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Fratanican Armed Forces
Banner of the Fratanican Armed Forces
Founded 1698
Current form 1981
Service branches

Fratanican Army
Fratanican Air Force
Fratanican Navy
Fratanican Special Operations Command

Fratanican Marine Corps (a subordinate command of the navy)
Headquarters 119 Parker Drive, Las Ventados, Fratanica
Commander-in-Chief Francisco Aguillon
Minister of Defence Alton Fraysworth
National Defence Advisor Dennis Favre
Military age 18-40 years old
Conscription No
Available for
military service
681,018,234, age 18–40 (2010 est.)
Fit for
military service
158,115,307, age 18–40 (2010 est.)
Reaching military
age annually
5,410,038 (2010 est.)
Active personnel 1,800,730
Reserve personnel 2,180,070
Budget ᶂ4.3 trillion
Percent of GDP 12.6%
Domestic suppliers Wolf Armaments

The Fratanican Armed Forces, abbreviated as FAF, is the national defence force of Fratanica. There is no conscription into the FDF; the FAF is an entirely professional force made up of volunteers. There are 4 branches of the Fratanican Armed Forces: The Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Special Operations. The Fratanican Armed Forces will be deployed in direct combat if it is voted in by the National Parliament. In times of national emergency or war, conscription can be reinstated and a military draft can take place. Currently, all Fratanican males above the age of 20 must enroll in the draft program.

The Fratanican Armed Forces itself was founded in 1698, 48 years after Fratanica had regained its independence as a nation. The FDF was established by General James Wallton, who helped lead a rebellion against the occupying force. Those who founded the nation had seen an importance to defend the soil that they had gained in 1650, and as a result, they decided a military had to be established. Conscription was in place until 1895. Since then, multiple wars were fought to protect encroaching invaders. The current form of the Fratanican Armed Forces was created in 1981.

Fratanica's military policy is having a large, professional army trained to defend the nation and protect the rights listed in the Fratanican constitution. It protects Fratanican soil and assists in homeland security when necessary. It is also a force capable of being deployed in a short notice, to any place where it is necessary.

The current commander-in-chief of the Fratanican Armed Forces is President Francisco Aguillon and has the power to control and advise the military. He is also under control of the Internal Defence Forces, a reserve military force tasked with internal defense, security, and protecting the interests of Fratanica. The Maritime Guard, a maritime policing group controlled by the Ministry of Public Security, can be transferred to the control of the Fratanican Armed Forces when either ordered by the Commander-in-Chief or in times of national emergency. The commander-in-chief is advised by the National Defense Advisor and those on the National Defense Board.


17th century

Rebels who were opposed to the authoritarian rule of their regime had a bloody civil war against the Caessarian regime, beginning in 1646. This would become the basis for the FAF Creed of Honor today. A long, drawn-out war was fought between those looking for their independence and the military of the regime. A young James Wallton was in charge of the Sovereignity Movement. The Battle of Themsladia was the final decisive battle which resulted in the victory of the Sovereignity Movement over the provincial and local governments. General James Wallton, along with other military advisors and leaders, helped establish the Fratanican National Army.

18th century

The Fratanican National Army fought a war between enemy forces from Myridian Empire attacking the coasts. The naval firepower of the Fratanican Army was small at the time. The Myridian forces outnumbered Fratanican soldiers heavily, both on the ground and in naval firepower. Many ships were lost by the newly-founded state, and eventually lost to the Myridian forces. Myridian forces attempted to invade Casario City, which was at the time the capital. However, despite outnumbering the Fratanicans 25 to 1, the Fratanicans drove Myridian forces out. Multiple naval skirmishes were fought in the late 1700s from multiple nations, however, most of them were minor.

19th century

The Fratanican Armed Forces was transformed into a peacetime force in the 19th century. Several battles between Myridian and Caessarian cells were fought domestically. The most notable battle was the Battle of Cresole, in which 300 organized Myridian natives had a skirmish with Fratanican ground forces. The Fratanican Army, with the lead of Major Kevin Duroll, fought the Myridian natives. The Myridian natives, despite being surrounded by Duroll's men, were able to wipe out most of the Fratanican force, including Major Kevin Duroll and Lieutenant James Hartford, commanding officers of the soldiers. This was an upset to the Fratanican Armed Forces, and changes were made in order to prevent such a loss from happening again.

20th century

In the midst of the Second World War, the Fratanican Armed Forces developed nuclear weapons. In conjunction with other nations with nuclear programs, Fratanican scientists researched into the atomic bomb. The Fratanican Armed Forces were also reinstated as a wartime military by the President and Commander-in-Chief. A military draft was almost put into place, however, the National Parliament voted against it. The atomic bomb was created in Fratanica in 1958.

In the 1960s, the arms race between various nations created the need for Fratanica to create contingency plans in case of all-out nuclear war. Because of this, a plan for the continuity of government was created. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, FAF mainly served as a peacekeeping force in war-torn nation, contributing troops to the World Assembly program.

