Nation/East Malaysia

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For Historical East Malaysia please see Old East Malaysia

Sovereign Empire of East Malaysia
Motto"Amalgamated Through Integrity"
Largest city Prometheusburg
Official languages Codexian
Ethnic groups (2016) 54% Peregrin
43% Humans
3% Hybrid
Demonym East Malaysian
Government Monarchy, semi-democratic
 -  Empress Glendale Jung
 -  Prince Justin Jung
 -  Prime Emperor Marcus Daz
Legislature Imperial Senate
 -  Kingdom of East Malaysia 1590-1610 
 -  Sovereign Empire of East Malaysia May 27th, 1826 
Currency East Malaysian Dollar (EM$)
Drives on the right
Calling code +7336
ISO 3166 code SEEM
Internet TLD .em


East Malaysia in NationStates

The Legend of East Malaysia is a gargantuan, environmentally stunning nation, ruled by Emperor Justin Jung with an even hand, and remarkable for its parental licensing program, daily referendums, and ubiquitous missile silos. The compassionate, hard-working population of 24.93 billion East Malaysians have some civil rights, but not too many, enjoy the freedom to spend their money however they like, to a point, and take part in free and open elections, although not too often.

The enormous government prioritizes Defense, with Law & Order, Education, and Social Policy also on the agenda. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Eastrovia. The average income tax rate is 91.8%.

The all-consuming East Malaysian economy, worth a remarkable 2,666 trillion EM$s a year, is extremely specialized and mostly made up of the Information Technology industry, with significant contributions from Arms Manufacturing. Average income is an impressive 106,958 EM$s, with the richest citizens earning 5.0 times as much as the poorest.

People regularly disappear off the streets and all evidence of them is destroyed, the government is ignoring the latest terrorist atrocities in Eastrovia for fear of causing a fuss, the military is slashing spending on conventional arms and diverting it to spending on prosthetic arms, and parents must choose their children's names from a government-mandated master list. Crime is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. East Malaysia's national animal is the East Malay Frog, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its national religion is the Prophecies.

Character List 5




East Malaysia is a culturally diverse nation comprising of 54% Peregrin, 43% Humans and a 3% Hybrid population.


Codexian is the primary language of East Malaysia and it's territories. The various groups within East Malaysia do speak a secondary language dependent upon geographic location.

Knowledge of Foreign Languages

Peregrins as a people are well versed in many different languages and can learn them by overhearing a person speak it. Humans and Hybrids vary by person to person depending on their profession.

Facts about your Language

The historical language of the Peregrins people is considered a dead language as it has not been spoken in over a hundred years.


Decimal point

The decimal point is a period "."

Definition of a billion

A billion is a thousand times a million.

System of Measurement

You still measure things in feet, pounds, and gallons and the metric system is also used in some areas such as scientific communities.

How date is written



East Malaysia is a mixture of all kinds of races & are welcoming towards foreigners

You make jokes about...




Three families in East Malaysia are considered royalty: The Royal Family of Caven, Bishop-Phelps Imperial Family, and the Jung Imperial Family. There are several other families that are very venerable and ally themselves to Imperial Families.

Political Parties

Multiple political parties that meet together in the unicameral Imperial Senate.

  • Eastrovian Party
  • People’s Coalition
  • Savaian Conservative Party
  • Federalist Party
  • Civil Liberties Union Party
  • Peoples Union Party

Attitude toward Socialism & Communism

The East Malaysian government does not have any problems with other systems of government.

Does the government listen to its people?

Even with being a Monarchy the nation is semi-democratic with an elected Imperial Senate and Prime Emperor/Empress

Can problems be solved?

The Imperial Senate and political parties generally speaking work together and the Emperor/Empress rarely has to step in.

If a politician cheats on his wife...

If it was leaked then it would be all over the news networks and public outrage soon follows, with the resignation of the official.

Freedom of Speech, Patriotism, Changing Names, Misc.

Freedom of speech & patriotism are cherished by the people. You can change your name with the right paperwork.

Military involvement with Government

The military has no political involvement with the government.


Utilities & Companies: Nationalized, Public, Private

Utilities and Companies are public or private. There are no nationalized utilities and companies per se but the government will enter joint venture agreements and invest.

Inflation & Unemployment

Unemployment is "officially" non-existent but does exist in impoverished areas and territories. Inflation is usually 10%.


