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United Idreigan Federation
Motto“Let justice be done though the heavens may fall.”
AnthemThe Makoganite
Map of the Empire
Idreigan Continent
Largest Vivijana
Official languages Waltch, Waziyupa, Naquishaji, Menoomin, Yeminazi, Shadisalish
Demonym Idreigan
Government Devolved federal parliamentary republic
 -  Minister-President Adeliza Korana
 -  Volthic Migrations ~200 CE 
 -  Kingdom of Austragia 533 
 -  End of Elder Crusades 783 
 -  First Waltch Empire 800 
 -  Second Waltch Empire 1548 
 -  Third Waltch Empire July 1st, 1809 
 -  Elder War 1939-1956 
 -  Fourth Waltch Empire July 8th, 1938 
 -  9,348,769 km2
3,609,580 sq mi 
 -  2040 census 343,931,650
 -  Density 36.7/km2
95.3/sq mi
GDP (PPP) 2040 estimate
 -  Total US$16.92 trillion
 -  Per capita US$49,203
HDI 0.921
very high
Currency Waltch vaicza (℣) (WVZ)

"What these men - the aristocrats and generals, the Thedosian invaders, the reactionary terrorists - don't seem to understand is that they fight against an idea. They don't want to recognize it because that idea terrifies them. The idea that all men are equal. The idea that you don't have to hate another person because of the place they were born, the language they speak, or who their father was. The idea that a state of nations is preferable to many states of a nation. The idea that the worker is more than a simple servant, a replaceable machine. The idea that the people united will never be defeated." - Armin Magnus, 1942

Waldzenia (Waltch: Valthzenjia), officially the Waltch Proletarian Empire (Waltch: Valthzer-Proletarizreich), also called the Imperial Waltch People's Republic (Waltch: Kesjarisch-Valthzerfolksrepublik), Waltch Dominion (Waltch: Valthzer-Hervalta) or Waltch People's Empire (Waltch:Valthzerfolkseich). in some circles, is a federal, parliamentary constitutional monarchy which occupies the entire of the continent of Idreiga in the far north of the Pluviostan region. It includes 12 constituent kingdoms, 7 free cities, and 1 capital district, covers 9,348,769 square kilometers, and has a widely varied but largely cool, wet, temperate climate. It has approximately 343,931,650 inhabitants, most heavily concentrated in the southern half of the continent and along the Richter Waterway. Waldzenia's capital is the city of Aszensioun, while its largest metropolis is the city of Vivijana; its largest conurbation is the Viktoriakyst along the eastern coast of Austragia, revolving around the coastal cities of Viktoria (the nation's second largest city), Zurin, and Hannes. Other major cities include Superior, the largest city on the north coast; Lorelei, the largest city on the west coast; and Venau, the largest city on the east coast.

A mass migration of Volthic tribes occurred in the Middle Classical period, believed to have originated from northernThedosia due to both population pressures and encroachment by Thedosian war parties. These tribes arrived in the peninsula of Austragia around 200 CE and expanded from there, pushing out the native Nequisebi people. Beginning in the 6th century, these tribes unified into a plethora of petty kingdoms which would wage war against the the Thedosians in the 8th century during the Elder Crusades. Following the death of several prominent lords, the kingdoms were united into the First Volthic Empire by Emperor Godric the Great. The continent of Idreiga would remain in a constant state of flux as kingdoms rose and fell throughout the Middle Ages and the Waldzers pushed deeper into the continent, displacing the Nequisebi and forcing them to adopt Waltch customs. During the 16th century, a vast majority of the Waltch-speaking areas of the continent (primarily in the south and west) were united under the Second (or Great) Volthic Empire; however, by a mere two centuries later the nation was wracked by corruption and republican uprising. It was at this time, beginning in the late 18th century and continuing well into the 19th, that the concept of a "socialist monarchy" was developed throughout the empire. King Wolfram II Waÿbel of Hallanaw saw rising discontentment among the masses and began implementing a series of socio-economic reforms in the fields of education, healthcare, and civil rights, which were meant to placate the populace; it was from him that the concept of "Valyzantism" originated - that a monarch is a servant to and the embodiment of the will of his people. Wolfram II's reforms soon spread to the rest of the empire before being made universal by Empress Viktoria II in 1853 with the Act of Socialist Monarchy. By the 20th century, tensions were beginning to mount between the aristocracy and the legislatures, as each side struggled for more power; in the 1930s, with the outbreak of the Elder War against Thedosia, the empire disintegrated into civil war between the Nationalists, Communists, and the Monarchists, as well as a variety of other smaller factions. The Monarchists, under Empress Viktoria III, were able to win over communist support - in exchange for the promise of key reforms after the end of the War - and won the civil war, allowing the empire to focus all of its attention on fighting back against Thedosia.

