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1. The Empire of Yulis shall be divided into twenty states based around twenty major cities.
1. The Empire of Yulis shall be divided into twenty states based around twenty major cities.
2. The twenty major cities are as follows:
2. The twenty major cities are as follows:
   ) Mærdegárd (later Jaméor)        ) Karize
   ) Mærdegárd (later Jaméor)        ) Entravi
   ) New Asgard (later Mærdegárd)    ) Diallen
   ) New Asgard (later Mærdegárd)    ) Varden
   ) Vésalino                        ) Meriden
   ) Vésalino                        ) Sialse
   ) Holthejän                      ) Cléraf
   ) Holthejän                      ) Abataj
   ) Dömendra                       ) Tamaroc
   ) Esteldōr                       ) New Hatredcopter
   ) Jaméo (later Bénoton)          ) Anston
   ) Maernoue                        ) Jutal
   ) Sanios                          ) Sialse
   ) Sanios                          ) Régia
   ) Tælstine                        ) Vénura
   ) Tælstine                        ) Anasorei
   ) Véga                            ) Gilis
   ) Códrek                          ) Gilis
   ) Aserc                          ) Abédo
   ) Prolveir                        ) Abédo
Additional States:
  ) Hozgard                        ) Midras
3. Additional States may be added as the population of Yulis grows.
3. Additional States may be added as the population of Yulis grows.
4. States shall be divided into a number of regions and within these regions, districts and cities.
4. States shall be divided into a number of regions and within these regions, districts and cities.

Latest revision as of 00:12, 3 May 2014

The full text of The Constitution of Yulis

Herein lies the Constitution of Yulis

The citizens, the people, the men, women and children of Yulis. We are the populace. Together we stand united, Proud and Strong. Lon Populac dún Yulis.
Llèn citizèn, llèn populèn, llèn marlèn, èn fémarlen et èn enphanèn dún Yulis. L’atrans Lon Populac. Afa Léalèn lons tondians unitet, próed et formied.

Chapter One - The Government of Yulis

Nations of any size must have an appropriate and functioning system of governance. The Empire of Yulis is no exception. The First Chapter of the Yulisian Constitution serves to outline the functions and processes of the Yulisian Government.

Article One - The Emperor of Yulis
1. The Emperor of Yulis is the highest authority in Yulis.
2. The Emperor may be male or female, in the second case she may take the title of Empress.
3. The Emperor must be approved by the members of the Imperial Family in the event of the death or abdication of the previous Emperor.
4. If the Emperor abdicates, he may have a special hand in the choice of successor.
5. The Emperor need not be a descendant of the previous Emperor, but he must be a descendant of King Jamesk I of the Kingdom of Yulis. 
6. The Constitution and Empire of Yulis shall default if no descendant of Jamesk I exists to be Mighty Emperor of Yulis.
7. The duties of the Emperor of Yulis
 a) The Emperor of Yulis must be the figurehead of the nation. He must represent the nation in all his activities as Emperor.
 b) The Emperor must appoint all members of The Upper Select Committee of Yulis.
 c) The Emperor must approve all decisions made by the Select Committee.
 d) The Emperor may appoint additional Officers of the Realm to carry out specific roles that he, the Emperor, is unable to. The role of the Officer of the Realm must be outlined in a special charter document that defines what they may do.
 e) The Emperor has a duty to provide the nation with an heir.
 f) The Emperor must always have an Officer of the Realm who must ensure that an heir is always alive. Genetic material may be taken to create an heir, provided that it remains intact and pure.
8. The Emperor of Yulis must be protected at all times.

