Nuskijani Armed Forces

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Nuskijani Armed Forces
Flag of Nuskijan.png

Flag of the Kingdom of Nuskijan
Founded 1 January 1913
Current form 1 January 1937
Service branches Flag of the Nuskijani Army.png Army
Nuskijan Naval Jack.png Navy
Nuskijani Air Force flag.png Air Force
Nuskijani Royal Guardsmen flag.png Nuskijani Royal Guardsmen
Nuskijani Paramilitary flag.png Nuskijani Paramilitary Services
Headquarters Royal Citadel, Domburton, High King's District
Supreme Commander High King Baunell XVII
Minister of Defense Orin Asbjorn
Military age 18
Conscription Mandatory for all males upon completion of basic education
Active personnel xxx,000
Reserve personnel xx,000
Budget Ⱥ7.3 billion (FY 2019)
Percent of GDP 32% (FY 2018)

The Nuskijani Armed Forces is the military service of Nuskijan, established permanently as a national force in 1913. Prior to permanent establishment, the personal forces of each of the Five Houses swore fealty to the High King and were to be mobilized as necessary, but were otherwise retained by each of the low kings. In 1937, the armed forces were reorganized to separate the functions of the branches.

The Nuskijani Armed forces have not been used in war since formation, either defensively or offensively, but have participated in several regional peacekeeping and humanitarian operations. The armed forces comprise five branches, the Nuskijani Army, Nuskijani Navy, Nuskijani Air Force, the Nuskijani Royal Guardsmen, and the Nuskijani Paramilitary Services.


Prior to establishment



Peacekeeping and humanitarian operations


All branches answer to the Committee of War, which answers directly to the High King, who is the supreme commander of the armed forces. The Committee of War is comprised of the senior-most officer from each branch of service, as well as a rotating senior officer from the Paramilitary Services and Royal National Guard each, totaling 6 members. In addition, the Nuskijani Royal National Guard, which is comprised of independent corps-sized units maintained and commanded independently by each of the five houses can be nationalized by decree, and would answer directly to the Committee of War.

General staff

The current general staff is comprised of six members:

  • General of the Army Bryan Rollins
  • General of the Air Force Marcus Simon
  • Admiral of the Navy Carson Germain
  • Commandant of the Royal Guardsmen Orson Emmerson
  • Commander of the Frontier Rangers Eli Pennington
  • Lieutenant General of the National Guard of the House of Arianiti Ethan Foster

Military branches

Nuskijani Army

The Nuskijani Army (NA) is the land component of the Nuskijani Armed Forces. It is responsible for providing effective ground warfare inside or outside the territorial boundaries of the Kingdom. Total enlistment is at xxx,xxx. The Army is supplied with modern equipment and arms, including many main battle tanks, medium tanks, armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, helicopters, and artillery pieces. The Army is organized into corps, divisions, and regiments: a corps comprises two divisions, which are each comprised of 5 regiments. The Nuskijani Army is designed to be highly mobile, with divisions capable of individual battlefield action. Two or more corps can be combined into a Field Army, and there are currently two field armies fully staffed. In addition, the Army maintains five independent regiments, known as brigades, which are under the command of the General of the Army and can be attached at the corps level to support battlefield action or as an independent maneuver element.

Nuskijani Navy

The Nuskijani Navy (NN) is the maritime component of the Nuskijani Armed Forces. It is responsible for providing power projection from the nation's coastlines, as well as delivering land forces to enemy shores. The Navy's total manpower is xxx,xxx. As of 2019, the Nuskijani Navy is comprised of four fleets, each comprised of one or more surface action elements, two aircraft carriers, and a subsurface action element. Two fleets are designated expeditionary, one fleet is designated as a territorial defense unit, and the fourth fleet is a reserve component capable of being attached to either expeditionary fleets or the territorial defense fleet, or acting independently. In addition, the Nuskijani Navy is responsible for maintaining a corps-sized naval infantry unit, and an independent logistics section. The logistics section is comprised of several auxiliary vessels, such as fleet oilers, hospital ships, submarine tenders, mine countermeasures vessels, and cargo ships.