With the end of the war, Viktoria III delivered on her promises - which included legalized trade union congresses, popular election of monarchs and ruling nobles (from a certain pool of candidates), revocation of the Hallowed Acts of 1678, and the bestowing of true legislative power to the masses - establishing the current constitutional system that remains in place today.

In modern times, Waldzenia is a leader in several industrial and technological sectors. It is a developed country with a very high standard of living sustained by a skilled and productive society, and upholds a social security and universal health care system, environmental protection and a tuition-free university education. Waldzenia is known for its rich cultural history and traditions of music, art, literature, philosophy, architecture, entrepreneurship, science, and engineering.


The word "Valthzenjia" is believed to link to the Proto-Valdzic words "walts" ("people"), and "ghyem" ("winter"), vaguely translating to "people of winter", and this is also where it is believed the word "Waldzer" stems from. The English translation, "Waldzenia", is simply an Anglicization of the Waltch word.

It is also believed that the word "Vanyzirs", vaguely translating to "Exalted" and referring to what is essentially an angel in Soraianic religion, may have played a part in shaping the modern word.


The continent of Idreiga consists five distinct, overarching geo-climatic regions. The largest region, which dominates much of the center of the continent, the Richter Flats, named for the Richter Waterway which dominates its center, has a humid continental (Dfa) climate with four distinct seasons: wet,cool springs; somewhat hot, and often humid, summers; pleasantly mild autumns; and cold, snowy winters, with the average temperature frequently swinging between 27°C in the height of summer and -20°C in the depths of winter. The Richter Flats are the agricultural and population heartland of Waldzenia, possessing several large, industrial such as Vivijana, Brenz, and Ezeron. The Superior Northwoods, named for the lake which has symbolic served as the "gateway" to the region, is very similar to the Flats except for much more forest in a much higher density, often with cooler, wetter winters (Dfb); winter temperatures can frequently lows of -25°C in the more northerly parts. The Northwoods' main industries consist of tourism, lumbering, and farming. To the far north, along the coast of the Sea of Ghosts, are the Northern Highlands, which possess a Boreal climate (Dfc) that is significantly colder and drier on average than any of the other regions. Dairy and beef farming are very important industries historically and in modern times in both the Lowlands and Northwoods; cranberries, potatoes, corn, manoomin, and apples are all also major focuses of agriculture in these regions.

The geo-climatic regions of Idreiga. Red: Eldric Basin; Orange: Sisari Lowlands; Yellow: Lorelei Shore; Light Green: Richter Flats; Dark Green: Superior Northwoods; Blue: Northern Highlands.

In the south, the most influential region is the Sisari Lowlands, making up a majority of the Austragian Peninsula, Vivijanic Islands, coast of Neustragia, and stretching up into Brauzfalen. True to their name, the Lowlands exist close to sea level and are exceptionally flat, especially in the south. The Lowlands have a warm-summer Mediterranean climate (Csb) with moist, mild winters and warm, dry summers. The climate lends itself well to large-scale farming of certain crops that cannot be grown in the cooler north - such as grapes, cotton, almonds, and oranges, and the region is host to some of the largest cities in Idreiga such as Viktoria, Zurin, Hannes, and Marsen. While the industrial hub of the nation is farther north along the Richter Waterway and tourists flock to the Northwoods, the Lowlands - primarily the city of Viktoria - serves as a major center of tourism, information technology, and finance in its own right.

Across the Gulf of Vivijana, in the interior of the Neustragian peninsula is the Eldric Basin. Influenced by high elevation and hot winds travelling north from eastern Thedosia, the Eldric Basin is a cold desert (BWk) climate, whose climate is characterized by extremes: hot, dry summers and cold, snowy winters; frigid alpine ridges and warm, windy valleys. While there are some pockets of dense forest or other greenery, much of the region is hot, arid scrubland. It is sparsely populated, with the main industries revolving around mining and tourism and its largest city being Venau.

