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The People's Republic of Karlington
Народная Республика Карлингтон
Motto"Surrendering ourselves to religion is just not worth it"
Anthem"The Internationale"
Region New Delton
and largest city
New Dryukovo
Official languages Russian, English
Ethnic groups (2015) Karlingtonian (74%)

Russian (13%) American (7%) Armenian (4%)

Serbian (2%)
Demonym Karlingtonian
Government Semi-presidential government
 -  President Aleksander Keskechev
 -  Prime Minister James Drenor
Legislature National Senate
 -  Discovery 1959 
 -  Occupation by Soviet Forces 1960-1967 
 -  Independence 1967 
 -  2015 estimate 3,970,348,000
GDP (nominal) 2015 estimate
 -  Total $171 trillion
 -  Per capita $42,242
Gini (2015)37.4
HDI (2015)0.81
very high
Currency Presidential unit (KPU)
Time zone PST (UTC -8)
Date format dd/mm/yyyy
Drives on the right
Calling code 311
Internet TLD .krl

The People's Republic of Karlington (Russian: Народная Республика Карлингтон), is a country which is located in the New Delton federative area in the Pacific Ocean.


Karlington's islands were discovered in 1959 by reconnaissance aircrafts of the Soviet Union while they were performing a routine mission. In 1960 the Soviets had built several bases in order to intercept radio transmissions broadcasted by the United States of America. In 1967 six years after finishing the first installation the Soviet army had abandoned the islands due to lack of success. However the communist party of the Soviet Union wanted to utilize the natural resources found on the islands. In order to do that, they had sent thousands of people there whose job was to supply the Soviets with food farmed on site and ores mined in the hills. One of the military supervisors, Gleb Mikhailovich Korolev organised an uprising and declared independence from the rest of the Soviet Union. He participated in negotiations with the Soviets in order to maintain the peaceful situation. On 29th November, 1967 he succeeded in reaching an agreement with the Soviets which ensured their independence in exchange for being trading partners. The newly formed nation was named Karlington after a poll was conducted regarding the nation's name.

In 1974 Karlington started trading with other non-Soviet countries. By 1979 it had a GDP of $105 million. From then on Karlington's GNP increased in every year by 8-16%. As the economy grew people from other nations started to immigrate hoping that they will find work and start their lives over. With this increase in population new industries started to appear. By 1990 Karlington had a quite developed IT sector as well as a reasonably developed heavy industry.

By 2000 more than 15 million people lived in Karlington. During all those years the country remained under the control of President Korolev until 2009 when he died after terrorist had exploded the building of the Senate. Between 2009 and 2014 the country was governed by a council made up of benevolent politicians. On 1st May, 2014 the council had announced an election. Six days after the new president, Aleksander Keskechev was inaugurated and assumed his position as the head of state for five years.


Karlington is made up of six islands in total however not all of them are populated due to environmental protection laws. The mainland features valleys, plains, lakes, and a mountain. Settlements are scattered throughout the islands. Some cities were designed to utilize several natural resources. For example Orlinoye has the biggest hydroelectric power plant in the entire country. Other cities lay next to important commercial routes while there are cities which were built to attract tourists. The best example is Staroseslavino where more than 90 million tourists go skiing every year.

Island Population (2015) Other
Karlington mainland 3,889,933,500
Yary 35,105,000 Has its own geothermal power plant.
Karmak Island 28,251,000
Krotinky 17,058,000
Yug Ostrov <500 Military testing ground
Malenkov Island 0 Environmentally protected


Karlington is home to more than 4 billion people. Most of them born here, while others imigrated from other countries. There are five registered ethnic groups. These are: Karlingtonian, Russian, American, Armenian and Serbian. Most of the people live on the mainland.

Government and politics

Karlington is governed by a national senate where all the elected officials represent their voters. The senate composes bills which are sent to the president. The president has the right to veto these bills and hence send them back to the senate where they are revised and modified if needed. Members of the senate are elected from voting districts throughout Karlington. The head of the senate is appointed by the president.

Karlington also has several ministries which implement the bills as well as help the senate creating them. Ministers report to the president and the senate and are appointed by the president.

Foreign relations

In 2014 Karlington formed a coalition with neighbouring countries by elaborating the New Delton Treaty. This established the region that Karlington now resides in as well as the allied government, intelligence agency and army. Since then there hasn't been any conflict between Karlington and the neighbouring nations.


The Karlingtonian Armed Forces are divided into four branches. These are the Air Force, the Army, the Navy, and the Aerospace Defence Command. All of these departments have their own chiefs while they are controlled by the ministry of defense, and the president. Detailed information about the armed forces can be found here and here.

Law enforcement

Karlington has several local police departments. All of these are operated independently by the local chief. Regardless they all report to the minister of internal affairs. Outside of cities the ministry of internal affairs operates rural patrols. The police force's funding takes up almost 20% of the governmental budget. All of the officers are well-equipped and trained. Crime is almost unpresent owing to the capable police force and the well-funded education.


Karlington's economy is mainly driven by the tourism, arms manufacturing, soda sales and the book publishing industries. The estimated GDP was $171 trillion in 2015 and has been increasing since. More than half of the companies are private, however there are state owned ones as well as governmental businesses and factories. The average income is distributed fairly evenly.


Most of the vehicles used in public transportation are locally made. Despite this, there are foreign-designed and/or made ones as well. The government spends around 5% of its budget to public transportation. The largest bus and railway network is located in the capital city. Other than that there are several railway lines which connect the cities.

Science and technology

Karlington is home to a developing IT sector since 1990. Medical research is also important and therefore state founded. Karlington has its own space program and had launched several commercial satellites into space from 2007 until 2012.


Education takes up 12% of the annual governmental budget. Thanks to state funding with the help of several civil and state owned organizations crime has been almost completely eradicated. The government also hosts countless avareness programes for both the young and the old.


Due to state funding Karlington has one of the longest average lifespans in the pacific. The medical sector also has advanced cures to more than 70% of the regional diseases and epidemics.


Karlington has its own minister of culture. In some towns there are historical quarters with theaters, opera and concert halls. The most culturally renowned city is Retinko.