War of the Three Powers

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War of the Three Powers
Date November 11th, 1439 - September 9th, 1444
Location Aldia
Result Polystralia & Sanmite Victory
  • Gao invasion of Polystralia repelled
  • Sanmite invasion of Polystralia repelled
  • Subsequent Gao invasion of Sanmite repelled
  • Subsequent military occupation of Gao by Polystralia & Sanmite
  • Dissolution of Gao Empire
  • Cold War between Polystralia & Sanmite
Allied Forces
  • Polystralian Commonwealth
  • Republic of Gebet
  • Caledonian Protectorate
Gao Empire

Vassals of Gao

  • Zef Republic
  • Principality of Vasgar
  • Kingdom of Anich
  • Bogano Protectorate
Sanmite Republic

Satellite States of Sanmite

  • Socialist Republic of Sedra
  • Socialist Republic of Sunda
  • People's Republic of Bering
  • Democratic People's Republic of Vanir
  • Socialist Republic of Silica
Polystralian Commonwealth
  • 60 million military personnel
Gao Empire
  • 80 million military personnel
Sanmite Republic
  • 40 million military personnel
Casualties and losses
Polystralian Commonwealth & Allies
  • 8 million military KIA
  • 15 million military WIA
  • 3 million MIA
  • 19 million civilians killed
Gao Empire & Vassals
  • 12 million military KIA
  • 20 million military WIA
  • 8 million military MIA
  • 10 million civilians killed
Sanmite & Satellites
  • 9 million military KIA
  • 22 million military WIA
  • 6 million military MIA
  • 15 million civilians killed

The War of the Three Powers was a global conflict that took place on the planet Aldia from the 11th November 1439 until the 9th of September 1444. The war was between the Allied Forces comprised of Polystralia (and later Sanmite), against the Gao Empire and the Sanmite Republic. More than 150 million military personnel were mobilized by both factions throughout the duration of the war and more than 40 million people lost their lives. The war also marked the first time nuclear weapons were used on Aldia.

The war began when the Gao Empire and Sanmite Republic launched an invasion of the Polystralian continent without warning. The objective of the invasion was to secure much desperately needed natural resources on the Polystralian Commonwealth, strip mine them and restore the economic situation of both Gao & Sanmite. Prior to the war the Anean continent where Gao & Sanmite are situated in have undergone extensive resource degradation due to unsustainable practices. Up to 50% of arable land has been eroded, much of the available fossil fuels such as coal, oil & gas has been extracted and water scarcity has reached critical levels for its populations.

Three months prior to the invasion both Gao & Sanmite had been able secretly move large numbers of military assets to neutral countries on the Polystralian continent. Utilizing civilian freighters, these military assets were eventually smuggled into Polystralian ports. This allowed Gao & Sanmite to gain the upper hand when the invasion was launched. The infiltrator forces were able to secure footholds throughout the Polystralian coastline and repel the initial organized counter attacks. By the time Polystralian forces were ready to launch a major counter-attack, reinforcements from Gao & Sanmite had already landed, forcing Polystralian forces into a retreat.

For the next six months, Polystralian forces had barricaded themselves behind a secure area near the Rockies and Alps, a mountainous region at the central region of the continent. As it became clear that Gao & Sanmite would be unable to break through the Polystralian defenses, Gao turned against its own ally. Believing that Polystralia had been safely contained, Gao ordered its vassals to invade an invasion of their former ally. Unprepared for the sudden turn of events nearly two thirds of Sanmite had been occupied and its civilian government in a state of total collapse. In its place, the military leadership of Sanmite who were mostly located on the Polystralian continent, coordinated their efforts with the Polystralian in repelling Gao. Once entire Polystralian continent had been liberated, the Allied Forces of Polystralia, Sanmite and their allies subsequently repelled Gao forces from Sanmite.

By January 1444, the Allies began an invasion of Gao. It took another nine long months until the entirety of the Gao military had been brought to a state of total collapse. With the capital under siege, the Emperor of the Gao Emperor issued an unconditional surrender to the Allies. A peace treaty was signed and the Gao Empire was dissolved to its home territories. The Gao Empire lost approximately 75% of its territories, its former subjects turned into independent states which would dramatically shift the balance of power on Aldia.


Tenth Anean Continental War

From the second half of the 14th century, the Gao Empire and the Sanmite Republic were engaged in a state perpetual warfare. Both nations vied for dominance over the entire continent and had long standing ancestral feuds. The Gao Empire, a hegemonic military confederation of allied city-states, was one of the three great powers of Aldia, the others being the socialist Sanmite Republic, and the democratic Polystralian Commonwealth. Both Gao and Sanmite were ancient rivals and has frequently engaged in warfare to dominate the Anean continent. Meanwhile Polystralia, situated on the Polystralian continent and isolated from the disputes of the Anean nations, continued to grow and flourish along with its neighboring nations. The Anean Continental War of the 14th century was the tenth iteration of such a war. Centuries of warfare has devastated the Anean continent, primarily reducing the number arable land.

By the beginning of the 15th century secret high level talks between the civilian & military leadership of Gao & Sanmite were initiated. These secret talks included bringing about a permanent end to the Anean Continental War, while subsequently securing new resources for both Gao, Sanmite and their vassals and client nations. The continent of Polystralia has been noted to be abundant with resources, and as the nations of Polystralia has largely engaged in sustainable resource extraction practices, the quality and quantity of said resources will be able to greatly alleviate the ongoing agrarian crisis on Anea. For the next twenty years, plans were formulated to secure these resources.

Diplomatic Solutions

The civilian leadership of the Sanmite Republic had long hoped to avoid another state of total war. They pleaded with the Gao Empire that a diplomatic solution to the agrarian crisis should first be pursued. In the event that all diplomatic options fail, only then will military action be taken. In 1435 a peace treaty between Gao and Sanmite was signed, ending the 10th Anean Continental War. Months after the peace treaty was signed, Gao and Sanmite sent diplomats to the Polystralian Commonwealth, formally requesting humanitarian aid.