Found along much of the western coast and a sizable part of the east coast, the Lorelei Shores possess a Maritime climate (Cfb) which features moderately cool temperatures and common precipitation year-round, although its northern reaches are prone to the cold temperatures and heavy snowfall expected of the Superior Northwoods. Technology, mining, and tourism dominate the economy of this region, centered in major cities such as Lorelei, Malziers, and Archangel.




Valyzantism, vaguely translating as "will-be-illuminated" is a political philosophy largely unique to the Waltch Empire. The concept was spearheaded in the 19th century by King Wolfram II Waÿbel of Hallanaw, who saw rising discontentment among the masses and began implementing a series of socio-economic reforms in the fields of education, healthcare, and civil rights, which were meant to placate the populace. Wolfram II's reforms soon spread to the rest of the empire before being made universal by Empress Viktoria II in 1853 with the Act of Socialist Monarchy, and further reformed in the Existential Compromises of 1944, in which the ideology was brought more into line with communist thought.

The ideology believes that a strong, benevolent central executive - usually a monarch, although not necessarily - checked by extensive direct-democratic infrastructure empowering a populace supported by extensive social welfare programs is the objectively most effective form of government, and that all others are doomed to descend into either anarchy or tyranny. Injections of communist thought have made worker self-management, trade unionism, and workers' councils all very important to the central ideology.


Federal Monarchy

Waldzenia's government consists of a decentralized federal constitutional monarchy. There are twelve constituent kingdoms, all of which have a hereditary monarch who holds substantial executive authority. However, the monarchs' powers are checked in a multitude of ways; instead of their eldest child inheriting the throne, their heir is elected from among all children, siblings, and niblings between the ages of 25-60 by single-transferable vote by the citizens of the kingdom, and monarchs are required to abdicate at age 75. The monarch possesses a royal cabinet which advises them and carries out their orders, appointed from the Richsatzung, a parliament elected directly and proportionally by the inhabitants of the kingdom, which holds legislative and other authority.

This system is duplicated almost identically from the highest level to the lowest. All ruling nobles are elected democratically by all voting citizens of a realm from a pool of eligible heirs, with the logic being that a noble family that exists specifically to produce accountable and skilled leaders will provide stable and quality leadership indefinitely. The hierarchy of nobility in Waldzenia is as follows: Emperor, King, Duke, Palatine. In this system, all citizens of all lower realms participate in all higher elections; for example, the Duke of the Viktoriakyst is elected by all of the citizens of the Palatinates of Viktoria, Zurin, Hannes, and Ilza, with the nobles of those palatinates having no direct authority or involvement with the elections besides perhaps endorsing preferred candidates. Likewise, the Emperor is elected by all citizens throughout the entirety of Waldzenia.

The monarch, theoretically, serves as the ultimate arbitrator and adjudicator for lower ranking realms - a palatine arbitrates disputes between and against local proletarian satzungs; a duke arbitrates disputes between palatinates or the people against their palatine; a king between dukes, and the emperor between kings. Disputes can be carried from the local level all the way up to the imperial level, if a plaintiff or defendant are determined and dissatisfied enough. Palatines have the distinction of appointing judges, approved by their pfalzsatzungs, for overseeing the vast majority of matters not seen as severe enough to bring before a monarch.

Theoretically, kings are autonomous from the emperor, and dukes from the kings, and so on. However, in practice, higher realms may enforce their authority on lower realms without limit, so long as its actions are legal within the 1955 Instrument of Government and are not disputed by the lower realms to the emperor.


Legislative bodies within the federal monarchy are similarly organized to the executives, but extending deeper. They are largely identical in powers and formation, being elected via proportional representation directly from those they represent, only differing in name, although the overarching term for them is Richsatzung; from highest to lowest: Dagsatzung, Konigsatzung, Herzigsatzung, and Pfalzsatzung, Bauersatzung, and Nobersatzung. While the first four relate to the four levels of nobility - imperial, royal, ducal, and palatine - the last two are divisions of palatinates, consisting of population centers and municipalities (Bauersatzungs) and further a further division within them. These last two levels serve as their own executives as well, achieving all decisions by direct democracy with only collegiate executives. They are separated from the others in speech by being called "proletarian" legislatures, as opposed to "noble".