Variable taxes depending on income on the Imperial level between 10-40%. State and localities have their own property, sales and etc. taxes.

Variety of items for sale, haggling

You can buy virtually anything you want. East Malaysia is known as a technology leader and many tourist leave with some new gadget not yet available in their country. Haggling is unknown outside of flea markets, garage sales, etc.

Credit Cards

Credit cards are very common.


You are free to leave whatever you want to whomever you want.

Social Welfare

The government provides plenty of social welfare but only to people that need it

Social Security

Is available for elder members of society that can no longer work.

  • Peregains age very slowly and do not what is considered an elder member of society until 165+
  • Humans aged 68+
  • Hybirds aged 78+

Welfare Programs

Very limited but available for everyone.

Unemployment Payments

Official the government does not believe unemployment can exist. If someone is unemployed they would have an incentive to fine another job quickly.

Medical Assistance

Subsidized by the government.

Charitable Aid

The government does provide funding to private charitable aid organizations.


Knowledge of World Capitals & Leaders

Very good knowledge of capitals and leaders.

Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific

Very friendly to everyone on face value but operates heavily in a the Grey Market.

Has your country been conquered?

No, you conquered the land and made the country.


You pick and choose them wisely.

Law & Crime

Court System & Lawsuits

The court system is pretty fair and lawsuits are easy to file, but most court cases brought by foreign companies or people tend to seem unfair and bias.


Uncommon and punishable by prison time and a hefty fine.

Police & Gun Ownership

The police are fair but very strict and gun ownership is common in rural areas but mandated by the government.

Dangerous Places

Not many dangerous places generally speaking except in impoverished areas.


Common, especially in the business areas of the country.


History Learned

The ancient times of the Peregrin people, about the Kingdom of East Malaysia, and all of the history of the Sovereign Empire. You also learned about the history, in brief, of the territories you control, and world history.

Cost of School

School is free for Elementary, Middle, High School, and Junior College (All together 15 years, anything over 15 years must be paid for).


College is two to eight years long.


Are you a farmer?

If you live in the countryside yes.

Can you be fired?

Yes, but jobs are plentiful.

Labor Day

The Imperial Government does not but states do.

Appointments, Punctuality, Negotiating

Lateness is defined by who your employer is. If you work for the government, it is expected to be on time, but if slightly late, it is acceptable. If you are the government (Empress Jung), then you can be as early or as late as you wish; no questions asked.


Which side of the Road

Everyone drives on the right side of the road.

Traffic Lights
  • Red Light, stop.
  • Yellow Light, clear the intersection.
  • Green Light, go.
Pedestrian Safety

Everywhere has sidewalk and crosswalks.


Clean with fair rates and all clean gas powered. Will have to pay first because the computer calculates the distance/rate.

Quality of public transportation

Very clean and safe. Companies must meet government standards or be shut down, heavily fined and assets can be sold.


  • First names & forms of address*

You can call anyone by their first names but it is expected that you use last names or titles of importance for royal families, the Aerospace Navy, and other professionals such as teachers or doctors; etc. Unless you are close with them and have permission.

  • Arranged marriages & wedding customs*

Arranged marriages are things of ancient East Malaysia and not allowed today. You can get married any place you want, customs are things of the past.

  • Importance of family background & social status*

If you are a Caven, Bishop, Jung, or Phelps, you have higher social status and are respected even if you sold your country out or tried to get the current leader assassinated.

  • Preferences of physical appearance*

Everyone is healthy. Al'Zirr East Malaysians tend to have darker then normal eye colors and straight black hair.

  • Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality*

Sex is a private thing and East Malaysia is a open society. Bi, Gay, Straight, etc are apart of everyday life and open displays of affection (holding hands, small kiss, & etc) are welcomed but anything adult rated will lead to a fine.

  • Relations with family / visiting / misc.*

Families tend to be close and open and don't have to visit each other


  • Things in your house*

Interactive TV, phone, holophone, bookshelf, computer, basic needs and whatever you can fit in your house.

  • Bathroom*

Shower is common and a bathtub is uncommon. Toilet, sink, and mirror

  • Telephone*

Phone service is great

  • Climate*

Slightly tropical in the north but after the mountain range in the middle of East Malaysia Island it tends to be colder for a few months of the year.


