Saggio Uomo

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Former President Saggio Uomo was president of The Capitalist Banana Republic of Banana Federation Until he was assassinated by Banan Kebab terrorists. He was succeeded by former President George Battuta.

Military Life

Saggio enlisted in the BDF at the age of 23. He was deployed in Lothi on a peacekeeping mission when his convoy was attacked by Banan Kebab militants. He is rumoured to have singlehandedly killed over twenty terrorists in that single firefight, while his comrades radioed command, who eventually sent in drone support, saving their lives.

Early Politics

Saggio entered into politics a few years after leaving the military, and joined the Conservative Party of Banana Federation. Over time, he rose through the ranks until he became the 2017 Presidential candidate. He was elected with a landslide victory.


Saggio's first term as President went fairly well. He managed to stimulate economic growth, providing jobs despite the rapid increase of the number of robots being used in most industries. His second term began in 2020 with another political victory. However, in 2021, Empire of Ritalgia launched a full-scale invasion against the Republic of Tenebris, who the Uomo Administration had guaranteed the independence of. This led to a 10 month long war, named the Ritalgian-Tenebrisian Brothers' War, that ended in a Bananish victory. This caused a massive spike in support for Saggio, and he was yet again re-elected. His final term saw initial success, however, it also included the Damanian War, which shaped Moneylania's recent history greatly. When Youthsville Pact ships made it to Plantana, it is rumoured that Saggio himself led the charge against their ground invasion, which was pushed back when Ironcastle joined the war. The conflict ended after a few weeks, further solidifying the public's opinion of the President.


Despite his great deeds, and the fact that he had almost reached his term limit, Saggio was hit by a bomb blast while giving a speech in Plantana. Banana Revolution claimed responsibility for the attack soon afterwards. Many rumours surround the assassination, some even suggest that Saggio is still alive, as the government never made any official announcement of his death, although is was heavily implied.