Flag
"Humans are like sheep, they must be guided"
Population 5.114 billion
Demonym Yahyaran
Official Languages Jahta = 96.4%
Keizaalan = 3.2%
Capital City Numbulia
Highest Elevation Katze's Peak: 3,427 m
Land Area 661,440 km²
Total 887 trillion Uraniums
Per Capita 173,549 Uraniums
WA Classification Authortarian Democracy
Emperor The Yahya
Council Members Katya Jahtor, Bruns Schmend, Janko Fliecht, Hans Lunder, Vanja Savord, Rollo Blindskar, Lagatha Freja
Ethnic Groups
Yahyaran 98.6%
Abdulian 0.6%
Motherian 0.4%
Domanian 0.2%
Other 0.2%
WA Statistics
HDI 96 (very high)
Authortarianism 2.589
Defence Forces 498
Scientific Advancement 231
Religiousness 356
Currency Uranium
Major Industries Information Technology
Arms Manufacturing


The Yahya is a powerful nation within Keizaal with a strong defence force and advanced technological understanding. The empire is ruled by the iron fist of its self-declared god, The Yahya. Worship is enforced by an all-pervasive police force as well as a well-funded religious education program taught its many schools. The empire is divided into seven provinces; Yahyaria, Sandurlund, Hattlund, Blauturlund, Reitsvathe, Strondsvathe and Lagurlund. The Yahya borders 3 nations, Shakuriya, Shaakur and Dorso; all nations that belong to the Kingdom of Greater Abdul.

The large government focuses its spending on Law & Order, Defense, and Education. The income tax rate is 100% so these areas are funded by practically all of the empire's GDP. The Empire of The Yahya is also notable for its strict environmental policy which has granted it the position of having the greatest environmental beauty and weather of Keizaal. The Yahya is also remarkable for its large defence force, being close to three times bigger than its closest competitor Defendis.

The empire has close economic ties with the Kingdom of Greater Abdul, especially Abdul. Most trade deals with information technology and book publishing, however, there is also a tourism partnership organised by the Yahyaran government and Royal Shakur Airways. The Empire of The Yahya is also assisting Allahs Domain through its economic depression with bilateral aid. Conversely, the empire has very poor international relations with more capitalist nations such as Muricaaa and The Bogan Attack Squad. The empire has also developed quite egregious relations with Origin with some followers of the oppugnant religions killing in ideologically driven conflict.


The Yahya is a word derived directly from himself and it's understood from religious texts to be from a language of the Eternal Dimension. The empire's demonym, Yahyaran, is from joining of the word "Yahya" and the old Jahta suffix, "ran" meaning "people of".