  • Biggest meal of the day*


  • What you won't eat (and odd things you will)*

Humans, cats, dogs, some birds, horses, and bugs are off the menu. (red moss salad. red moss, fruit, vegis)

  • How you eat & local cuisine*

You eat setting in chairs and at a table but you also like eating at the coffee table setting on large pillows.

  • Fast food & restaurants*

Fast food restaurants are fast but healthy. Unhealthy food is mostly seen in the human territories.

  • Packaging*

Milk in plastic containers, mustard&ketchup in plastic containers, Jam in glass jars, but everything is recycled.


  • Quality of healthcare & national health insurance*

The government pays most of the doctor bills for everyday things. If you are a member of the Aerospace Navy or government it is typically free. The quality is great.

  • Attitudes toward doctors*

Doctors are respected members of the society.


  • Major religions & attitudes toward them*

Republicism, Azahata Prophecies, Roman Catholic, Protestant, etc, everyone gets along for the most part. Republicism and the Prophecies have more issues with each other.

  • Relationship between church and state*

The government does not support any religious institution because East Malaysia is such a big place and the government needs to be neutral for the most part.

  • Christmas & other holidays*

Christmas is for the Christians & other holidays are for whoever. East Malaysia does give gifts during Christmas but does not celebrate it.


  • Amount of vacation time*

Depends on your employer but on average you can get up to three weeks.

  • Topless & nude beaches*

Unheard of.

  • Hotel rooms with private baths*

Rooms have private bath.

  • Popular travel destinations & recreational activities*

Your best bet for a travel destination is Eastrovia, Prometheusburg, and Dutch Gap because they are tourist destinations but you might also like the small tropical islands between the islands. Site seeing and learning about East Malaysia can be fun, especially playing with futuristic gadgets and shuttle site seeing.


  • Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.*

Al'Zirr have a thing for classical music of Earth. If you like opera, ballet, etc, you will love northern East Malaysa. Southern East Malaysia like more modern ways.


  • Dubbing or subtitles?*



  • TV news, newspapers, & print media*

You have a large selection of news, newspapers, and print media in East Malaysia. Want to watch your favorite TV show while on vacation, you can do that too in East Malaysia.


  • Format*

Newspapers & print media


  • Popular sports*

Shuttle racing, running

  • Types of playing cards used*

All are accepted


Country name

Conventional long form: Sovereign Empire of East Malaysia

Conventional short form: East Malaysia

Abbreviation: EM or SEEM

Government type

Monarchy, semi-democratic

Government structure

Imperial Jung Family lead by Empress Glendale Jung controls 80% of the East Malaysian Empire (Sovereign Empire, Associated States and Territories). The remaining 20% is controlled by the Prime Emperor/Empress and Imperial Senate which are democratically elected to represent the people.

Cities of East Malaysia


The District & City of Eastrovia is located on the northeastern side of Eastrovia Island at the mouth of the Malay River and the Bay of Eastrovia. The city is located in the District of Eastrovia but has a consolidated government under the District-City Council with an elected Mayor.

Largest City

Prometheusburg is the largest city in East Malaysia and the financial/business center of the nation.

Administrative Divisions of East Malaysia

East Malaysia has 15 states and 1 district^ that make up the nation.

Bishop, Caven, Dominion Minor, Eastrovia^, Gavin Coast, Java Coast, Kir’Shara, Malay Forest, Memore Bay, Dare, North Caven Union, Raven Grove, Sava Coast, Southrovia, Vaytan, Westrovia.

Associated State of East Malaysia

Caven Island, East Island, Northrovia, Southcaven and Southland


National Holiday


Legal System


18 years of age is the Imperial Minimum Standard Suffrage.

Executive Branch

Empress: Glendale Jung

Prince: Justin Jung

Prime Emperor: Marcus Daz

Legislative Branch

Senate Majority Leader:

Senate Minority Leader:

Judicial Branch


  • Imperial Defense Command
    • Imperial Guard
  • Imperial Oceanic Command
    • Imperial Corps
  • Imperial Aviation Command
    • Aeronautics, Space and Weather Administration

Foreign Relations

Political Parties

Political Pressure

International Organizations

Capitalist Coalition, East Pacific Treaty Organization, Confederated East Pacific

Leaders of East Malaysia