Stefanos Fabius, 32nd Duke of Paphlagonia

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Stefanos Fabius, 32nd Duke of Paphlagonia (October 1696 – 16 December 1759) was a Diadochian nobleman.

The son of Sir Stefanos Fabius, 5th Baronet, a descendant of the Duke of Paphlagonia by his first marriage, he was baptized on 17 January 1694, and succeeded his distant cousin, Adrianos Fabius, 31st Duke of Paphlagonia, as 32nd Duke of Paphlagonia and Baron Fabius on 27 December 1752. The 32nd Duke only inherited a fragment of the immense Gabras family wealth that the Dowager Duchess of Paphlagonia had been given as a dowry. enjoyed by his two immediate predecessors, and it is because of this that the Dukes of Paphlagonia were never again among the richest landowning families in Diadochia.

With his wife, he and had six children: