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#REDIRECT [[East Malaysia]]
{{Infobox country
|conventional_long_name      = Star Empire of East Malaysia
|common_name                = East Malaysia
|image_flag                  = Flag_of_EM.png
|national_motto              = "Amalgamated Through Integrity"
|image_map                  =
|alt_map                    =
|map_caption                =
|image_map2                  =
|alt_map2                    =
|map_caption2                =
|capital                    = Eastrovia
|largest_city                = Prometheusburg
|official_languages          = English
|ethnic_groups              = 62% East Malaysian <br> 36% {{wp|Humans}} <br> 1% Hybrid <br> 0.01% Harbinger
|ethnic_groups_year          = 2014
|demonym                    = East Malaysian
|government_type            = Star Empire | Imperial Democratic Socialist-Capitalist | Monarchy
|leader_title1              = Empress
|leader_name1                = Glendale Jung
|leader_title2              = Prince
|leader_name2                = Justin Jung
|leader_title3              = Prime Emperor
|leader_name3              = Marcus Daz
|legislature                = Imperial Senate
|sovereignty_type            = {{wp|Sovereign state|Formation}}
|sovereignty_note            =
|established_event1          = Kingdom of East Malaysia
|established_date1          = 1679
|established_event2          = Star Empire of East Malaysia
|established_date2          = May 27th, 1826
|currency                    = East Malaysian Dollar
|currency_code              = $EMD
|drives_on                  = right
|cctld                      = .em <br> .sm <br>
|iso3166code                = SEEM
|calling_code                = +7336
|national_animal            = Raven Igo
|image_map3                  =
|alt_map3                    =
|footnotes                  =
==East Malaysia in NationStates==
The East Pacific Vizier of East Malaysia is a gargantuan, environmentally stunning nation, ruled by Empress Glendale Jung with an even hand, and notable for its punitive income tax rates. Its compassionate population of 21.247 billion have some civil rights, but not too many, enjoy the freedom to spend their money however they like, to a point, and take part in free and open elections, although not too often.
It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent government stops and the rest of society begins, but it is mainly concerned with Defence, although Law & Order and Social Equality are on the agenda. It meets every day to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Eastrovia. The average income tax rate is 91%. A powerhouse of a private sector is dominated by the Information Technology industry.
Eastrovia is a police state during international summits, mandatory electronic currency is a boon for credit card companies and government surveillance, soldiers are equipped with multi-million EMD battlesuits, and a primitive society is being eroded as its youth flock to the modern world. Crime is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. East Malaysia's national animal is the East Malay Frog, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the EMD.
==Character List 5==
The Star Empire of East Malaysia is a technologically advanced nation and a conglomerate of nations, territories, and planets. East Malaysia is a semi-democratic nation that resides within a region called, The East Pacific on the planet Earth. East Malaysia is ruled by Empress Glendale Jung, which has almost complete control of the nation and territories, but runs the government without oppression. East Malaysia can track its history back to being a united unified government on the planet of Malay Prime within the Malaysian Republics. A brief history is going to start from the foundation of East Malaysia on Earth in the year 1679.
At the end of on dying empire, the birth of another found its foundation. The East Malaysian people in the struggle to find a new home as their food supplies where running low as they crossed space; and many of their ships were running on emergency power. A begging of a new centralized government had fallen apart and now Kings of ancient royalty came to power and took leadership of different groups. The birth of a pre-Star Empire has started to take its foothold. They encountered a livable planet and went into stealth mode, not to be detected; furthermore to make scans. They found two islands that where close to each other, with only small pockets of native populations. They landed in the area of present day Eastrovia, which was a complete forest then, and still is in parts. East Malaysians are slightly different than humans, they could eat most of the plants in the forest without getting sick and are compatible with humans. The people went out to explore the islands and establish there own kingdoms; furthermore they lived in cooperation.