Article Two - The Legislature of Yulis
1. Legislative Power in Yulis shall be invested in the tricameral legislature.
2. The Legislature of Yulis shall be a tricameral system consisting of The Upper Select Committee, The Lower Select Committee and The Senate of Yulis.
3. Legislative Power is defined as the power to:
 a) Pass or reject laws brought before the Legislature
 b) Repeal laws already passed
 c) Approve or reject amendments to the constitution
 d) Declare a state of emergency
 e) to remove any member of the Legislature (within the concerned Chamber)
4. The Legislature of Yulis is tasked with carrying out the Legislative Process.
5. The Legislative Process is as follows:
    i) a bill is initiated
   ii) the bill is written
  iii) the bill is brought before The Upper Select Committee
   iv) the bill is edited by The Upper Select Committee
    v) the bill is reviewed by a member of The Constitutional Court
   vi) the bill is reviewed and finalised by The Emperor
  vii) the bill is brought before The Lower Select Committee who votes on it
 viii) whether it passes or not (51%/36 votes) it advances to The Senate who votes on it
   ix) whether it passes or not (51%/331 votes) it advances to The Upper Select Committee
    x) unless it is completely rejected by The Upper Select Committee (to pass: 51%/9 votes, to be rejected: 76%/13 votes against) it must be approved and written into law by the Emperor
6. To become law a bill must pass any two of The Upper Select Committee, Lower Select Committee and Senate.
7. The following actions may initiate a bill:
 a) a petition of 100,000 or more signatures
 b) the repeal of already passed legislation (replacement legislation)
 c) a proposal by a member of The Upper Select Committee
 d) a bill or issue is brought to The Upper Select Committee from the Senate (via the ‘Committee Officer’, a special member of the Senate)
 e) a previously defeated bill is returned to circulation
8. An amendment may add to, remove or modify any part of The Constitution
9. The Amendment Process is as follows:
    i) an amendment is initiated
   ii) the amendment is written
  iii) the amendment is brought before The Upper Select Committee
   iv) the amendment is edited and reviewed by The Upper Select Committee
    v) the amendment is reviewed and finalised by The Emperor
   vi) the amendment is brought before The Lower Select Committee who votes on it
  vii) if it passes (51%/36 votes) it advances to The Senate who votes on it
 viii) if it passes with a two thirds majority (67%/443 votes) it advances to The Upper Select Committee
   ix) if it passes The Upper Select Committee (51%/9 votes) it must be approved by The Constitutional Court
    x) if approved by the Court it must be approved and officially added to the Constitution by the Emperor
10. To become part of the constitution an amendment must pass all three of the Houses.
11. The following actions may initiate an amendment:
 a) a petition of 1,000,000 or more signatures
 b) a proposal by a member of The Upper Select Committee
 c) a proposed amendment is brought to The Upper Select Committee from the Senate by the Committee Officer
 d) a previously defeated amendment is returned to circulation
12. The Repeal Process is as follows:
   i) the repeal of a law is initiated
  ii) the argument for the Repeal of the law is brought before The Upper Select Committee
 iii) the repeal is brought before The Lower Select Committee who votes on it
  iv) whether or not it passes (51%/36 votes) it advances to The Senate who votes on it
   v) whether or not it passes (51%/331 votes) it advances to The Upper Select Committee
13. To repeal a law, a Repeal must pass any two of The Upper Select Committee, Lower Select Committee and Senate.
14. The following actions may initiate a Repeal
 a) a proposal by a member of The Upper Select Committee or collectively by the Senate
 b) the passing of related legislation that contradicts an existing law
 c) a proposal by the Emperor
15. The Legislature may pass any law without any reference to the need being made in the Constitution.
16. The Legislature is tasked with passing laws to further defined what is mentioned in the Constitution.

