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The Empire of Revitallia
Motto“Long Live the Empire”
AnthemCancrest March
"World Assembly Member"
Political Map of Revitallia
Political Map of Revitallia
Region The Democratic Union of Republics
and largest city
Official languages English, Revan
Recognised national languages English, Revan, Latin, Romanian
Demonym Revitallian
Government Senatorial Empire
 -  Emperor of Revitallia Connor Bogdon
 -  Empress of Revitallia -
Legislature Imperial Senate of Revitallia
 -  Maxson-Wright Pact 264 A.D. 
 -  Conversion to Kingdom 1115 A.D. 
 -  Revitallian Revolution 2010-11 A.D. 
 -  Revitallian Civil War 2014-2015 
 -  Total --- km2
--- sq mi 
 -  2015 Census estimate ---
 -  Density ---/km2
Expression error: Unexpected * operator./sq mi
Currency DUR Dollar (DUR)
Date format mm ˘ dd ˘ yyyy
Drives on the right

UNDER CONSTRUCTION The Empire of Revitallia, commonly referred to as Revitallia or simply The Empire, is a Senatorial Empire composed of 9 provinces, with an additional 14 smaller provinces in dispute with a semi-autonomous region by the name of Solbger, which occupies the Zealander Islands. The central six provinces are on the continent of Australia, with an additional 17 major islands surrounding the continent. With 3.1 million sq miles, it is the 4th largest nation by area in Kamidotekushi.

Following the rise of the Bogden Dynasty, and beginning in 1648, the Revitallian Kingdom at the time spanned the Pacific Islands, Southeast Asia, and parts of northern India. Since that time, the Kingdom lost territories while simultaneously restricting civil liberties and economic freedom. With the defeat of King Darren II's army in Southeast Asia and the nearby Indonesian island chain by the Viet Kong in 1983, rule under a King became increasingly oppressive. The communistic government even punished its own queen, Queen Amy III. Following a fairly bloodless revolution, Keven Adlai, the organizer of the revolution, assumed power by rigging an election. After 3 years, evidence surfaced that Adlai was bringing back a dictatorial state. The Revitallian Civil War followed, the bloodiest war in Revitallia's long history. Anywhere from 120 million to 150 million people perished in the conflict. Currently reformed under the title of Empire, Revitallia has become a democratic empire much like the Revitallia prior to its conversion to a Kingdom.

Revitallia has the 7th largest GDP in Kamidoteksuhi, at $31.64 trillion dollars. It has the largest public-sector based economy in the region, with no private industry, though reforms are on their way through to turn the nation more capitalist. It is the region's fastest growing economy, political power, and military prowess.


First settled by colonists from Northwestern Europe in 153 AD, the colonists rapidly became self-sustaining and self-governing and were forgotten by what is now northern Andermor sometime around 250 AD. The colonists established a type of republic that governed the areas the young nation had assimilated. With the signing of the Maxson-Wright Pact in 264 AD, the Empire of Revitallia was officially born. This new Empire possessed around 800,000 sq miles, a little more than what is modern-day Queensland. The capital established was Sydney, located on the east coast of the continent. The Imperial Army was built up and quickly pushed the tribal natives off of the east coast and within another 200 years, subjugated them. However, they did not prosecute them, and allowed the native population full citizenship rights and allowed them access back to the east.

A map of the Empire of Revitallia at its earliest in 300, highlighted in blue.

Naval Expansion

Following a lengthy and bloody invasion of nearby Tasmania, that lasted for 70 years and nearly wiped out the native Tasmanians, the Imperial Senate authorized the construction of a large navy. This marked a pivotal moment for Revitallia, and within 25 years the Imperial Revitallian Navy was one of the most formidable of the time. From then on Revitallia was constantly annexing islands and territories across the Pacific Ocean, most notable the Zealander Islands. By the year 560 AD, all of Polynesia was under Revitallian authority. The following year, the navy attempted an invasion of Halnan Island, off the coast of China (the present-day Commonwealth of Hank the Cat). Chinese forces dealt a devastating blow to the Imperial Navy, and were able to repel another attempted invasion of the island in 576. Even stretching across Oceania, the current Emperor, Daries Fay, launched an invasion of Southeast Asia. The invasion was successful, and the last Vietnamese holdout fell in 647. Having conquered the peninsula, the only way to expand further in any direction was to invade the first iteration of the Commonwealth, the Empire of Unggoy. As tensions mounted, war eventually broke out with an Unggoy incursion onto Revitallian soil. The resulting war succeeded in bringing Revitallia into contact with Europe and Africa, but also had minimal territory gain.