Over the next three-hundred years the kingdoms lived in peace, until, one powerful king merged the kingdoms by war and started his reign of terror, death, and oppression. Under the leadership of General Tyler Bishop, and his followers, they stormed on Eastrovia in full force. The battle [of Eastrovia] destroyed forest, took life, and was very violent. General Bishop, lead a group of his best men to take the Kings Palace, only to find that the kings own men had turned on him only moments before he arrived. General Tyler Bishop gave a famous speech that is best remembered for a single line. "We have fought our bothers and sisters in this bloody war and I stand here today in front of you to unite our people once again and reestablish us as a intergalactic power."
He gave that speech on the spot of the now former East Malaysian legislator, The Peoples Union, and the spot where modern East Malaysia was born. Within the next six months, East Malaysia's government was running, but only semi-democratic since Tyler Bishop was elected Emperor, and grated full rule; furthermore he enacted democratic institutions all over the growing empire.
As East Malaysia grew, they started to explore space again, and colonized a planet that became known as, East Malaysian Prime. This was a grand time for East Malaysia, as they became a Star Empire, but it had some major drawbacks, that would haunt East Malaysia in the future. The drawbacks, were that during this time, they infiltrated planets and forced a few into East Malaysia. Emperors used oppression to hide the facts, mislead the people, and were semi-isolated from the world.
As the next two hundred years went by, East Malaysia became a massive and powerful nation. They had growing internal problems, but the external problems were few if not any at all. The Bishop and Phelps Imperial Families where controlling the government, and businesses. It soon changed, as a new emperor came to office.
Ty Bishop, was a young man with great ideas for East Malaysia, but was soon corrupted for unknown reasons. Under his leadership East Malaysia came into the regional view, allied itself with Packilvania, and turned into a nation of war. East Malaysia joined Packilvania on its attack on Krechzianko; consequently Emperor Ty Bishop was assassinated by rogue Krechzianko agents Malay Incident. After the death of Emperor Ty Bishop, Prime Emperor Justin Ashton pushed through for a peace treaty with Krechzianko, which was held by Fish Island.
Prime Emperor Justin Ashton, became Emperor of a very troubled East Malaysia, and began the processes of cleaning up former Emperors mistakes and misdoings. He soon became a well respected leader, which help keep the public calm when the files where released of East Malaysian deception of basically taking over some of there planetary territories. The Imperial Council, the government body that represents planetary territories, held a planetary vote on if they should stay in the East Malaysian Star Empire. All of the planetary territories decided to stay with East Malaysia, under the condition that they handle any and all new memberships of planets.
During this time, two parties of The Peoples Union joined in secret to plunder East Malaysia into civil war. The Isolationalist Party, which was in an agreement with, The No-Freedoms Party recruited people to there cause with the help of The Territory of Dominion Minor; furthermore they called their union the "Society of One." The two parties sent all the East Malaysian forces away on training missions, leaving not many starships or troops. Within days of sending the ships away, the Prime Emperor’s Office was bombed, killing everyone inside; the Prime Emperor was at the office at the time.
Emperor Ashton and his lead advisors went to the Defense Command Center, until everything was determined safe. While they were at Defense Command there, Society of One attacked Eastrovia with troops and rouge starships. Their first target was The Peoples Union members, which they where all taken out. The local police departments tired to protect as many people as they could and hold the force back. Most of them did not survive during the process. Two starships where in orbit, the Hawkens and Eastrovia, were in orbit around Earth when the attack took place and immediately entered the atmosphere and went into Gray Mode and waited for a few of the starships to land, which they did. Once two of the ships landed, they started their attack. They fired on the landed ships and went into battle with the rest of the ships. While the two ships where in battle, power was cut all over the island of Eastrovia, and Defense Command was on emergency backups. Meanwhile as the Starship Hawkens and Eastrovia were outnumbered, the testing site in Dominion Minor, started to fire on the two ships with a prototype weapon that could go through the shields of the ships. The Starship Hawkens was the first to be hit, damaging the ships core. The commander of the Starship Hawkens sent the Starship Eastrovia a communiqué telling them to inform the rest of the fleet. As the Starship Eastrovia escaped, the Starship Hawkens stayed behind and hold back the ships and prototype weapon, until it lost all power; by that time the Starship Eastrovia had gotten away with sever damage itself, but it was still space worthy. The Starship Hawkens, crashed into the Bay of Eastrovia, as its core breached; all hands where lost.
