User:Confederate Imperium

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Official name: Galactic Federation of Confederate Imperium Name: Confederate Imperium acronym: FCI

Currency: Federation Dollar

(all economic stuff please refer to NS trackers for my conversion rate

Government type: Federal Parliamentary Republic

Head of State: President Michael Conway

Head of Government: Chancellor Alexander Ivike

Legislature: Federation Council (unicameral)

Could you put a picture of my nation? Also flag

Population: 600,000,000

Important dates:


August 11th-2610, Independence Day

October 21st, 2620-Federation Constitution ratified

History: The beginning

In the year 2025, citizens emerged from the bunkers on the east coast of the United States, these bunker-dwellers formed tight-knit communities in which they struggled to survive in the post-World War III world. Eventually a Confederacy of communities formed within the former states of Virginia, the Carolina's, and Northern Georgia. This Confederacy operated as a central government and formed for the purpose of self-defense and economic gain. In the year 2070 a man by the name of Ivan Scott became Chief of State of The Confederacy.

The Confederacy The Confederacy under Ivan Scott, improved the national infrastructure and set the foundation for a stable government, the government before operated under chiefdoms and was saturated in chaos and corruption. Ivan's goal was to unify the original thirteen colonies before expanding the new nations empire west. Ivan Scott began eventually what became known as 'The Conquests' in which he expanded to Confederacy up to New Hampshire. Scott attempted to conquer all of Georgia in 2075, but failed when the tribals there was able to wage guerilla warfare and prevented The Confederacy from holding ground. After The Conquests of the original thirteen colonies came to a close, Ivan Scott and the Commander of the Confederate Armed Forces Andrew Edington decided a conquest of the nations capital will bring credibility and true order to a fallen nation. The Siege of D.C. Lasted three months as the Confederates waged war against 'mutants' and various raider factions within the former national capital. Once D.C. was pacified and under construction (2076), Ivan Scott declared "No longer are we a Confederacy of Tribes and Communities, we are an empire, one nation under a strong leader. Under my tenure as Chief of State we have unified of what was the original thirteen colonies, we have rebuilt the former post-World War III United States, and we have built a stable nation. But in order to keep our prosperity, and our growing continuing success, I hereby declare us an Empire of the people, an Empire of the Nation, and an Empire of peace and prosperity. We will grow our nation and conquer and pacify the entire east coast. God bless our entire and god bless our nation." Like that The Confederacy died, and The Empire was born.

The Empire Emperor Ivan Scott began his rule by removing any opposition to his rules and removed the Congress of the Confederation, and replaced it with the Council of Governors to rule in its place. Emperor Scott instructed his trusted commander Andrew Edington to begin pacifying the lands East of the Mississippi. Commander Edington was able to easily pacify majority of the Eastern United States, however Mississippi, Southern Georgia, Alabama, and Florida banded together and was able to repel the Imperial Military. With the defeat of the Imperial Military in the south, Emperor Scott order the public execution of Commander Edington, which led to strong public protests and condemnation by the Council of Governors. After ten years since the foundation of The Empire, the Council of Governors orchestrated a coup, with the support of the Imperial Military to remove the increasing volatile Emperor. The Imperial Marines stormed the Imperial Palace (the White House) and arrested Emperor Scott. Ivan Scott was put on trial and eventually sentenced to a life in a mental institution. After the removed of Emperor Scott, the Council of Governors dissolved The Empire and formed the Federation of Independent States, which was meant to be a stronger Confederation of states, similar to that of The Confederacy, with each Governor acting as its own states "President".

The Federation of Independent States With the Council of Governors and The Empire dissolved, they established the Executive Council to serve as a collective head Head of State, with the title of Chancellor serve as a rotating member of head of government. The Federation of Independent States (FIS) lasted only five years, and after three years the Federation Legislative Council began to face similar problems of corruption and instability that the Confederacy faced. The Executive Council met, and decided to re-organize the FIS into the Imperial Federation of Confederate Imperium.

The Imperial Federation of Confederate Imperium WIP

The Federal Republic of Confederate Imperium WIP

The Second Imperial Federation of Confederate Imperium WIP

The United Peoples Federation of Confederate Imperium With the Military Coup successful General Underwood, assumed the title of President and declared martial law throughout the nation. President Underwood had his father and mother executed for crimes against the state. General Underwood declared that the Military Restoration Council shall assume full legislative and executive duties to restore Confederate Imperium to its glory. But Underwood's rule lasted only a mere month, as the Rebel Alliance achieved support from majority of the State Governors and Militias not bought out by Underwood. The Rebels staged an Attack on Ivike City, Charleston, and Baltimore to loosen the grip of the Underwood dictatorship. After the fall of these three cities, the Rebels staged an attack on the District of Imperium, the Rebels were ale to easily overrun the city and Underwood ended up being captured and killed by rogue elements of the Rebel militias. The Alliance Executive Council declared the United Peoples Federation dissolved, and established the Provisional Republic.

The Provisional Republic of Confederate Imperium The Provisional Republic was established with Andrew Scott as its Provisional President. The Provisional government called a constitutional convention of the states to determine on what government to form. The Convention proposed restoring the Imperial Federation, with Vladimir Ivike as the Imperial Chancellor, however the delegates determined that the Monarchy was the primary problem of the nations constitutional conflicts, and established a democratic government would be beneficial. The delegates drafted the current Federation constitution and the people of Confederate Imperium elected Andrew Scott as the First President of the Federation.

