World Hit Festival 50

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World Hit Festival 40
This Is A Musical Legacy That Lasts A Lifetime
Date 7th March 2020
Location Mousiki, Izmedu
Venue The Majcena Foruma
Executive Supervisor Fabio McAlpine (BVC)
Executive Producer Dora Vidakovic
Host Broadcaster Radio-Televizija Izmedu (RTI)
Opening Act Final:
Interval Act Final:
Number of Entries 31
Debuting Countries


Returning Countries


Withdrawing Countries


Voting system Each country awards a set of points ranging from 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 to their five favorite songs.
Nul points None
Winner "TBA" - TBA
Winner's Margin TBA
Runner Up
← 49World Hit Festival51→

The World Hit Festival 50 will be the 50th edition of the senior World Hit Festival and the 56th edition of the World Hit Festival. The contest will held in Izmedu, in Vodiznad, after Izmedu's win at the 49th World Hit Festival in Alshkan, Britonisea and Estogium, where "Life's Passed Me By" sung by Franjo Kozina won for the nation with 27 points. RTI decided to host for the first time since the 46th World Hit Festival.

A total of 31 nations will participate at the 50th World Hit Festival, making it the largest World Hit Festival to date. At the 49th World Hit Festival, Britonish Overseer made an announcement saying that the five nations who placed in the top 5 would receive an automatic entry to the Grand Final if a total of 34 or more nations were met. Despite efforts by RTI and BVC to reach 34 nations, only 31 nations sent an entry by the 26 February 2020 deadline - even after 40 nations had shown their interest in participating in the event. Nevertheless, 31 nations break the number of nations needed to host the World Hit Festival (29, including the host), and therefore the Semi-Finals have been triggered for the 3rd time in World Hit Festival history.

The 5th Overseer Elections took place in the run-up to the 50th World Hit Festival as well. Members from the Darkmanian and Natanyan World Hit Festival delegation submitted official manifestos alongside the Britonsih delegation who acted as the failsafe option. In the end, after 10 different delegations participated in the voting, it was decided that Britonisea and BVC would resume its Overseership. Junterapten will remain as the WHF Headquarters for the time being, but Fabio McAlpine has stated that he will be stepping down from the Overseer position at the end of the 7th Junior World Hit Festival, which is set to take place in Achaean Republic. Before the start of the 51st World Hit Festival, the new face of the World Hit Festival will be revealed.

The 5th Overseer Elections

Location of the 50th World Hit Festival

'Copied from the host information package'

The city of Vodiznad (population: ~606,000) is Izmedu’s biggest city and also its capital. Past hosting booklets have gone on to nearly describe the city’s defining qualities in an almost exhausting length. As mentioned then, the city of Vodiznad is Izmedu’s oldest city, with some scholars arguing that it may even predate the concept of an Izmeduan nationstate. As Vodiznad is the cradle of what is currently known as Izmedu, the historical circumstances were there to help build the city into the cultural, musical, and political domestic powerhouse that it is today. Indeed, that is what one sees when they walk into the city. Many cultural artefacts and customs can be traced back to being rooted from Vodiznad or at least its larger surrounding area. It’s home to many of Izmedu’s most famed artists from the music industry, the hub for its film, fashion, and the cultural festivals and events that help defined and shaped Izmeduan culture. Though it is certainly far from Izmedu's only city, it is certainly the very emblem of not just Izmedu's shoreside and cultural roots, it is the metropolitan center that helps defines the country's legacy in many varying forms.

On top of being the cultural center for Izmedu, the city of Vodiznad is also home to many of its most famed cultural landmarks. These landmarks include places such as the Velikstav Walkway, the Agnial Marketplace, the Adviant Palace, the Ganer, El viatro teatar, the Point of Croinova, and the Rub Grada nature trail. These places are famed for being considered the 'postcard' places for the city. In the lead up to the World Hit Festival, these places will be open for festivalgoers to explore to their hearts desire. Additionally, many of these places play an integral part in showing the histories of both the city and country.

One cannot escape the city of Vodiznad without inevitably encountering the Velikstav Walkway. It was once originally built as a way for Izmedu to find a way to escape the shadow of its once brutal dictator, Tadija Damjan. With a deliberately ornate design that befit the Dalmatian architecture that permeates much of the older designs around Vodiznad, the Velikstav Walkaway represented a faint yet illusory hope for older Izmeduans. While there are certainly still traces of its original historical design, the walkway's modern history befits the cosmopolitan and musical direction that the country and the city are heading towards. The Velikstav Walkway is one of the most heavily visited areas in Vodiznad, often nearing visitor capacity during peak months and with many retail outlets, stores, and entertainment establishments vying to place branches on the walkway to take advantage of the heavy amount of visitors that often dot and populate the walkway. It is often common for the general area to be utilized as Izmeduan postcards, promo shoots, and tourism adverts.

The walkway itself is a shoreline walkway with both ends that consist of ports and marinas, providing visitors with ease of access to boats should they wish to explore the nearby sea. Provided there is space available, public performers and dancers, both representing traditional Izmeduan music (especially klapa) and more modern styles, are often present in the walkway. Additionally, the nightclubs that are present on the walkway itself also bolster its connection to music. The famed Ganer Klub is one of Izmedu's most popular nightclubs and is the center of Vodiznad's nightlife. Those who are now famed EDM producers and DJs have either performed a set at the Ganer at one point in their careers or could indeed trace the beginnings of their careers back to that very club. For the contest itself, the Velikstav Walkway will serve as the site of the very World Hit Festival Village itself; being a place where fans and delegations can party before, during, and after the contest.