The attack went on for hours and Defense Command was taking a beating; security systems where failing. During this time, Emperor Ashton got out a communication to East Malaysian allies to help, because if Society of One took over, then East Malaysia would be a dangerous place; furthermore, Senior Admiral Mary-Jo Juneburg was on her way with the East Malaysian feet and troops, after the Starship Eastrovia found them. The East Pacific Treaty Organization, or EPTO, mobilized some of its forces and began to land on East Malaysian territory and help the attacking forces.
The East Malaysian fleet entered the Earth System, just as Defense Command, was being raided. Emperor Ashton was severely injured as the station he was working at exploded as he tried to seal the Commander Centers doors. Ambassador Glendale Jung, General Brian Greene, and other staff members all gathered their weapons to fight off the intruders as the doors where blown away. As they fought, East Malaysian forces landed and started to attack the Society of One's command, the damaged Starship Eastrovia took it out with a low yield torpedo that left that surrounding area of .2 miles leveled. When that happened, the Society of One forces fled from the city.
Ambassador Jung, and General Greene where both transported, with Emperor Ashton to the ship where Admiral Juneburg had set up the new government command. After a staff meeting with the remaining government members, Ambassador Jung, under East Malaysian law, took over East Malaysia, as Empress. Her first order was to capture and send them to trial charged them all with three serious charges: Attempted Assassination of the Emperor, Attempted Over through of the Government, and Murder of Government Members; all three counts are death sentences. All members, associated members or anyone connected in helping Society of One where all executed the day of there verdict.
After Empress Jung took office, she inserted new democratic processes, and opened the Cygna Archives to everyone; the archives hold all facts, legends, folk lore, and other pieces of information relative to East Malaysia. She had an Imperial Palace, Senate, Aerospace Navy Command, and other new buildings constructed. The old government buildings were reconstructed, or re-renovated, turned into museums, and even in some cases where turned into hotels. The National Museum of the Peoples Union, Emperors Hotel & Suites, and various other buildings are all that is left of the government before Empress Jung’s reforms.
During her reforms, she revealed that she had a child, by Justin Ashton. The teenager, Justin Jung was brought out into public view. In fear that the Phelps or Bishop families would have him assassinated; she sent him to Shiro Academy for schooling and protection.
As her reforms took place, she herself, acquired a book that was related to a key that all Emperors and Empresses where given when they take office. She read the book and found that it had legends of how the Malaysian Republics fell apart, but she furthermore found that East Malaysia and West Malaysia where blood enemies and East Malaysia could be in danger. She immediately sent her top EMIA agent, later her bodyguard, Jennifer Ward to find the West Malaysian home world and destabilize it if they did become a threat. Empress Jung sent a science ship to find Malay Prime and send her the information of where it is at. By the time she had sent the ship, it was too late and West Malaysia was already on the move by its psychologically unstable leader to attack the nearest East Malaysian planet to find where the East Malaysian government was located at. Empress Jung, was quick on her feet to prepare the E.A.N. Eastrovia, and had communication to East Malaysia cut so they could not triangulate the position. She sent a fleet of ships to attack the West Malaysian fleet, hoping that it would make them retreat, but that attempt failed. The majority of the fleet was lost and the ships that became missing in action, were later declared lost. Right away she ordered all East Malaysian ships into the Earth System to organize in a position above East Malaysia in space, and some starships where put in the atmosphere directly above Eastrovia.