Article Three - The Upper Select Committee of Yulis
1. The Upper Select Committee shall be the Upper House of the Yulisian Legislature.
2. The Upper Select Committee is tasked with carrying out chief Legislative Duties and all Executive Duties.
3. The Upper Select Committee shall consist of 17 members, including the Emperor of Yulis, the President Chancellor and the Committee Magistrate (of The Lower Select Committee).
4. The other 16 members shall be appointed by the Emperor.
5. Each member of The Upper Select Committee may serve 400 days at a time. The days that they serve are working days (5 out of the 7 day week).
6. Each member of The Upper Select Committee may serve a total of 1 600 days in their life.
7. No member of The Upper Select Committee may serve two consecutive terms.
8. The Terms of Members of The Upper Select Committee shall be staggered in 25 day intervals.
9. At each interval, the member who has served the longest consecutive days so far shall be removed and a new member shall be appointed.
10. The requirements of Members of The Upper Select Committee are as follows:
 a) Members must be Yulisian citizens who were born in land owned by Yulis either when they were born or at the time of the appointment.
 b) Members may be male or female.
 c) The Upper Select Committee must always have at least 30% of both genders. 30% here means 5 or more.
 d) Members must have a Masters (or equivalent) degree in Politics and a Masters (or equivalent) in another field.
 e) Members must be at least 26 years old. Members also may not be more than 70 years old (except the Emperor).
11. The duties of The Upper Select Committee are as follows:
 a) The Upper Select Committee must act upon all issues brought to them by the Senate
 b) The Upper Select Committee is tasked with editing bills and amendmentsbefore they are brought before The Lower Select Committee.
 c) The Upper Select Committee must be the last barrier (not counting the Emperor) that a bill must pass before becoming law.
 d) The Upper Select Committee must oversee all legislation before it is put to vote
 e) The Upper Select Committee must carry out all Executive Duties

Article Four - The Lower Select Committee
1. The Lower Select Committee shall be the Middle House of the Yulisian Legislature.
2. The Lower Select Committee shall consist of 71 members.
3. The 71 members shall be appointed in the following process:
 a) 69 members shall be elected by the Senate
  i) Candidates shall be nominated by the High Select Committee. These will number no fewer than 150 and no more than 250
 ii) The candidates shall be voted on by the Senate.
 b) two members, The Committee Magistrate and President Chancellor, shall be appointed by the Emperor
4. Each member of The Lower Select Committee may serve 800 days at a time. 
5. Each member of The Lower Select Committee may serve a total of 3 200 days in their life.
6. Members of The Lower Select Committee may serve consecutive terms.
7. The Terms of Members of The Lower Select Committee shall be divided into 4 staggered terms 200 days apart.
8. The requirements of Members of The Upper Select Committte are as follows:
 a) Members must be Yulisian citizens who were born in land owned by Yulis either when they were born or at the time of the appointment.
 b) Members may be male or female.
 c) The Lower Select Committee must always have at least 30% of both genders. 30% here means 21 or more.
 d) Members must have a Masters (or equivalent) degree in Politics and a Masters (or equivalent) in another field.
 e) Members must be at least 26 years old. Members also may not be more than 70 years old.
10. The duties of The Lower Select Committee are as follows:
 a) The Lower Select Committee is tasked with being the first barrier that a bill must pass before becoming law
 b) The Lower Select Committee must oversee all legislation before it is put to vote
 c) The Lower Select Committee must fulfill the duties of The Upper Select Committee for matters of lesser importance (as decided by The Upper Select Committee)

Article Five - The Head of The Lower Select Committee
1. The Head of The Lower Select Committee shall be known as the “Committee Magistrate”.
2. The Committee Magistrate shall be appointed by the Emperor.
3. The Committee Magistrate shall have seats in both The Lower Select Committee and The Upper Select Committee.

Article Six - The Senate of Yulis
1. The Senate of Yulis shall be the Lower House of the Yulisian Legislature.
2. The Senate of Yulis shall consist of 661 members.
3. 591 of the Members shall be elected by the populace [of Yulis].
4. 69 of the seats shall be filled by the members of The Lower Select Committee (not including the Committee Magistrate and the President Chancellor).
5. The 661st member of the Senate will be the President Chancellor of Yulis.
6. Senators will serve fixed 1 461 day terms tied to the Saturday surrounding the 20th March 2280.
7. Senators may serve up to 4 consecutive terms and 8 total terms (5 844 and 11 688 days respectively)
8. The Senate may organise its own internal structure and operating orders provided that it follows the following terms:
 a) all laws are passed by a majority of 331 or more votes
 b) all amendments are approved by a two thirds majority of 443 or more votes
 c) all votes are initiated and organised by and Officer of the Realm known as the ‘Ballot Officer’

