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Founder PK Thunder
WA Delegate America in Space
Members 1
 -  of which WA 0
Regional population
 -  2014 estimate 2 billion
Regional HDI 0.520
Region page

Onett is a minuscule region, inhabited by a sole nation.

The straight-backed, broad-smiling populace of Onett eagerly dismissed concerns of oppression. Nations in the region are considered developing democracies, with some political freedoms afforded to denizens. Economies in the region tend to be stronger than average. Denizens suffer under an enormous tax burden throughout the region, with a median tax rate of 69%, and much higher for the wealthy. The region is a workers' paradise, as the governments of the region control nearly all of the economic output. Stoking commercial activity is a major priority for governments, accounting for an average of 8% of public expenditure.

Education is a priority for governments throughout Onett, with ample funding being provided and teachers enjoying a great deal of support. Crime is low: the region enjoys well-equipped and well-funded police forces, coupled with efficient but fair judicial systems. Denizens have well-funded defense forces. Public transport is a popular mode of transport in the region, receiving on average of 6% of total government budgets.

Throughout Onett, governments find themselves confused, with administration departments being so bloated that staff do not know what other staff are doing, with an average of over 9% of government budgets being devoted to Administration. Governments bestow their healthcare departments with a gargantuan amount of funding, with an average of 13% of government budgets across the region being heaped on to healthcare. Welfare is a large part of government expenditure, with denizens amply provided for. Governments within the region are fixated with religious worship, with nations having an inordinately high average of 24% of total government funds devoted to it.

In Onett, Social inequality is total, with wealth being held by a tiny fraction of the region's populace. The landscapes of the region are no longer recognizable as such, the atmosphere being unbreathable and the only jungles being made of concrete.