Political Change

The Empire saw its peak in 1115, with territory encompassing Australia, Oceania, Southeast Asia, Japan, Korea, Tibet, India, Central Asia, the Middle East, and the Horn of Africa. It was the largest empire the world had ever seen, encompassing 16 million square miles. The Emperor at the time, in order to feel matched up with the rulers of Europe, declared himself King instead of Emperor. This saw Revitallia's change from a Senatorial Empire to an Absolute Monarchy.

A map of the Empire of Revitallia at its peak in 1115.

Most people were fine with this, but it also introduced new customs for the queen, especially how many children she was to bear. The shift caused some ripples across the outer reaches of the Kingdom, namely in Japan and Vietnam.

Wars of Preservation

The Wars of Preservation, as they are now called, was a long series of wars (1200-1879) which intended to preserve the size of the Kingdom. Terrible civil strife and rampant crime resulted in the first war, the Somalian-Revitallian War of 1200. Somalian Liberation forces defeated the Royal Army in Africa, forcing the forfeit of the Kingdom's holdings. This initial revolution inspired similar wars throughout the Middle East and Central Asia. The most notable of these was the Persian Revolt.

The Persian Revolt (1339-1373) was the most devastating of all of the Wars of Preservation. By the time it had concluded, over 5 million lay dead and the Kingdom had lost 3.5 million square miles. Starting with the Battle of Jeddah, in which a Royal Garrison gunned down 49 protesters before being killed by a mob, and ending with the Treaty of Mumbai, the war led to the formation of the Persian-Somalian Empire, which would come back to bite Revitallia.

A map of the Revitallian Kingdom in 1640, with land lost to Somalia-Persia and the Japanese Empire.

During the wars, an aristocratic family, the Bogdens, held a coup against the ruling family, the Dovnenos. This shift of power contributed to the First Tibetan War, and the capital of Cancrest was renamed Bogdonpolis.

A map demonstrating land loss throughout the Wars of Preservation.

Japan and Korea held their own revolution, supported by China. As the wars continued, Persia-Somalia supported Indian rebels and outright attacked Royal Forces during the Third Tibetan War (1746-1789). The wars finally concluded with the Indonesian War (1860-1879). The Kingdom only held Australia and the Zealand Islands by 1880.

Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution arrived late to Revitallia, which contributed to its final defeat in Indonesia. The Industrial Revolution evolved rapidly in Revitallia, supporting military and civil development. King George used this to turn the nation into a communist-like state, which resulted in the rich much, much richer than the poor. At the same time, a baby boom resulted in huge population growth.

While Revitallia was a fairly formidable threat to any nation at the onset of The Great War (1914-1918), but chose to remain neutral due to its distance from the fighting.

Interwar Period and World War II

Revitallia suffered a major economic depression that crippled the anyone in the nation who was not an aristocrat. During this time, with severe poverty, more and more women tried to be surrogates, by mating with the husband and after giving birth acting as a nurser for the wife's sake. For the most part, it was the only way women could get money. This resulted in the Second Baby Boom. The Kingdom barely ever recovered from this depression, and was forced to sit out of World War II (1939-1945) because of it. This depression also became the largest reason for the Revolution in the early 2000s.