Article Seven - The President Chancellor of Yulis
1. The President Chancellor shall lead proceedings in the Senate.
2. The President Chancellor shall also have seats in The Lower Select Committee and Upper Select Committee.
3. The President Chancellor shall be appointed by the Emperor.
4. The President Chancellor shall be the highest power in Yulis except for the Emperor himself.
5. The President Chancellor shall own the residence of Jaléokan Palace for the duration of his term.
6. The President Chancellor shall be reappointed or unappointed every 1 461 days (tied to the 20th March 2280) by the Emperor of Yulis.
7. The President Chancellor may serve up to 8 consecutive and total terms (11 688 days).
8. The President Chancellor may have a hand in the choice of his successor.
9. The President Chancellor must fulfill the following requirements:
 a) a President Chancellor may be male or female
 b) he must be at least 32 years of age
 c) he must have at least 6 years political experience
 d) he must have a Masters (or equivalent) in politics and one other field
 e) he must have been born in land owned by Yulis either at the time of his birth or at the time of his appointment

Article Eight - The Constitutional Court
1. As part of the Government of Yulis there shall be a Constitutional Court to interpret and defend the constitution.
2. All matters pertaining to the Constitution will be dealt through The Constitutional Court of Yulis.
3. All laws must be reviewed by a member of The Constitutional Court.
4. All amendments to the Constitution must be approved by The Constitutional Court.
5. The Repeal of laws must be reviewed by The Constitutional Court.

Article Nine - The People’s Court
1. As part of the Government of Yulis there shall be a People’s Court to deal with matters at a domestic level.
2. The People’s court must be readily available to The Populace. The following quotas should be fulfilled:
 a) There should be at least one judge for every 75,000 people
 b) All citizens have the right to access the judiciary
3. All citizens must have a right to fair trial.
4. The People’s Courts shall be mandated by the Judiciary Act.

Article Ten - The Supreme Court
1. As part of the Government of Yulis there shall be a Supreme Court to deal with matters of national importance and to represent the Judiciary internationally.
2. The Supreme Court shall be mandated by the Supreme Court Act.

Chapter Two - Election and Appointment

Government officials must be correctly appointed or elected. The Second Chapter of the Yulisian Constitution serves to define what must be fulfilled and what operations must be carried out to correctly raise officials to their positions and duties.

Article Eleven - Appointment by the Emperor

Article Twelve - Election by the Senate
1. Election by the Senate shall be organised by the Committee Magistrate.
2. 69 seats in The Lower Select Committee shall be elected by the Senate.
3. Between 150 and 250 candidates shall be nominated by The Upper Select Committee.
4. Using a Preferential Voting system, limited to 10 candidates per vote, will decide the winning candidates.

Article Thirteen - Election by the Populace
1. Election by the Populace shall be organised by the ‘Electoral Committee of Yulis’.
2. 591 seats in the Senate shall be elected by the Populace.
3. The Senate shall be filled by 94 electorate seats and 497 party seats.
4. Each of the electorate seats shall be assigned to a region where the people of the region must elect a Senator.
5. The 497 party seats shall be filled by list members of political parties.
6. Each single electorate shall be elected using a Preferential Voting system.
7. The list seats shall be elected using a basic ballot where percentage of votes is directly assigned to a number of seats. 

Article Fourteen - The Electoral Committee of Yulis
1. The Electoral Committee of Yulis shall organise all elections and referendums involving the Populace.
2. The Electoral Committee shall set its own internal structure and operations provided that it follows the Electoral Act. 

Chapter Three - The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens

Any citizen in a nation has their own rights. With their rights come responsibilities. The Third Chapter of the Yulisian Constitution serves to outline each citizen’s fundamental rights and fundamental responsibilities.

