Nation/Zuid California

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Zuid California
Unie van Californië
= Flag of Zuid California
Motto"Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité"
Powerbroker (6)
Region Union of Craftmanian Republics
CapitalFort Jacobus
Largest city Engelsstad
Official languages Dutch
Demonym Californien
Government Representative Republic
 -  Consul Sayfeddine Munsterman
 -  Total 3,327,462 km2
1,284,740 sq mi 
 -  2010 census estimate 38 million
Gini (2010)23.00
HDI (2010)0.525
Currency Guilder (G)
Time zone Pacific Standard Time (PST) (UTC-8:00)
Date format DD/MM/YYYY

The Union of California (Dutch: Unie van Californië), commonly known in English by its former name, Zuid California, is a large nation located in the south central part of the North American continent. To the North, it borders the Grand Republic of Cheesia, and to the south, Mexico. It borders two major seas, to the west the Pacific Ocean, and to the east the Gulf of Mexico. The government of Zuid California is officially a representative republic with the highest power held by the Consul and his cabinet. Its population of 38 million is concentrated mainly on the areas on the Pacific Coast, or what is known as the region of Old California (Dutch: Ould-Californië). However, the majority of its land is located in the sparsely populated region of Greater California (Dutch: Grote-Californië), a vast area mainly of lands west of the Grote-Rivier and south of the 42nd parallel North.


The Dutch name "Zuid-Californië" refers back to a name given by Spanish explorers, "California". Because it only consisted of the lower peninsular part of California, it came to be known as "Zuid-Californië", or "South California".


Zuid California consists of two main first-level subdivisions, Ould-Californië and Grote-Californië. Ould-Californië is the center of the nation, being where all of the nation's major population and commercial centers are located. A majority of Grote-Californië consists of the more arid regions of the nation, with the areas bordering the Gulf Coast being an exception.