The Great Depression, coupled with the ruling class, specifically the King's family, flaunting themselves even more led to tensions throughout the populace. The Second Baby Boom was still going, but beginning to slow down. Police brutality became a major issue, and poverty remained one. The massive defeat of King Darren II's army in Vietnam was also cause for humiliation and upset tempers among the common people. Darren II had begun to grab people using the secret police and send them to the snowy mountains in camps more than any of his predecessors. He also began a program to experiment on Revitallian women to try and determine the cause of their fertility, sometimes leading to adverse results.

With his Inflation Sentence of his second wife, Queen Amy III, it had become a serious problem among the people. Darren's obsession with glorifying himself and the Royal Family resulted in the largest Revitallian military disaster since 1570 during the Second Tibetan War. The Revitallian Royal Forces were deployed to Vietnam to regain control of the old land. He deployed an invasion force numbering 300,000, but only 116,000 ever returned back to Revitallia. A year after, he administered the Inflation Sentence to Queen Amy III, and began enforcing his own rules even more harshly, using excessive force.

A Royal Army artillery position in Vietnam, May 1982.

His son, Jack I, was coronated on April 18, 1998. He did not handle the situation any better. His wife, Queen Heather, was flaunted even more than Amy. He continued the trend of prisons that his father had, along with the testing on women. Jack built up the military, using older, but cheaper, technology to try and bring Revitallia on par with the rest of the world's powers. The country tested its first nuclear weapon, a 2-megaton bomb named Fat Amy (a joke at the expense of the former Queen Amy III), on November 11, 2003. A large arsenal was rapidly built up, once again at the expense of the common people.

Jack's oppressive policies and wasteful spending reached a critical point. On July 18, 2010, rebels took up arms against the government in the province of Dedrahun, attacking a military convoy carrying two of the women who were involved in the testing. A military force was sent to crush the rebels, but disbanded itself shortly after leaving, and most members supported the cause of the revolution. The rebels were led by the King's cousin, Connor Bogdon as General, Lindsay Stone in charge of the limited espionage, and Keven Adlai as their figurehead. After a quick campaign, King Jack, his pregnant wife, and their children fled the country, suspected to be in the Caribbean. The rebels stormed Bogdonpolis on February 29, 2011, ripping nobles and their wives and children from their homes.

In the following weeks, many noblewomen were raped and impregnated, with a few sold as breeders. Adlai only took control a month after the storming of Bogdonpolis. On the steps of the old palace, Adlai gave a victory speech;

My fellow Revitallians, Many months ago, a brave group of men and women started the fight against the previous, tyrannical government of Revitallia, who oppressed us in everyday imaginable. Few civil rights, and no political rights, we slaved under their iron fist. We worked hard, when we could find jobs, to provide for our families which the government did nothing to help. They did the opposite. We had among the highest tax rates in the world, with 80% of our meager accounts going to the government. They sat upon luxuries while we were happy to have a bit of rotten dog flesh to eat. But no more. Thanks to my cause, our cause, that old dictatorship is gone! Revitallia has been reborn anew democratically!

As a side effect of their taxes and economic policy, the value of the Revut has tanked. The economy is a mess, and we inherited that mess. We need to hand together, to stay united, if we are to be a leader of trade in the World.

We are left in a bad place, and I will be honest with you. There are those who will seek power in the absence of government. We may descend into chaos, but it will not stay that way, I promise. Revitallia's brightest days are still to come!"

Adlai's popularity soared, and after elections were held for Prime Minister in the new Provisional Government, Adlai became the first Prime Minister of the United Socialist States of Revitallia. The capital was moved from Bogdonpolis to Veliva.


Under Adlai's rule, the nation had a slow rebuilding process. The military was completely restructured, with whatever officers had joined the revolution being promoted to the highest ranks. The police was non-existent, and there were a couple thousand displaced nobles. The cultural gems of Revitallia such as the Castle Boltem and Parnethon were ransacked and vandalized. Many nobles were killed on the street, and many noblewomen were raped and/or impregnated and displayed around Bogdonpolis to humiliate them.

The common people also called for the release of the other women who had been captured for testing. Adlai released roughly 100 of the 150, keeping the 50 most promising subjects to continue the experiments. Most of these women were normal, but a few gained weight easier, others had permanent pregnant bodies, and still others became ridiculously fertile. To keep the tests going and solve the problem of the nobility, Adlai had the secret police round up those women who had given birth to the most children to submit them for testing.