Legislatures are bicameral, with the various Richsatzungs technically being the "lower" houses". The "upper" house is a Richsdag (Richsdag, Konigsdag, Herzigsdag, Pfalzdag), which is made up of two appointed delegates from each lower constituency; to use the example from earlier, the herzigsdag of the Duchy of the Viktoriakyst would be composed of 8 individuals, with two each appointed by the Palatines of Viktoria, Zurin, Hannes, and Ilza, while the Richsdag is made up 24 delegates, two of each appointed by each king. Nobersatzungs elect a certain amount of delegates to represent them to their Bauersatzung, who then appoint delegates to their Pfalzdag.

Checks and Balances

The balance of power between the monarchy and the satzungs has historically been very tenuous, with both sides clawing for more power at every opportunity. After the Existential Compromises of 1944, power was permanently shifted decisively in favor of the satzungs. The Compromises established the importance of direct democracy and accountability of the executive, imbuing the satzungs with the powers to, among other things, have the final say over monarchical appointments and orders and control taxation and budgetary concerns.

Satzungs have the ability to issue a vote of no-confidence, known colloquially as "invoking the Chains That Bind", on any on higher legislatures and executives, with the ability to dissolve or dismiss them and begin new elections. An 60% majority vote is required to dissolve any higher legislatures, and an 75% vote is able to force a monarch or chancellor to resign.


The Waltch economy operates on a market socialist model. All businesses fall into one of four categories: consumer cooperative (Waltch: Verbrauchergenossenschaft, abbreviated VG); worker cooperative (Waltch: Arbeitersgenossenschaft; abbreviated AG); cooperative federations (Waltch: Genossenschaftsverbände, abbreviated GV); and crown corporations (Kronengesellschaft, abbreviated KG). Consumer cooperatives are individual businesses owned and managed democratically by their consumers, while worker cooperatives are individual business which are owned and managed entirely by their own workers, adhering to the Rochdale Cooperative Principles; cooperative federations are larger groupings and associations of consumer and worker cooperatives throughout a given area; finally, crown corporations are state-owned entities, frequently in strategically important sectors of the economy, owned and managed entirely by the imperial government.

Some of the major industries within the Waltch economy include processed foods, lumbering and mining, production of steel, textiles, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and pulp\paper products; the manufacturing of motor vehicles and machinery, and tourism.





Although there are dozens of diverse folk religions and pantheons found throughout the continent, the dominant religion in Waldzenia is Soraianism, centralized in the Imperial Waltch Soraianic Sviera of the Edacious Cycle, known colloquially as the Sviera of Waldzenia or the Imperial Sviera. The religion of Soraianism revolves around veneration of the World-Dragon Soraia and her Four Aspects and the anticipation, preparation, and acceptance of the ultimate end and rebirth of the world. Its symbol is a four-pointed star, a sviera, which shares its name with the traditional place of worship for Soraians, which is often built in the shape of a four-pointed star in honor of this.

Svieras are frequently focal points of local communities, often containing libraries, classrooms, nurseries, community kitchens, and other services open to people regardless of faith or origin. Svieras usually contain two parts. The first is the main center of worship, the herzka, which has four walls - each one featuring a statue or other depiction of one of the Maidens depending on the direction - and a central raised platform where a priestess often speaks, holding the holy book, titled the Aikreisa, on a podium; surrounding the platform is a circle of seats allowing the congregation to watch, with enough room at the walls to allow for prayer and worship to individual Maidens. In the center of the raised platform is usually a torch embellished with dragon imagery - a bryzant - which is kept burning permanently by the sviera, representing Soraia's life and Humanity's vigor, and directly above the bryzant is the center of the herzka's domed roof. The rest of the sviera extends out in four directions, containing various other rooms and services the sviera may provide. Symbolism of dragons, fire, and femininity are common throughout the entire building.

Worship frequently involves prayer or meditation - both private and group - of Soraia, the Maidens, the Exalted, and the Prophets. Music, sermons, and discussion all play a large role in veneration. Clergy is almost entirely female - women are seen to have a closer connection to the divine Maidens. Much of the message of Soraianism can be summed up in a similar way to many other religions: be kind and work hard. While Soraians see Soraia as omnipotent and the true goddess, they accept worship of other gods outside of Soraia, seeing them as a way to achieve peace and happiness in life, although salvation by any being other than Soraia is impossible, and certain religions are seen as inherently opposed to the Soraian message.

