Arata Skirmishes

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Arata Skirmishes
Date 23 February 1914 - 16 July 1914

(4 months, 3 weeks, 3 days)

Location Arata
Status Decisive Rotgeheiman and Northern Prussia victory
  • Wreptzlelian and Aedruvian personnel captured and interred
  • Wreptzlelian and Aedruvian fleet impounded
  • Rotgeheim and Northern Prussia lay claim to all of Arata
  • Rotgeheim and Northern Prussia secure vital precious metal and uranium deposits

Northern Prussia

Republic of Wreptzle


Commanders and leaders
Detlef Stratkotter

Lebrecht Neudorf
Eugen Fuhrmann
Helmfried Probst
Eckhard Zweig †
Maximilian Adler
Joseph Hernzen
Gerhart Kierten †

Tel Rabbie †

Tim Warner (POW)
Jade Ling †
Nathan Matheson †
Gregor Piette †

Units involved
Galactic Navy

Galactic Navy
Royal Marines

Galactic Navy

Galactic Navy

  • 12 naval vessels
  • 457,189 personnel

Northern Prussia

  • 1 naval vessel
  • 1 orbital space station
  • 42,086 personnel


  • 13 naval vessels
  • 1 orbital space station
  • 499,275 personnel
Republic of Wreptzle
  • 4 naval vessels
  • 43,332 personnel


  • 5 naval vessels
  • 55,282 personnel


  • 9 naval vessels
  • 98,614 personnel
Casualties and losses
  • RGF Harbinger, Ardent-class Frigate destroyed
  • 21,490 killed, wounded, or missing

Northern Prussia

  • NPF Scheinfeld, Imperator-class Star Destroyer severely damaged
  • 11,480 killed, wounded, or missing


  • 1 naval vessel destroyed
  • 1 naval vessel severely damaged
  • 32,970 killed, wounded, or missing
Republic of Wreptzle
  • WGN Iveta, Imperial II-class Star Destroyer captured
  • WGN Brigida, Tartan-class Patrol Cruiser captured
  • WGN Tryggvi, Imperial II-class Star Destroyer destroyed
  • WGN Wreptzle, Imperial I-class Star Destroyer destroyed
  • 20,350 killed, wounded, or missing
  • 22,982 captured


  • 4 naval vessels destroyed
  • AGN Imperial, Vindicator-class Heavy Cruiser captured
  • 42,409 killed, wounded, or missing
  • 12,873 captured


  • 6 naval vessels destroyed
  • 3 naval vessel captured
  • 62,759 killed, wounded, or missing
  • 35,855 captured

The Arata Skirmishes are a series of ongoing engagements between two rival alliances on the distant colonized world of Arata. While initially all four nations were co-operating together to colonize the world, the expulsion of Rotgeheim and Northern Prussia of from an international organization caused them to retaliate on the once-peaceful world. The conflict began on 23 February 1914 when Rotgeheiman and Northern Prussian forces attacked the shipping platform in orbit above Arata.

Rotgeheim and Northern Prussia were the aggressors in this conflict. Before being expelled from a trade union back home, they planned no aggressive behavior on the planet whatsoever, but their ejection changed this. In retaliation for their ejection, the combined forces of Rotgeheim and Northern Prussia launched surprise attacks across the colony in order to cripple the fighting capacity of the Republic of Wreptzle and Aedruvia. Although heavy casualties were sustained by Rotgeheim and Northern Prussia, they emerged victorious, claiming what was left of the destroyed fleets of Wreptzle and Aedruvia, as well as the entirety of the planet of Arata.


Initial Activity on Arata

After the failed solo attempt of colonizing a planet by New Rotgeheim, the leader of Rotgeheim decided that a new expedition would be undertaken. Rather than risking half a flotilla to go to a distant planet (which happened during the last colonization attempt with disastrous results), Kaiser Rudolf Geske sought foreign aid.

Two other nations, namely the Republic of Wreptzle and Aedruvia, saw the proposed expedition as a way to reach outward for minerals, precious metals, and other necessities to keep a growing nation on its feet. After a public announcement that the three nations were working together to colonize a distant world - with the project led by Rotgeheim - Northern Prussia decided to jump on board.

After a phase of planning in which the galactic navies of all four nations were instructed to provide men, materiel, and vessels, the four nations embarked upon their mission. They encountered the planet after a mere week of space travel and immediately began establishing themselves on the planet. While Rotgeheim sent its first scouting parties planetside the other three began to construct an orbital platform that would serve as a launching point for further exploration and colonization. Security on the orbital platform was entrusted with the troops of Northern Prussia, while patrolling the space around Arata was left chiefly with Rotgeheim, with occasional relief provided by the Republic of Wreptzle.

Rotgeheim was the first to establish a settlement on the surface of the planet, doing so on a small mountain range in late December 1913. The Aratan winter initially prevented much travel outside of the established post on the mountain (which was named Mount Geske, after the leader of Rotgeheim), but inclement weather came to an abrupt halt in the beginning of January 1914. Parties of troops and surveyors extensively mapped the surrounding area, scouting out more optimal locations for additional settlements. Two of the sites they scouted out, one to the north-east and one due east, were settled on 14 February by Aedruvia and Wreptzle, respectively. Northern Prussia decided to not make a landing until summer 1914, instead opting to keep its garrison in orbit. From December to 9 February, Rotgeheim established five large outposts: Posen, Bromberg, Kolberg, Dievenow, and Greifenberg. A couple thousand troops, miners, surveyors, and other personnel were stationed at each outpost.