As a year passed, and nearly no progress had been made in rebuilding the country, the people became restless. Adlai promised that to stop crime, he would need a larger military. So the military got larger and better equipped.

A few noblewomen, such as Heather Maher, had been divorced shortly before the revolution broke out, and were thus safe from the masses, along with their families. A massive manhunt was still in place to search for Jack I and his family.

During this time, relations with other nations began to fall apart. Things were not hostile, but international relations was no longer important for the USSR's Provisional Government.

Revitallian Civil War

On October 10th, 2014, General Connor Bogdon fled the new capital of Veliva for Bogdonpolis. From there, he exposed Adlai's rigging of the election, continuation of the tests, the secret police, and purposefully not rebuilding the country, along with drafts of proposals to Solbger and Revutlia, two small nations that had been absorbed in the early days of the first Empire. They had wanted independence as they saw the monarchy collapsing. This combination pushed Adlai's standing over the edge. Upon hearing this, the people across the nation began to revolt against the central government, allowing Bogdon to build up his force to assault the capital to replace Adlai as leader and stop the negotiations going on with Solbger and Revutlia. Many of Bogdon's men had joined him in the east, picking up plenty of civilians who wanted to fight as well.

In response to this, Adlai told his forces that anyone attempting to leave would be shot, and their family would be enslaved. This ensured most of their loyalty, and Adlai began to sweep towards Bogden's rumored base of operations, punishing any family whose members had joined Bogdon. The children were beaten, the women raped, and houses burned. The USSRAF launched small, weak airstrikes against suspected Bogdon targets, but the first skirmish took place on November 5, 2014.

Adlai's government forces marched east, laying waste to all in their path. The most famous of these attacks was the Rape of Pordo Landing, in which Government forces burned and destroyed homes, executed any male over the age of 10, and killed and enslaved the rest of the surviving population. In a defenseless city of 99,768, nearly 74,000 people were killed and the rest enslaved.

Following this event, a few external nations became involved in the war. The Former CFP of Tigerus and the Dominion of Vultro began to launch airstrikes and paratrooper squads against Government Forces. Bogdon's Free Army continued its march west.

During all of this, both the Free Army and Government Forces were searching for Lindsay Stone, who had left Veliva in 2012 after being refused a government position by Adlai.

The two armies clashed in the first major battle on December 28, 2014, beginning the Battle of Pryslm. Adlai's forces stormed the city first, continuing their genocidal campaign of destruction. Thanks to the efforts of a 16-year-old named John Salvo and a small resistance he organized, it allowed the Free Army to properly secure positions for artillery bombardment and then to move in. The battle also marked the entrance of the United States of Araluen and Eyreland into the war, and the involvement of a handful of other nations.

By the time the Battle of Pryslm had concluded on January 6, 2015, the Government Army was all but defeated. The began to retreat to the sea, continuing their destruction. The Free Army and supporting nations chased them, ultimately defeating them in the Battle of Veliva and the Battle of Dorham Heights. Adlai had managed to escape, taking a boat out to neighboring Vietnam, where he is currently being sheltered by the Viet Cong. It is believed that he may have moved to Africa, at this point.


The Revitallian Civil War is the nation's, and one of the world's, bloodiest wars, with 120-150 million people dead and trillions of dollars worth in damage. Connor Bogdon immediately switched the capital back to Bogdonpolis, and instituted a Senatorial Empire, nearly exactly like the old one. The people strongly supported this, and immediately the nation began to improve. Cities were repaired, families reunited, civil rights became more widespread and the military now has a solid foundation.

Emperor Bogdon's approval ratings have never been higher, and the nation continues to be on the rise. The wage gap is slowly decreasing and the nation is getting wealthier. Once most of the war's damage has been repaired it is predicted that Revitallia will become a major political and military power.

