Region/Imperial Dictators United

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Imperial Dictators United is a region devoted to mass oppression and/or genocide, whilst maintaining a strong community amongst its dictators. It was founded by Democrolia, a Corporate Police State and it is a highly organised region, for its size (insignia and an official website in development).

Aside from Democrolia, its first member was Uraniland, and its first member that wasn't personally known by Democrolia before joining was Kim Jing Jung, a nation famous for its soup ("Soup for the childrens, made of the childrens!"). After that, the next regularly active members were the three IRL brothers, Aethras, Thanatas, and Ferranova (who soon left).

Notable Historical Events
  • Democrolia moves south, away from the region Europe Number 1 (ex-Democrolian land now referred to as "the Ancient Lands')
  • The Barsu-Aethran peace conference in Kustgebied
    • The "Ruaumako Protocol" (details classified) almost put in effect
    • Kustgebiedian invasion, briefly
      • IDU wrecks Kustgebied hard
    • An agreement is made involving peace, but with IDU temporarily controlling Barsuan media
  • 1st Authoritarianism Conference, held at the Prætorium, Thanatas (and events that extended thereof)
    • Menta Lee-Il of Psychotic Dictatorships interrupts the conference
      • Menta Lee-Il gets roasted.
    • PLF/"Barsu" attempts to invade the Prætorium
      • Leader is captured and sent to Aethrasian prison
    • An anonymous nation with incredible cybertechnological power threatens to take the leader back by force, unless he is handed over.
      • The unknown nation believes that he is in a Thanatan prison (possibly)
    • The military from the pre-conference parade all guard the prison that the unknown nation (supposedly) believes the PLF leader is in, in an attempt to find something that will lead them to finding the unknown nation
    • With the decreased military presence at the Prætorium, the unknown nation sends an agent in and captures The Supreme Commander (leader of Democrolia and IDU)
      • Everybody panics
    • The unknown nation demands major rebel prisoners from all IDU nations to be exchanged for The Supreme Commander
    • We give the prisoners to the unknown nation only to trigger a massive explosion on the ship, killing them and wrecking the ship
    • Unknown nation is revealed to be rogue section of Dewritolia