21st century


Enlisted personnel of the Fratanican Armed Forces ranges from 18 to 40. However, those who are seeking posts of command do not have an age limit, and have the right to do so as long as they go through the FAF Officer School. Males and females who are physically and mentally capable are allowed to join the FAF enlisted ranks. Depending on the branch of which is chosen by the candidate, they will have to go through an 14-18 month course of training. Specialized fields in the FAF recruits separately and training length will be varied depending on the field chosen. There are various schools for the specialities in FAF. Fratanica currently does not have conscription in place, however, this can be changed by the President in times of national emergency and war.

Candidates going through Army basic training.

In order to join the Fratanican Armed Forces, recruits must first pass physical testing, in order to see if they are fit to become fighters of war. Medical checks and small background checks of the recruit will also be conducted. The FAF requires that the cadet can meet 20/40 vision with corrected vision, that there are no major organ issues, and that there is no debilitating conditions which would interfere with Fratanican operations. They also check for contagious sicknesses or diseases before they are admitted into the Fratanican Armed Forces. There is also a 100kg weight limit to those who want to join. Medical waivers can be signed by both an armed forces doctor and their personal doctor to grant them access. The Fratanican Armed Forces allows those with a criminal record to join, however, additional mental testing and increased background checks will be conducted.

Once all of the background checks and medical checks are complete, the cadet can move into basic training. Basic training can last up to 18 months. It goes over the basics such as radio communication, proficiency in firearms, physical training, and classes. FAF instructors make sure that each cadet is able to disassemble and assemble their main firearms, that they know how to reload and fire at a target, and that they are able to do this in a proficient amount of time. Radio communication is where candidates are trained in using communication to successfully complete the task at hand. They also learn discipline, rappeling, and depending on the branch of service, survival and swimming. FAF instructors are usually Corporals or Sergeants who go through TRACOM (Training Command) training.

Once a candidate finishes basic training, they are then able to be deployed at the request of the Minister of Defense or National Assembly. Pay for a Fratanican soldier is good, with the salary being from ᶂ70,000 to ᶂ90,000 a year; it is enough to support a family of 4. In addition, there is a financial aid program within the FAF, which supports the family of a soldier past their retirement from the FAF and transition into civilian life. This not only provides an incentive to the soldier, but it also creates a close-knit support family within the FAF.



Tank being operated by the armored divisions of Fratanica

The Fratanican Army is the main ground force branch of the Fratanican Armed Forces and has the most active and reserve personnel. Currently, around 575,000 active and 640,000 reserve personnel serve in the Fratanican Army. It is led by General Conley Basworth. This force is the most deployed force of the Fratanican Armed Forces; it is currently being deployed all around the world to serve both peacekeeping and fighting roles. The Army is the main infantry force, as well as the main branch operating armored vehicles such as tanks and APCs.

The Fratanican Army is deployed in wartime, peacekeeping, and in special cases, to aid domestic civil authorities and law enforcement in maintaining the peace and stability of that region. This rarely happens, however, this has happened a few times in Fratanican history. During the 1988 Las Ventados riots, the Fratanican Army was deployed into Las Ventados under the discretion of the Commander-in-Chief. Fratanican forces were called in to quell the riots and protect epicenters for potential rioting and looting. Recently, the 2010 Sealake environment protests resulted in Internal Defence Forces being called in to quell riots in certain regions. In addition, the Fratanican Army also supports civil authorities in providing aid to those in need during natural disasters.

The Fratanican Army maintains bases all around Fratanica in strategic areas to defend the Fratanican people and government. The main base operated by the Fratanican Army is FOB Zocoram, located 50 miles west of Las Ventados. There are 280 army installations all over Fratanica, as to maintain a ready, spread-out defence in case of a war. In addition, these bases can be activated at any time for domestic or international use. Each installation is directed for a certain sector, as to be deployed to that region when the need arises.


The Fratanican Navy is the main water-based branch of the Fratanican military. It is the second largest branch of the Fratanican Armed Forces, having 470,000 active and 410,000 reserve personnel. These statistics do not include the Fratanican Marine Corps. It also boasts 450 ships, both active and reserve. It assists with the Maritime Guard in protecting the coasts of Fratanica, as well as being deployed in the seas in preparation for a naval attack. The Fratanican Navy also includes an air division and the Fratanican Marine Corps. During a national emergency, the Maritime Guard will become a subordinate command of the Fratanican Navy. The Fratanican Navy also operates the nuclear submarines.

The Fratanican Marine Corps is a small, elite group consisting of 120,000 active and 170,000 reserve personnel. The Fratanican Marine Corps are specially-trained in naval infantry tactics and protection of Fratanican installations and embassies world-wide. The Fratanican Marine Corps also have the capability to strike from the seas onto land. They maintain a small rotary-wing and air superiority fighter force as well. In addition, they are deployed with the Fratanican Army on ground conflicts, making the Fratanican Marine Corps the most versatile branch of the Fratanican Armed Forces. They have the ability to be deployed to any place at any time.