Following the enactment of the Coalition Treaty, and the North Sea Incident, the Empire declared war on the World Power Alliance and rushed to help its allies. The Revitallian counter-invasion force was barred from entering the Danish Straits from Agregate, and not wanting to start another war, instead blockaded the Straits so that no WPA nation could get through. This left only one other option to assist Ravonese forces in defending St Petersburg, by using the S.H.I.E.L.D. O.D.I.N. program. Stations Delta and Echo fired 6 rods each, with the total destruction equivalent to that of a 300 kiloton bomb.

Shortly before Pacifica declared war on Southern Jarwel, Senator Anna Sapio made a speech announcing how tragic it would be if such an action were to occur. Since then, Senator Sapio's approval ratings have risen to 83%.


In its many iterations, Revitallia has seen a number of leaders. This is a list of the most influential leaders, starting from the Maxson-Wright Pact.

The Empire of Revitallia (264-1115)

Leader Name Years of Reign Information
Julius Maxson 264-302 Founder of the Empire. Highly popular. Had 27 children with the Empress Artemesia over 2 pregnancies.
Augustus Maxson 302-358 Julius' and Artemesia's son. Married Empress Cassandra, who gave birth to 52 children over 3 pregnancies, and she was berrized. He united the continent under the empire.
Pietro Maxson 389-435 Successfully captured Revutlia and Solbger for the empire. Had only daughters, 18 of them.
Arthur Wright 435-491 Married Celene Wright, the eldest daughter of Pietro and became the first Wright-clan Emperor.
Talius Dovneno 678-702 First of the Dovnenos to take power. Had 12 children by 3 women.
Andre Dovneno 982-1023 Defeated Persians and secured the Middle East. Had 11 children by Empress Jennifer.

The Revitallian Kingdom (1115-2011)

Leader Name Years of Reign Information
Syphodias Dovneno 1115-1147 First King, converts the Empire to a monarchy. Queen Thalia bears him 15 children, setting a precedent for future queens.
Josiah Dovneno 1279-1287 Last Dovneno King, thrown out in coup. Was married to Queen Caeleigh, who had 35 children over 3 pregnancies (17 on the third while in exile).
Logan Bogdon 1287-1310 First King of the Bogdons. Married Queen Natalie, had 24 children. Gave Natalie the Inflation Sentence and lost the Somali-Revitallian War.
Leonardo Bogdon 1358-1397 Lost Persian Revolt. Married Queen Calypso, and they had 19 children. She is later given the Inflation Sentence.
James Bogdon 1528-1569 Put down Solbgeri Revolt. Married Queen Kathryne, and she bore him 23 children. She was influential in the establishment of the Noble's Tax.
George Bogdon II 1699-1742 Abolished the Noble's Tax. Had 18 children with Queen Traci.
Andrew Bogdon 1830-1858 Won Phillipines War. Married Queen Lilliana, and had 23 children.
Darren Bogden II 1973-1998 Lost the Vietnam War. Began secret policing actions. Started Project Aphrodite. Queen Amy II had 18 children and was then given the Inflation Sentence.
Jack Bogdon 1998-2011 Lost Revitallian Revolution. Last King of any clan. Queen Heather had 15 children, and may currently be pregnant. It was rumored that she was unknowingly a test subject in Project Aphrodite. They are currently in exile.

USSR (2011-2015)

Leader Name Years of Reign Information
Keven Adlai 2011-2015 Was the political leader of the Revolution during the war. Rigged elections to get in power, and became a dictatorial tyrant. Increased Project Aphrodite. Began genocidal march during the Civil War, before fleeing the country after being defeated. Believed to be in Africa or Vietnam.

The Empire of Revitallia (2015-)

Leader Name Years of Reign Information
Connor Bogdon 2015- The military leader of the Revolution and fighting against Adlai during the Civil War, Connor is the cousin of the former King Jack. After winning the Civil War he reinstated the ways of the old empire, and began to rebuild and modernize the country. He shut down Project Aphrodite and started a proper search for Adlai and Jack. Started an isolationist policy for first year of leadership, now bringing a strong foreign policy.
