WA Puppets

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WA Puppets are puppets created for the purpose of achieving a specific objective in a main nation's WA policy. Usually this involves getting out of enforcing damaging WA resolutions within a nation's jurisdiction. In this scenario, a nation will declare its WA mission, or a small tract of land within its capital city -- commonly one containing a key government building -- as a "sovereign nation" and WA member, enabling the nation to continue setting its own course on WA issues, with actual compliance being limited only to a few blocks of territory. Invariably this "nation" will be called $NATION WA Mission or something the like. This can also be done to resolve diplomatic difficulties involving a nation's WA personnel, where being citizens of a "sovereign exclave" has certain advantages that being citizens of their actual country does not.

Another method of avoiding compliance or diplomatic wrinkles is "outsourcing" a nation's WA mission to another, ostensibly "sovereign" nation, with the host nation getting stuck with WA compliance while the foreign country maintains control over WA policy, as Omigodtheykilledkenny has done on occasion. This is similar to establishing a "de facto embassy" in a disputed country where there are no formal diplomatic ties.

WA puppets can also be used to achieve the legislative goals of a non-member nation, where the main nation cannot submit legislation because of WA-membership issues or a lack of the necessary endorsements in its home region. Players may also wish to submit with an alternate nation simply because they wish to roleplay with a different style of country. WA contributors such as Yelda and Gruenberg have been frequent employers of this strategy.