The West Malaysian fleet moved closer and closer to the Earth System and Jung had placed herself on the Eastrovia waiting for the information she needed. She had left orders for her son, Justin, and her top officials to evacuate as many as they could if they failed. The ship that she had sent out to find Malay Prime, finally sent the information she needed and information about the area that would help them get there faster than normal due to temporal displacements and anomalies in the area. She immediately started the launch sequence to get underway but, the communication from the ship had led the West Malaysian fleet to there doorstep as she launched with here small crew. The lead West Malaysian ship dropped into the atmosphere and chased the Eastrovia over the city as the other ships where being attacked by the fleet. Jung, knowing that the other ship would catch them and they would have no chance, ordered a rare maneuver that would throw the ship vertical at almost warp speed until they left the atmosphere and activated full warp drive. They only had about a fifteen second head start with the West Malaysian ship trailing her own ship.
Meanwhile, the battle raged above Earth with allies of East Malaysia joining the fight. The Aerospace Navy, was taking heavy damages in space and on the ground. The shields over Eastrovia where being bombarded and failing in some parts. During the battle, Eastrovia’s city shields buckled and during the 15.6 seconds it took for the emergency generators to activate a single energy-type torpedo hit the Western District community of Greenegate, destroying the community and five surrounding communities; Riverside, Jordanlynne, Astraville, Guaranatowne, and South Avon where destroyed also. The surrounding area was declared a disaster zone also, over two million of eight million residents of the twelve million metro died when the torpedo hit.
Immediately General Greene sent emergency crews to the locations to find any survivors and to help the injured. At the same time Admiral Juneburg was reestablishing the city shield over Eastrovia, and coordinating the fleet to find weaknesses on the West Malaysian ships.
At the same time of destruction of parts of Eastrovia, Empress Jung and her ship where close to Malay Prime. The West Malaysian leader’s ship was still following, and firing on the ship. Empress Jung was quick to issue maneuvers that would slow them down. As they dropped out of warp and went into orbit, Jung made a decision to separate the ship and set the primary hull on autoattack/autodestruct when it came into damaging range, and landed the saucer part. As her and her crew escaped the saucer section, and was headed to the facility they landed near, the primary hull exploded; the West Malaysian ship had to land, since the explosion damaged its engines.
As Jung was at the front gate opening it, the leader of West Malaysia appeared, and she ordered her crew to get inside. The complex and she activated a force field. As the West Malaysian leaded started his psychobabble talk, Jung, simply fired her phaser rifle and stunned him. She then put restraints on him and dragged him inside.
While, Jung was at the complex, she and her crew discovered that a group of Malaysians stayed behind during the Great Evacuation and built the complex, developed a cure for the Malaysian DNA deficiencies, and constructed a ship simply named, “Integrity.” Everyone that stayed behind and did all that they could for the Malaysian race, all died and could not reproduce in the Malay Prime environment. It took them two-hundred years to complete the complex, cure, and ship. They all died on the same day, one month after they where completely done; it is believed that they injected a sequence into their DNA that would respond to the activation of the full computer core; their bodies have never been found nor remains of any kind. All personal logs and profiles along with any information they secured for Malaysian decedents to find, have been available to the public.
Jung loaded the ship with the cure and took off for East Malaysia. The ship had a advanced warp drive that could propel them to Earth in no time at all. The drive was designed to be faster in general, but the propelled warp was only set for one-time-use; East Malaysian scientist are still studying that part of the drive, but it has been issued to all ships in the fleet.
As Jung was on her way, the battle over Earth was getting grim. It was almost the final hour for East Malaysia, until scans discover that when the West Malaysian ships weapons got hot; their shields tend to get weak and go down. Admiral Juneburg took that opportunity and ordered her fleet to attack in groups on West Malaysian ships.
The Integrity, entered the area of the battle, Jung ordered that they fired the new torpedoes on all West Malaysian ships that where attacking East Malaysian ships that where severely damaged; furthermore she order them to leave the battle area.
