Region/Free Coalition of Governments

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Free Coalition Of Governments
Founder Roosevetania
WA Delegate Hagpop
Members 26
 -  of which WA 9
Regional population
 -  2017 estimate 1.529 billion
GRP $158.919 trillion
Regional HDI 59.56
Error: Invalid HDI value
Region page
Free Coalition of Governments
Free Coalition of Governments

Free Coalition Of Governments is a medium-sized region, with a thriving community of 26 nations and 9 World Assembly Members (A record of 52 nations occurred on Apr 14, 2016). The region's current Secretary of State and Defense is Tysoania; the current Secretary of Everything Else is Of The Democratic Party; and the Chancellor of the Assembly is Potstickerstan. The current President and founder of the region, Roosevetania, is on their second consecutive term as the President. The current WA Delegate is Hagpop. The nation maintaining and updating this page is Kentath.

In Free Coalition Of Governments, citizens are usually welcoming of strangers, with Tourism being a significant economic engine in the region. Inhabitants are often visited by the local tax services in most nations, with many having as high as a 100% income tax! The economies of nations in the region tend to differ in control. However, many economies are extremely regulated by the government.

Denizens of the Free Coalition Of Governments are well educated, with the region's various public education systems a top priority for most governments. Criminal activity is a problem in the region and a priority for politicians, with some governments spending large amounts of the national budget on law enforcement. Defense as a national priority varies wildly from nation to nation, but the region's defense forces, on average, are advanced. The region has a sprawling public transit network, with transit being a high priority in most nations.

Governments in Free Coalition Of Governments are large and somewhat well-coordinated, with a sizable percentage of national budgets being spent on Administration. The regional healthcare system is large and well-funded, with most nations providing many provisions for public healthcare. Welfare and social security services in the region vary from nation to nation, but the average percentage of annual spending on welfare is very significant, with well-supported safety nets in some nations.

Social equality varies among the nations within Free Coalition Of Governments. The environments of the nations in the region are almost universally appealing.

The regional government operates as a republic, with some government officials being elected by popular vote and the region operating under the rule of law. The Chancellor of the Assembly, the World Assembly Delegate, and the President are all elected by direct popular vote; the President then appoints the Secretary of State and Defense and the Secretary of Everything Else.