Our Motherland

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Our Motherland is the national anthem of Allinburg. It was composed on February 11, 1768, two days before it was first played on the nation's independence. It was edited several times over the following decades, to catch on with Allinburg's eras.



Our motherland! Our motherland!

We are proud of our own motherland!

Our motherland! Our motherland!

We will stick to the very end!

We will prosper, we will stand

We are armed with peace and freedom

Our motherland! Our motherland!

This land was and is our land.


When you were born

We were a thorn

Freed from the horrors of civil war

Christianity spread, and evil dead

Political freedoms soaring high

Then came the man, then came the man

The one and only Fegelein

We were restored, we were restored

It was and just beginning to tear!


Then came Sam, from Microsoft

He wreaked havoc everywhere

But with our might, like a armed knight

We were back with the antic man

Then the frontier came, the last frontier

We had conquered an entire galaxy

And we rose, like a host,

Everything was near average


Then we stood up, as Delegate

Then a slander to the Balckowain

The zombies revived, but we survived

Together with a Google-like flag

Then came the day, then came the day

The corrupt Fegelein was thrown away

And led to today, led to today

That we are proud we have our motherland


We encountered good and bad

And also faced the impossible

Now we are tough, we never give up

We are proud we have a motherland...


Our motherland! Our motherland!

We are proud of our own motherland!

Our motherland! Our motherland!

We will stick to the very end!

We will prosper, we will stand

We are armed with peace and freedom

Our motherland! Our motherland!

This land was and is...our...land!