The Fratanican Navy, along with the Fratanican Air Force, is in charge of protecting the operational value of the nuclear arsenal. Specifically, the Fratanican Navy operates the nuclear submarines, which are on permanent stand-by around Fratanican coastal waters. Through the authorization by the President and the Minister of Defence, the nuclear weapons can become fully operational. They will then be launched through a specific protocol that must be approved by various levels of the military and civilian leadership. Once the protocol is complete, the nuclear submarine will have the ability to launch its missiles at any target around the world.

Air Force

305th Combat Wing in formation.

The Fratanican Air Force is the main air-based branch of the Fratanican Armed Forces. It is the third largest branch of the Fratanican Armed Forces, boasting 360,000 active and 208,000 reserve. The Fratanican Armed Forces boasts 4,500 aircraft. The Fratanican Air Force is seen as an important branch by the Minister of Defence, as it is used to maintain air superiority and has the ability to strike targets on the ground from the air. The Air Force is divided into multiple wings tasked with protecting the skies: 118th Combat Wing, 207th Combat Wing, 305th Combat Wing, 187th Support Wing, 250th Support Wing, 45th Drone Wing, 59th Drone Wing, 85th Training Wing, the 18th Rotary Wing, and the 19th Rotary Wing. They all serve certain missions, depending on the wing. The Air Force is also in charge of protecting and maintaining the nuclear arsenal of Fratanica.

Transport aircraft flying over the waters

The Fratanican Air Force operates multiple air vehicles such as: multi-role fighters, rotary-wing aircraft, manned drones, transport vehicles, air superiority vehicles, command aircraft, stealth aircraft, and air superiority aircraft. They serve a wide range of purposes, from maintaining air superiority to airstrikes to the operation of the President's aircraft. The Fratanican Air Force's main fighter jet is the AEX 5th generation fighter. The Fratanican military invested ᶂ450 million into the project, which was developed by Drogeus Defence Industries. Today, the AEX fighter serves as the main multi-role fighter in the Fratanican Air Force's arsenal.

The Fratanican Air Force's administration is currently place at 50 Windsor Street in Las Ventados. The administration of the Air Force is in charge of directing plans for pilots, as well as commanding the Air Force in wartime or national defence. In addition, the main air force base domestically in Fratanica is AFB Johnson, situated in the heart of Guarato City. It currently houses a tenth of the Air Force's domestically-situated aircraft. It is usually the main base used when fighter jets are scrambled to face a threat in the sky.

Special Operations

Each branch of the Fratanican Armed Forces has their own special operations forces. These special operations teams, while under the leadership of their respective branches, all fall under the Fratanican Special Operations Command. These elite soldiers go on missions not undertaken by larger, more conventional forces, such as direct action, reconnassiance, unconventional warfare, intelligence gathering, and black operations. The main special operations forces are listed below.

Name Branch Headquarters Structure and purpose
Combat Operations Group Fratanican Armed Forces Classified The tier-one operational group of the Fratanican Armed Forces. These men were directly recruited from the other special operations forces of various branches. They specialize in direct action, unconventional warfare, psychological warfare, reconnaissance, counter-terrorism, and black operations. They also conduct hostage rescue in hostile regions.
Special Intelligence Service Fratanican Armed Forces Classified The intelligence-gathering arm of the Fratanican Armed Forces. In support with the International Intelligence Agency, they provide intel to special operations units in order to have a successful operation. They use methods such as HUMINT and SIGINT to get the job done.
Special Operations Service Fratanican Army Fort Hysworth, Guarato City They are the main special forces of the Fratanican Army. They are the main deployed special operations force in many missions. They partake in direct action, unconventional warfare, counter-terrorism, and hostage rescue.
180th Psychological Warfare Battalion Fratanican Army Fort Masaro, Solveno They are the psychological warfare branch of the Fratanican Armed Forces. They conduct PSYOPS in various regions around the world.
Navy Special Forces Regiment Fratanican Navy Naval Base Simond, Sealake They are the special operations team for the navy. They conduct sensitive, naval operations in war-torn regions around the world. It maintains 8 teams, which could be deployed with a 1 hour notice. It is said that the Navy Special Forces Regiment has one of the most grueling training courses in the world.
Air Force Special Operations Fratanican Air Force AFB Johnson, Las Ventados They are the Air Force's special operations. Their main task is hostage rescue. The Air Force Special Operations Command also maintains a special team of pilots designed to take special operations troops all over the world in dangerous conditions.


The President is the commander-in-chief of the Fratanican Armed Forces. He determines the final deployment of troops and advises the Fratanican Armed Forces. The commander-in-chief is also able to temporarily deploy troops to any location for 30 days without parliamentary approval. The Commander-in-Chief also reserves the right to activate the Internal Defence Forces domestically. The FAF is also advised by the National Defence Board. The Minister of Defence oversees the commanding officers and administration and advises the President on the modern theaters of warfare, as well as making decisions.

The National Defence Board is a council which analyzes the potential threats to national security and defense. It also handles decision making during wartime. The head of the National Defence Board is Dennis Favre. During wartime, the National Defence Board assists decision-making of deployment and come up with plans to defend the country. They also serve as advisors to the President and the Minister of Defence.