As West Malaysian ships where blowing up, Jennifer Ward was on the West Malaysian home world stirring up trouble. The old government was “gutted” and a new one was put in place. The government was still in civil war but ordered the ships come home and issues a cease fire until they could work out a diplomatic meeting. They tired to have a meeting right after the war, but due to civil troubles of their home world, they had to end the meeting; the talks are still to-be-announced but the East Malaysian government is optimistic.
After the fighting part of the war was over, East Malaysia had to rebuild. The areas of Eastrovia where rebuild, but with a large park in the center of the area, dedicated to the people lost. For the crews of the ships lost and crew members that died in battle, a large monument was established with the names of ships lost and crews, crew members that where lost and their ship name. It was constructed on a hilltop on the edge of the Eastrovia Bay; it is the largest in the area of starship memorials and crew memorials.
Empress Jung immediately had new starship designs and put the ship yards to full capacity. She phased out some of the older designs and the more famous ships where turned into museums or bought as hotels, and various other buildings. Most of the famous and non-famous ships where bought, from universities-commercial transport companies they where all almost sold.
The cure was issues to the public and most East Malaysian did take it. The government of East Malaysia also issued it to all of its sister nations out of good faith. During that time, East and South Malaysia decided to unite there people. South Malaysia would become a autonomous part of East Malaysia but under Empress Jung on a federal level for them. The two government decided to united as the Malaysians are a dying race even as their lives are extended.
From that point on, East Malaysia has been pretty much unseen to the international eye. It has been focused in helping its people during a complicated time. The cure had fixed the DNA problem. It extended their lifespan, and gave them long-lost mental abilities. Telepathy, telekinesis, empathy and many other mental abilities appeared in different type of people all over the East and South Malaysia. Many of the abilities where exclusive to only Malaysians but some where able to send messages to other species, read some emotions, but on a limited level. Mind reading itself is unseen in the abilities, but communication is the main thing seen. Empathy is seen but not too often; people that do have it have a tough time at first but as they get use to it they can block it out. It is hard to read a human or other species emotions but more-or-less as a sense of a possibility of how they are feeling.
East Malaysia is starting its rebound back into the world view, as its internal issues are calming down and its people is re-ready to enter a international eye view.
===Country name===
'''Conventional long form:''' Star Empire of East Malaysia<br />
'''Conventional short form:''' East Malaysia<br />
'''Abbreviation:''' EM or SEEM
===Government type===
Imperial Democratic Socialist-Capitalist
===Government structure===
===Cities of East Malaysia===
The District & City of [[Eastrovia]] is located on the northeastern side of Eastrovia Island at the mouth of the Malay River and the Bay of Eastrovia. The city is located in the District of Eastrovia but has a consolidated government under the District-City Council with an elected Mayor.
====Largest City====
[[Prometheusburg]] is the largest city in East Malaysia and the financial/business center of the nation.
===[[Administrative Divisions of East Malaysia]]===
East Malaysia has 15 states and 1 district^ that make up the nation.
Bishop*, Caven, Dominion Minor, Eastrovia^, Galvin Coast*, Java Coast, Kir’Shara, Malay Forest, Memore Bay, Dare*, North Caven Union, Raven Igo*, Sava Coast, Southrovia, Vaytan, Westrovia.
(*Formally named: Bishop City-County, Hot Springs Coast, New Eastrovia, and Raven District)
===[[Associated State Organization]]===
Caven Island, East Island, Northrovia, Southcaven, and Southland
=====[[Imperial Council States]]=====
East Malaysian Prime, Lissepia, Maxia Zeta, Quazulu, South Malaysia, Tau Cygna, and Ventax
===National Holiday===
===Legal System===
===Executive Branch===
===Legislative Branch===
===Judicial Branch===
===Foreign Relations===
===Political Parties===
===Political Pressure===
===International Organizations===
Capitalist Coalition, East Pacific Treaty Organization, Confederated East Pacific
===Leaders of East Malaysia===

Latest revision as of 10:32, 3 April 2019