The Galactic Federation of Confederate Imperium

Separatist Crisis

The Separatist Crisis was a tense movement between the Federation Government and the Separatist from the following states: Confederate Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri, and Kentucky. These states were in open hosility with the Urquhart Administration for destroying the values of Confederate Imperium and infringing on states rights'. President Urquhart and the Separatist Leadership met and attempted to re-unify peacefully, however all hopes for peace were destroyed when Governor of South Carolina Andrew Smith declared that South Carolina is officially withdrawing from the Federation to form a Confederacy of Independent States (CIS), after which the remaining Pro-Separatist States joined the new Confederacy based in Charleston. President Urquhart declared that the Federation will not start a war or give any reason for public support for the Confederacy.

Federation Civil War The Federation Civil War officially started on the first day of the Confederacy's existence, the Confederate Senate met for the first time in Charleston and issued a Declaration of War against the Federation and proceeded to invade Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Virginia. Federation Military Forces were initially pushed back, but were able to regain ground and begin a push into Confederate Territory. The Legion of Peace during the war was in talks with the Confederate Government about buying weapons of mass destruction (WMD's) in order to threaten the Federation government into a peaceful resolution. The delegations met in Grand Rapids to discuss a peace treaty, the Federation government pledged to recognize the Confederate State as legitimate and promised to not invade it, while the Confederacy agreed to pay for all damages in the Federation territory.

First Legion War The First Legion War was a result of the Equilibrium dictatorship attempting to supply weapons of mass destruction to the Confederacy to be used against Federation citizens. A joint NPE-FCI Invasion of the Legion of Peace resulted with a tactical success after 48 hours, however the government of Equilibrium was re-instated, but limitations were placed on the Legion Military.

Reunification After the Federation Civil War, delegates from the Confederacy met in Charleston to hold a constitutional convention to establish a more permanent government. The delegates wanted to create a conservative government that was enjoyed in the Pre-Urquhart days, after two months of debating and compromising the delegates unveiled the Imperial constitution restoring the Imperial Federation that existed during the tenure of Vladimir Ivike and William Underwood. The delegates decided to elect former Imperial Chancellor and traitor Vladimir Zelinski to serve as the new sovereign of the Imperial Federation. Delegates stormed out and re-formed the Confederacy of Independent States based in Little Rock Arkansas. The two rival governments did not actually fight and were competing for legitimacy in the eyes of the international community. On his first day of office Imperial Chancellor Zelinski declared that the title of sovereign shall be hereditary and there will be an absolute monarchy. Citizens in Charleston began to protest and before rogue elements of the Imperial Military and the protesters stormed the Imperial palace, Zelinski and the Imperial Senate re-located to Greensboro, North Carolina (loyalist territory) and began planning to restore order, however the Imperial government only controlled pockets of territory. The Little Rock Government and the Federation Government met in Detroit to discuss re-unification, the Imperial delegation was invited, but did not show up. The Little Rock Government and the Federation Government agreed to amnesty to all those who participated in the insurrection, immediate presidential elections, and integration. The Federation Government gave the Imperial holdouts one month to surrender or would not be protected by the stipulations of the peace treaty. After two weeks the Imperial holdouts surrendered. Vladimir Zelinski was found dead in his Greensboro Suite from self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Federation Terror Attacks Charleston, South Carolina: It was at the Federation Economic Center in downtown Charleston, when armed terrorist wearing ski masks stormed the building and began shooting innocent civilians and bystanders. The terrorist attacked the first through fifths floors before proceeding the the fifth floor, in which at that moment the terrorist blew themselves up. Luckily the building only sustained minor damages. But the death count was 200, with 150 injured.

Ivike City, New York: Terrorist took control of plane that flew from Boston, they decided to ram this plane into Federation Tower. Upon impact the jet fuel and the degree of damage was too much to save the building. Federation Tower collapsed after four hours, an estimated 2500 people died and about 8000 other were injured in the attacks.

District of Imperium: A man parked a van outside the Federation Council building, and ten men emerged from the van wielding fully automatic weapons. Military Personnel and capital police engaged the terrorist. After three hours of fighting all the terrorist were dead, and after forty-eight hours the terrorist were identified. The purpose of the attack would be to cripple the Federation Government with the removal of the legislature, looking as if President Urquhart would be assuming dictatorial control.

Aftermath: In the Aftermath, An estimated 2700 people died in the three attacks, along with twenty terrorist. The Federation Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Federation Intelligence Agency (FIA) begun an investigation into the attacks. The investigation, along with the identification of the terrorist suspects from the District of Imperium attack concluded that members of the elite forces of the Legion of Peace orchestrated the attacks and supported it.

Second Legion War

President Urquhart addressed the nation "My fellow citizens, a few days ago our nation was attacked by criminals and thugs who want to see our way of life destroyed. These attacks were the worst in our nations history and we shall respond with use of force. The FBI and the FIA today reported to me that the dictator Equilibrium of the Legion of Peace authorized the attacks himself and wanted to make our nation suffer. We will not tolerate the actions of this terrorist anymore, we give Equilibrium twenty-four hours to surrender or the Federation Military shall remove you from power." The deadline passed and President Urquhart gave orders for the Invasion of the Legion of Peace with the assistance of Stek. The Second Legion War lasted about a month, and the capital fell after three weeks. Equilibrium went into hiding and was eventually found and executed for crimes against the state. The nations of FCI, Stek, and PFG formed a Triumvirate to govern the Legion until the establishment of a democratic government could take place. After little over a year, the Triumvirate granted administration to the Ivory Democracy.

For government, foreign relations, and military just leave it blank and I could add that info.