Article Fourteen - The Basic Rights of Citizens
1. All citizens have the right to adequate shelter. If ever a child of the Realm need shelter, it is the responsibility of the citizens to provide and the right of the man in need to receive it.
2. All citizens under the age of 16 have the right to care and guardianship. A child who is orphaned or rejected by his parents may become the responsibility of the Emperor. He must be sheltered, fed and educated like any other child.
3. All citizens have the right to appropriate nutrition. Throughout cities, towns, provinces, houses should lie. Dedicated houses where man, woman or child can come and be fed, should they need it.
4. All citizens have the right to extensive education. All children, from the age of 6 to 16 shall be required to attend schools 
5. All citizens have the right to access the judiciary.
6. All citizens have the right to freedom of thought, speech and life.
7. No citizen shall be enslaved or held in servitude.
8. No citizen shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Article Fifteen - Responsibilities of Citizens
1. All citizens have a responsibility to their planet, to their international community.
2. All citizens have a patriotic responsibility to their country, to support it through thick and thin.
3. All citizens have a civic responsibility. A responsibility to give back to their city.
4. All citizens have a responsibility to their local community. A responsibility to give be a positive contribution.
5. All citizens have a responsibility to their environment. To care for it and protect it.
6. All citizens have a responsibility to their family. Whether it be the family they were born to, the family they bore or the family that is their only. All citizens must care for their family and be a valued member of it.
7. All citizens have a responsibility to themselves. To care for themselves, when all responsibilities take prominence above it, citizens must remember to care for themselves. 

Chapter Four - Political and Physical Organisation

A nation as large as Yulis cannot simply be ruled by a single overlord government. Smaller governments and councils with lesser powers must govern the people at the lesser level. The Fourth Chapter of the Yulisian Constitution serves to outline the powers and limits of the lesser level governance.

Article Sixteen - Minor Division; Councils; Cities, Towns, Districts and Regions
1. Among the Empire of Yulis there shall be local councils based around cities, towns or regions.
2. The council shall have an appropriate amount of councillors in relation to the citizens under its jurisdiction.
3. Among the councillors there will be a mayor, who will be separately elected. The mayor shall lead the council and have a double vote in any decision, with the ability to vote again in the event of a tie.
4. A council must have within its jurisdiction at least 100,000 citizens.
5. To qualify as a ‘City Council’ a council must be based around a city and have at least 150,000 people under its jurisdiction.
6. To qualify as a ‘District Council’ a council must be based around a town or city and have at least 100,000 people under its jurisdiction.
7. To qualify as a ‘Regional Council’ a council must be based around several towns or cities and have at least 250,000 people under its jurisdiction.
8. Regional Councils shall encompass several city or district councils.
8. A city must fill the following requirements:
 a) it must have at least 75,000 inhabitants
 b) it must have a civic centre
 c) it must have a dedicated residence where the Emperor and an entourage may stay at any time
9. A town must fill the following requirements:
 a) it must not have fewer than 5,000 inhabitants
 b) it must have a civic centre
 c) it must have a residence where the Emperor may stay at with appropriate notice

Article Seventeen - Major Division; Lesser Governments; States
1. The Empire of Yulis shall be divided into twenty states based around twenty major cities.
2. The twenty major cities are as follows:
  ) Mærdegárd (later Jaméor)        ) Entravi
  ) New Asgard (later Mærdegárd)    ) Varden
  ) Vésalino                        ) Sialse
  ) Holthejän                       ) Abataj
  ) Esteldōr                        ) New Hatredcopter
  ) Maernoue                        ) Jutal
  ) Sanios                          ) Régia
  ) Tælstine                        ) Anasorei
  ) Códrek                          ) Gilis
  ) Prolveir                        ) Abédo
Additional States:
  ) Hozgard                         ) Midras
3. Additional States may be added as the population of Yulis grows.
4. States shall be divided into a number of regions and within these regions, districts and cities.
5. Each state may have its own internal government and constitution, provided that neither conflict with the central Yulisian Government and Constitution.

Chapter Five - Internal Relations

Among a nation, among society, there are relations, there are etiquettes, special guidelines that must be followed. The Fifth Chapter of the Yulisian Constitution serves to outline and define these etiquettes and guidelines. 

Article Eighteen - Social Relations
1. All citizens have freedom of social relation. They may mix with whomever they please, speak, talk, meet with whomever they please and do whatever they please.
2. Citizens shall be divided into three age groups; Minors, Adults and Seniors
3. Citizens are considered minors from birth.
4. Citizens are considered adults from either:
 a) their 16th birthday
 b) their first marriage (where applicable)
5. Citizens are considered seniors from the age of 70 years.
6. Senior citizens shall receive additional services including the following:
 a) free public healthcare
 b) superannuation
7. Minors may be barred from purchasing certain items (such as alcohol, drugs, adult material) and barred from entering certain establishments on account of their age and maturity.