The Eidreiga: Soraia

Soraia is said to be a massive dragon large enough to hold the entire Earth in her talons and wrap herself around it, and to be the very incarnation of ultimate chaos. It is believed that she is, for all intents and purposes, all-powerful and all-knowing steward of the world, and that, one day, she will "bite her own tail" and devour herself, alongside the world, ending it, and then restart the universe afterward after hatching from an egg, along with a new Earth, she transforms into upon completing the devouring. In modern times, the Imperial Sviera has adjusted its theology to claim that Soraia is not literally a dragon wrapped around the world, but is instead an omnipotent being that appeared to humans as a dragon and conveyed its power over reality in a way humans could easily comprehend. The Imperial Sviera portrays her as a distant but caring maternal figure who seeks to nurture and strengthen her children - humans. She is known by a plethora of titles, including The Eidreiga, All-Dragon, World-Mother, World-Eater, World-Dragon, Great Dragon, She-Who-Devours, She-Who-Destroys, She-Who-Creates, and many more.

The Mågdenas: Four Aspects

The Mågdenas, or Maidens, are the four "aspects" of Soraia - distinct personalities and forms which take on various roles throughout Soraianic theology. The Maidens, while all technically being Soraia herself, represent the various aspects of Soraia's nurturing and guidance of Humanity and act independently of one another to ensure tasks are complete. Each maiden takes the form of just that - a beautiful young woman, frequently a virgin, usually only distinguishable from humans by glowing, ancient eyes and an aura of sheer holy power surrounding them. They are variously called by other titles as well, including Sister, Daughter, and Destiny; colloquially, the Maidens are also called frequently goddesses. While they are all part of and extensions of Soraia, they are frequently called "sisters" of one another.

Syga, Maiden of Justice: Syga is depicted as having blonde hair and blue eyes, dressed in a crimson red tunic and carrying a black sword. She represents the concepts of justice, vengeance, and arbitration. Syga is the judge who determines the fate of souls and the executioner who strikes down wicked beings on Earth. She is a severe and angry personality, not taking lightly to being ignored, dismissed, or mocked, and is frequently prayed to by those seeking victory in battle or competition and those seeking guidance to repent from their wrongdoings.

Sira, Maiden of Mercy: Sira is depicted as having pure white hair and golden eyes, dressed in a snow-white tunic and carrying a silver torch. She represents the concepts of mercy, salvation, and forgiveness. Sira plays an ancillary role to her sisters usually, helping those in phyiscal pain or emotional anguish and trying to guide sinners towards redemption. While Syga judges and punishes souls, Sira forgives and rewards souls. She is serenely gentle and kind personality which is often prayed to by those seeking relief from pain, forgiveness for sins, general goodwill. She is believed to be the second most prayed-to maiden after Sisa.

Sisa, Maiden of Life: Sisa is depicted as having scarlet red hair and bright green eyes, dressed in a dark green tunic and carrying a flute. She represents the concepts of life, fertility, happiness, love, and song. Sisa's duties revolve around helping humans live their lives to the fullest and obtain true happiness. Sisa is perhaps the most direct of the maidens on Earth, making people fall in love (or lust) with one another, instilling artists with passion, bringing good health, and fostering camaraderie among people. Her personality is that of an enthusiastic and optimistic reveler which is frequently prayed to by all manner of people seeking love, inspiration, and happiness. She is perhaps the most prayed-to maiden.

Syna, Maiden of Death: Syna is depicted as having jet black hair and crimson eyes, dressed in a black tunic; she is unique among the maidens, as she does not usually have a signature item associated with her. She represents the concepts of death, entropy, decay, and tranquility. Her duties revolve around taking souls from Earth to be judged, punished, and rewarded by the other maidens, as well as elucidating the nature of existence to these souls and ensuring they can fully accept their death. While she does represent death, she also represents the peace all beings must come to eventually, and the end of all things which Soraia promises to bring. Syna's personality is that of a somber, quiet guardian, gentle yet firm, comforting yet frightening. Those dealing with death, secrecy, or abstract concepts frequently pray to her for guidance and help.