Another landmark we wish to visitors to explore is El viatro teatar (translation: The Glass Theater). Though the name is a bit of a misnomer, the very architecture of the theater is built to make it look as if it were built out of glass, looking faintly quite like a mirror that reflects its surroundings. Revisions to its design have made more practical decisions and have since removed the ‘glass’ gimmick from its architecture and is now a general concert theatre. Able to seat around 2,500 people, the theater performs double duty as a museum for Izmeduan music history and also as a venue for contests such as VodiFest. The theater acts as the best option for more intimate performance spaces and contest pre-parties. For this contest, the theater will see expanded service as being the hub for domestic WHF pre-parties.

If you wish to experience Vodiznad beyond just the music, there are sites available such as the Rub Grada nature preserve and trail plus the Point of Croinova. These places are reflective of Izmedu’s strong insistence of protecting the environment and the legacy of years of legislative actions to ensure that natural landmarks remain protected. The Rub Grada trail runs around the outskirts of Vodiznad, providing an on-foot way to get to local municipalities such as Kaspari and Krigeria. Additionally, the very trail also leads to the Point of Croinova and the surrounding beaches in Vodiznad. The latter is described as being the point from which the first peoples that could be traced as Izmeduans stepped on. Though the validity of the claim is still in question, the Point of Croinova remains both a critical cultural landmark as well as a great place to relax and take pictures of the Izmeduan shoreline.

From music, history, nature, architecture, to everything that marks a city, Vodiznad hopes to help aid in preserving and bolstering the WHF legacy for editions and years to come. The city is the crossorads of the past, present, and the future. It already has deep ties to the contest itself, having hosted the contest in four occasions in the past. WHF50 will mark the fifth time the city has hosted the contest. We hope that visitors deeply enjoy their time here.


Keeping in line with recent World Hit Festivals, Izmedu will be utilizing a two-phase voting reveal system. This approach was originally pioneered by Kalosia in the 26th World Hit Festival, which led to a thrilling conclusion in the form of an extended tie breakdown between Britonisea and Izmedu, leading to the former winning the contest. The approach has to generate an incredible amount of suspense and excitement during the voting reveal. RTI’s approach to the voting reveal will be similar to how it was done in the past, but it will take cues from the 49th World Hit Festival to the particulars of this reveal. There will be two phases to the voting.

Phase I will concern the 1-4 votes. Practically speaking, the host will reveal each nation’s 1-4 votes one by one, going through them as quickly and efficiently as possible while making sure to let enough suspense simmer in the audience. As the host will be the one in charge, your spokesperson will not be present during this phase. In Izmeduan hostings, the voting nation’s identity would often be revealed, which would lead to close observers to trace the possible outcomes in Phase II and often correctly guess what would happen. In WHF49, Estogium opted for a ‘mystery nation’ format, not revealing the identities behind the Phase I votes until after the contest was complete. RTI has opted to experiment with this mystery nation format to help bolster excitement and keep the tension until the last possible vote in Phase II.

Phase II will involve the 5 points. This is where your spokesperson will come to play and this will be the phase where we will reveal each nation’s identity. For all nations involved, this is a critical phase to watch. Due to the large points values involved in the process, dramatic changes to the scoreboard are expected to happen and are often pivotal to deciding the eventual winner of the contest. It is possible (as Llalta proved in WHF41) to nearly win the contest off the back of a stunning Phase II performance, having come from the bottom of the scoreboard in Phase I to being only a few points away from eventual winners, Kalosia.

'Copied from the host information package'

Revival of the Semi Final Format

In the handbook for the World Hit Festival, a Semi-Final stage would be triggered when there are enough nations for two Semi-Finals of 14. This happened for the first time since the third World Hit Festival. Using the experience from the 40th World Hit Festival in Mousiki, it has been confirmed that eight nations will qualify from each Semi-Final of 15 nations each. This means that a total of 17 nations will compete in the Grand Final of World Hit Festival 50, while 14 nations will be eliminated. The Semi-Finals are expected to happen on the 3rd and 5th of March, with the Grand Final taking place on the 7th March 2020.

Participating Nations

On the 26th February 2020, RTI announced that 31 nations would participate in the World Hit Festival 50 in Mousiki. This made the contest the largest World Hit Festival contests ever. The idea of the Semi-Finals was agreed to by all the broadcasters, though it was suggested that some broadcasters did not like the idea of the Semi-Finals being put in place.

Below is the list of participating nations in order of how they were drawn;

Semi Final 1

The first Semi-Final took place 3rd March 2020 at 21:00 Izmeduan Time (WEST). A total of 15 nations took part in this Semi Final. Izmedu was drawn to vote in this Semi-Final. Izmedu will also perform their World Hit Festival song during the interval of this Semi-Final.

Order Country Artist(s) Song Name Place Points
01 TBA
02 TBA
03 TBA
04 TBA
05 TBA
06 TBA
07 TBA
08 TBA
09 TBA
10 TBA
11 TBA
12 TBA
13 TBA
14 TBA
15 TBA

Semi Final 2

The second Semi Final took place 5th March 2020 at 21:00 Izmeduan Time (WEST). A total of 15 nations took part in this Semi Final.

Order Country Artist(s) Song Name Place Points
01 TBA
02 TBA
03 TBA
04 TBA
05 TBA
06 TBA
07 TBA
08 TBA
09 TBA
10 TBA
11 TBA
12 TBA
13 TBA
14 TBA
15 TBA

Grand Final

The first Semi Final took place 11th August 2018 at 20:00 Izmeduan Time (WEST).