Article Nineteen - Marriage
1. All citizens have the right to marriage.
2. All citizens may marry whomever they please, provided that consent is given on both sides.
3. Marriage is defined as the legal union between two citizens.
4. Citizens may marry citizens of another country provided that the marriage is not against the law of that country.
5. Citizens of another country who marry citizens of Yulis may gain immediate Yulisian citizenship provided that they live in Yulis.
6. Marriage between opposite genders is legal.
7. Marriage between the same genders is legal.
8. Citizens may divorce and remarry as many times as they wish.
9. Citizens may only be married once at a time (one husband or wife).
10. To marry, male citizens must be at least 16 years of age.
11. To marry, female citizens must either:
 a) be at least 11 years of age and have parental consent
 b) be at least 16 years of age (with no need for parental consent)

Article Twenty - Sexual Relations
1. All citizens have freedom of sexual relation, provided it does not breach the law, they may have relations with whomever they please, sexual intercourse with whomever they please and use material specific to themselves however they please.
2. Sexual Intercourse is defined as the penile penetration of the vagina.
3. Sexual Activities are defined as activities not directly involving penetration but still involving reproductive organs.
4. Both Sexual Intercourse and Activities are restricted to people over the age of 16 with the following exceptions:
 a) if both participants are under the age of 16 they may be as young as 14
 b) if, in heterosexual intercourse, both participants are married to each other the wife may be as young as 11
5. Heterosexualism is legal.
6. Homosexualism is legal.
7. Sexual intercourse between heterosexual partners is legal.
8. Sexual intercourse between two male homosexual partners is legal.
9. Sexual intercourse between two female homosexual partners is legal.
10. All non-consenting sexual intercourse is illegal.

Chapter Six - Identification

A nation should be easily identifiable, by its flag, by its colours, by its people. The Sixth Chapter of the Yulisian Constitution serves to outline and define how the Empire of Yulis should be identified.

Article Twenty-One - National Symbolism
1. The Empire of Yulis shall be identified by its Imperial foundations. 
2. The Empire of Yulis shall rally under the “Blue Bird Banner”.
3. The Empire of Yulis shall be represented by the blue colour found on the flag.
4. The Empire of Yulis shall have the national anthem “In the Shadow of the Mountain” (written by Orlando Cuoinsain).
5. The Empire of Yulis shall have the national animal of the Blue Bird on the Flag.

Article Twenty-Two - Language
1. The Empire of Yulis shall be identified by its national languages.
2. The Empire of Yulis shall have the following four official languages:
 a) Yulisian Dúclan
 b) Hosbiarnan Dúclan
 c) (Yulisian) English
 d) 1913 Dúclan
3. All publicly available documents must be available in these four languages.
4. All publishers must publish in these four languages.
5. All schools must offer the subject lines to acquire these four languages.
6. Schools must cater for at least two of these languages, by providing all classes in either one of these languages. Schools may have a primary language in which more classes are taught, but, at minimum, core subjects must be provided in both subjects.

Article Twenty-Three - Currency
1. The Currency of Yulis shall continue to be the ‘Éndo’.
2. The Éndo shall be divided into one hundred parts, each called an ‘Alocac’.
3. The Éndo shall be available in the following cash sizes
 a) coins:
   ) 25 Alocac   ) 1 Éndo
   ) 50 Alocac   ) 2 Éndo
 b) notes
   ) 5 Éndo    ) 40 Éndo
   ) 10 Éndo   ) 100 Éndo
   ) 20 Éndo

Above lies the Constitution of Yulis. We, the populace, are bound by its words.
Lons tondians unitet, próed et formied.
Aurum, Obscena, Auro.


Mærdek I         Orlando Mensark        Jéorkan Kendal
Impier dun Yulis        Lon Commissair Grian dun Yulis        Lon Scrivur dun Constéterźion