Nuskijani Air Force

The Nuskijani Air Force (NAF) is the aerial combat arm of the Nuskijani Armed Forces. It is responsible for local air superiority, support of ground forces, air mobility, airborne early warning, and interception of hostile aircraft. In 2019, the Nuskijani Air Force's total manpower was xxx,xxx. The Air Force is equipped with modern aircraft, many supplied domestically. Organization of the Air Force is divided into four concerns, the Air Combat Element (TACCOM), the Land Attack Element (LANCOM), the Air Mobility Element (MOBCOM), and the Space Signals Element (SPACCOM). The TACCOM is comprised of twelve fighter wings and two interceptor wings, each with 27 aircraft. LANCOM is comprised of eight bomber wings with 25 aircraft each, and two UAV wings with 80 aircraft each. The MOBCOM is comprised of five materials wings, each with 14 aircraft, two airborne early warning wings with 10 aircraft each, and one air refueling wing with 24 aircraft.

Nuskijani Royal Guardsmen

The Nuskijani Royal Guardsmen (NRG) is a small branch, comprised of two regiments of motorized infantry and one independent battalion of light infantry, which are responsible for the guarding of the High King's District's various strategic and nationally-important locations throughout the nation. Royal Guardsmen must be men, aged 26 to 40, who have served at least one voluntary term of service in any of the branches of the armed forces. Royal Guardsmen are recruited from the various Royal National Guard elements as well. The Royal Guardsmen is considered a specialized unit that does not fit into the Army's service orientation, and was made a separate branch in 1937. Total enlistment stands at 4,500. Duties also include personal protection for the High King and the Royal Cabinet. The Royal Guardsmen is considered the most prestigious branch of military service, and many Guardsmen make the NRG a career, serving until mandatory retirement.

Nuskijani Paramilitary Services

The Nuskijani Paramilitary Services (NPS) is a large branch comprised of several independent service arms. The Paramilitary Services are responsible for several duties, including frontier security and special forces. As of 2019, enlistment stands at xxx,xxx. The independent service arms are:

Royal National Guard

As defined in the Armed Forces Act of 1913, each of the five houses must maintain a corps-sized national guard unit that can be nationalized by decree of the High King. These units answer directly to the Low King of each house and are utilized as an internal security force outside of times of war. When nationalized, these units answer directly to the Committee of War and form a Field Army that can be utilized as needed as reinforcements, a rear-guard, an expeditionary force, or as a territorial defense force. The Royal National Guard is comprised of:

The Armed Forces Act of 1913 did not set forth any restrictions of types of troops or a structural requirement, which has led to several specialized regiments and divisions being formed. Alone, the Royal National Guard equals over one-tenth of the total national armed forces of Nuskijan.


Nuskijan's current military doctrine is defined by the High King as defensive in nature. While Nuskijan is capable of regional power projection, offensive military operations are unheard of, and have never taken place through Nuskijan's entire history. All sectors of the government and economy are involved in defense planning.

The primary objective of Nuskijan's military doctrine is to train and maintain a fighting force capable of defending the homeland from armed invasion, while training for and maintaining the capability to strike and enforce Nuskijan's interests abroad. As such, core tenets of the armed forces are rapid response, high mobility, and flexibility in readiness. The role of the Committee of War is to provide the High King and the armed forces with effective plans for territorial defense and regional crises, as well as ensuring sufficient response to internal and external humanitarian emergencies.

Defense in depth is the main objective of the territorial defense of the nation. This is accomplished by ensuring adequate national forces, as well as ensuring each of the Five Houses maintain a sizable national guard element that can operate behind the front lines in the case of an invasion.

Weapons of mass destruction

Nuskijan does not possess weapons of mass destruction in accordance with the Armed Forces Act of 1961. This act prohibits construction, stockpiling, and maintenance of nuclear, chemical, and biological weaponry. The Nuskijan Army does operate a WMD laboratory that is responsible for developing effective countermeasures to common regional WMD threats. The laboratory is currently involved in developing vaccines for known weaponized biological organisms, and antidotes to known weaponized chemical compounds. The Army's independent 1st NBC Support Brigade is the nation's primary CBRNE response unit, and is responsible for organized response to all CBRNE threats.




Women in the Armed Forces


See also