The Äther: Afterlife and Rebirth

The Soraianic afterlife is an enigmatic and confusing thing. When souls die, they are taken by Syna to the Court of All Fires, Enleissa, where they relive - or perhaps, re-watch - their entire life and are required to justify their sins and wrongdoings to Sira and Syga; a flame, representing their soul, grows and dims in intensity as their sins and good deed stack against each other; also present, Sisa evaluates the fullness to which the person lived their life and what they may have learned throughout the years. Finally, Syna ensures that the person has fully come to terms with their death and the coming punishments.

Punishment: Ninvella: From there, Syga, with input from the other maidens, sentences the person to a certain punishment in the Black Land - Ninvella - for a certain (immeasurable, for mortals) period of time. The Black Lands are depicted as a vast, empty tundra where the sky is black and filled with faint, crimson lights that move and sing. Usually, a soul will simply be forced to wander for some time, dealing with the perils of wildlife, cold, starvation, and madness - they may be grievously injured but will always return to perfect health eventually, only to be killed again. Sometimes, they may be sentenced to a specific punishment or torture; it is believed that those who preformed truly irredeemable acts on Earth are subject to everything from immolation, to dismemberment, to rape. Some souls become angry and resentful of the maidens and Soraia for their fate and become twisted, dark beings known as Şaviz, which are consumed by hatred, anger, and sin. They pose no threat to the maidens or Soraia, but can and frequently do capture, mutilate, rape, and kill souls trapped in Ninvella . Eventually, these souls will either fall out of their rage and return to normal to complete their punishment, or will be brought back to reason by the intervention of a Syna, as Ninvella is her realm. After Syna determines that Syga's punishment has been carried out satisfactorily, she will elevate the soul out of Ninvella and all of the maidens will purify it in Enleissa by placing it in a substance referred to only as "molten light" at the center of the Court.

Reward: Halla: After purification, souls are taken to Halla for a period of rest and reflection. Halla is portrayed as a quiet, peaceful meadow that stretches as far as the eye can see, filled with vibrant flowers and small animals. Usually, Halla is shown as a nexus of vaguely connected, similar parts of that meadow with various different features depending on the soul. Depending on the verdict of Sira - for Halla is her realm - the soul may be rewarded with various luxuries and indulgences in Halla - food, recreation, sex, knowledge, etcetera. It does not matter the soul's sins in its previous life - after its punishment in Ninvella and subsequent purification in Enleissa, souls are considered "clean".

Rebirth: Aikreisa: After a period of merrymaking and reflection on their experiences in Halla, the soul will be taken back to Enleissa by Syna and be told about the Dormant Cycle - the Aikreisa. All humans on Earth are reincarnated after their times in Ninvella and Halla, usually an inconceivable amount of times. Though they never remember their past lives while they live the current one, their soul remembers every single one - the experiences, desires, failures, etc - alongside all of the punishments and rewards. Reincarnation is not linear - a soul may be born in one place in the year 2000, only to be reincarnated on the other side of the world in the year 700 after their death; souls are transported continually across time and space, experiencing every possible situation they can, each time growing more humble, more enlightened.

Eventually, a soul will reach the point where the have transcended humanity and become fully enlightened, becoming an Exalted, a Vanyzir, whose soul "hatches" like an egg and ascends into the Äther to be alongside Soraia and the Maidens. It is unknown for what purpose the Vanyzirs ascend, or what the ultimate plan of Soraia is, but when all souls have ascended, the world will finally end Soraia will devour all of existence, alongside herself, to begin again as an egg which births the world anew.


Central to much of Soraianism are the Three Prophetesses On Earth - embodiment of the Maidens who convey the word and will of Soraia to Mankind.

The first prophetess, the Prophetess of Syga, was Viktoria, who established the first widespread Waltch Sviera around the 7th century CE and began the Elder Crusades against Thedosia, forming the basis for most of the Soraian religion.

The second prophetess, the Prophetess of Sira, was Elsi, who filled out many of the details in Soraian theology regarding the afterlife and reincarnation in the 14th century.

The third prophetess, the Prophetess of Sisa, was Anna, who in the 19th century spread the word of kindness and camaraderie among Waldzers and encouraged the formation of the socialist monarchy, responsible for much of the liberalization of the modern Sviera.

The fourth and final prophetess, the Prophetess of Syna, has either not been born or has not revealed herself it. It is believed that her arrival will mark the beginning of the End Times in which Soraia devours the Earth, at which point the Prophetess of Syna will reveal some instrumental truth to Humanity.