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Founder Audax Founder
WA Delegate No Delegate
Members 1
 -  of which WA 0
Regional population
 -  2014 estimate 2 billion
GRP $14.7 trillion
Regional HDI 0.510
Region page

Audax is a minuscule region, inhabited by a sole nation.

The straight-backed, broad-smiling populace of Audax eagerly dismissed concerns of oppression. Nations in the region are healthy democracies, with denizens being afforded an extensive array of political freedoms. Families in the region are so obsessed with the economy that the discussion of laffer curves and supply-side reforms over dinner is a regular occurrence in member nations. Denizens suffer under an enormous tax burden throughout the region, with a median tax rate of 74%, and much higher for the wealthy. The region is a socialist utopia: private enterprise is strictly prohibited in the constituent economies. Commerce is a major priority of national governments within the region, most of whom are trading nations, as is evidenced by the fact that commerce budgets account for an average of 16% of public expenditure in the region.

Audax does not prioritize education in any meaningful way. The region's law enforcement officials try hard to combat a relatively high level of crime, but are hampered by a lack of funding. Defense is an overarching priority for governments within the region. One might suggest they are compensating for something. Due to the lack of any Public transport, streets are packed with cars, bikes, and assorted noisy vehicles.

The administration departments of Audax are all-consuming, soaking up budgets in aid of supporting a bureaucracy of millions, with an average of 14% of government budgets being devoted to Administration. Governments generally endow their healthcare departments with a large amount of funding, with an average of 7% of government budgets across the region being devoted to healthcare. No welfare is provided in the region. Those unlucky enough to fall into unemployment are forgotten and abandoned. Governments in the region are avowedly atheist - no public funds are allocated to spirituality.

In Audax, Social inequality is total, with wealth being held by a tiny fraction of the region's populace. The region's landscapes are reasonably good, although the impact of the denizens has had a noticeable effect.


As of November 2014, Audax does not recognize other nations or the main NSEarth