Expulsion from the Federation of Free States

On 4 February 1914, Rotgeheim and Northern Prussia were expelled from the Federation of Free States, an international trade union, among whose members included Aedruvia and Wreptzle. Rotgeheim and Northern Prussia attempted to petition the leaders of the Federation for re-entry, but were declined. Rotgeheim and Northern Prussia both relied heavily on several key imports from other nations in the Federation that would soon become unavailable after the expulsion. Some of these key imports included precious metals and uranium, both of which were in great supply in Arata. All four countries on the Aratan Expedition had signed an agreement pledging certain resources to certain countries, and Aedruvia was to receive the vast majority of uranium, which was to be sold to Rotgeheim and Northern Prussia through the Federation of Free State - because of the expulsion, Rotgeheim and Northern Prussia were unable to receive any more shipments of uranium, but they were still not permitted to have any uranium on Arata. Precious metals were able to mined by Rotgeheim and Northern Prussia, but the Republic of Wreptzle's stake in Arata was the largest source of metals, and the metals mined by Rotgeheim and Northern Prussia were not nearly enough to support the two countries.

Because of the problems both Rotgeheim and Northern Prussia faced, and because they could no longer receive the shipments of metals and uranium through the Federation, the governments of Rotgeheim and Northern Prussia asked Aedruvia and Wreptzle directly for a trade deal. On 10 February 1914, leaders of Rotgeheim and Northern Prussia went directly to Aedruvia and Wreptzle for the possibility of establishing a personal trade deal, but were declined immediately. Aedruvia and Wreptzle did not wish to seek any trade deal with their former partners, citing their loyalty to the Federation as the reason. Even though the four countries were actively colonizing a newly discovered planet together and had been trade partners for many decades, a deal could not be reached because of the Aedruvian and Wreptlelian loyalty to the Federation of Free States.

Increased Aggression

News of the expulsion reached the Aratan Flotilla a few days after it occurred. Rotgeheiman forces continued surveying of the area and establishing outposts throughout early February, initially having no issues with their Aedruvian and Wreptlelian neighbors. On 12 February, unarmed Rotgeheiman surveyors journeying through a small mountain pass north-east of Outpost Dievenow encountered a working party of Aedruvian soldiers and miners. Aedruvian troops quickly raised their weapons and ordered the Rotgeheiman personnel to leave immediately, even though Rotgeheiman surveyors had used that mountain pass to navigate dozens of times before. On 16 February, another party of Rotgeheiman surveyors (this time accompanied by troops) ran into a small group of Aedruvian troops a few kilometers east of Dievenow. Aedruvian troops declared that since large amounts of uranium had been discovered beneath this area it belonged to Aedruvia, even though the uranium deposit was in the Rotgeheiman sector of the mountain range. Rotgeheiman troops ordered them to leave Rotgeheiman territory, and after a brief stand-off, the outnumbered Aedruvian troops retreated. The commander of the Rotgeheiman garrison at Dievenow attempted to communicate with the Aedruvian settlement numerous times, but was unable to establish contact. Several more minor stand-offs occurred in the north-east of the Rotgeheiman territory, with the majority taking place around Dievenow.

Order of Battle

Rotgeheim and Northern Prussia

Arata Flotilla

  • RGF Pride of Engelsscharen (flagship) - Grand Admiral Detlef Stratkotter
  • RGF Dead Reckoning - Admiral Lebrecht Neudorf
  • RGF Subjugator - Vice Admiral Eugen Fuhrmann
Task Force 1
  • RGF Lord Paramount (command ship) - Vice Admiral Helmfried Probst
  • RGF Harbinger - Captain Uwe Sommer
  • RGF Trident - Captain Kayetan Thalberg
Task Force 2
  • RGF Liquidator (command ship) - Vice Admiral Eckhard Zweig
  • RGF Incapacitator - Captain Reimund Sankt
  • RGF Oblivion - Captain Lorenz Schuhmacher
  • RGF Resilience - Captain Arend Decker
Task Force 3
  • RGF Exemplar (command ship) - Vice Admiral Maximilian Adler
  • RGF Regenerator - Captain Paul Mehler
  • RGF Resilience - Captain Arend Decker
  • NPF Scheinfeld - Captain Gerhart Kierten


Wreptlelian Squadron

  • WGN Iveta (flagship) - Admiral Tel Rabbie
  • WGN Tryggvi - Unknown commander
  • WGN Brigida - Vice Admiral Tim Warner
  • WGN Wreptzle City - Unknown commmander


Aedruvian Squadron

  • AGN Imperial - Admiral Gregor Piette
  • AGN Evdard X - Vice Admiral Jin Lang
  • AGN Aedruvia - Captain Nathan Matheson
  • AGN Sundra - Unknown commander
  • AGN Chantry - Unknown commander