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The Libertarian Monarch of Itasio is a gargantuan, environmentally stunning nation, ruled by King DiScipio I with an even hand, and renowned for its deadly medical pandemics, suspicion of poets, and complete absence of social welfare. The hard-nosed, hard-working, humorless population of 12.716 billion Itasians are either ruled by a sleek, efficient government or a conglomerate of multinational corporations; it's difficult to tell which.

There is no government in the normal sense of the word; however, a small group of community-minded, pro-business individuals prioritizes Law & Order, although Education, Public Transport, and Industry are also considered important, while Healthcare and Social Policy receive no funds. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Paulo. Income tax is unheard of.

The powerhouse Itasian economy, worth 480 trillion Itasian Lire a year, is driven almost entirely by the private sector, which is highly specialized and led by the Trout Farming industry, with major contributions from Arms Manufacturing, Information Technology, and Automobile Manufacturing. Average income is 37,789 Itasian Lire, with the richest citizens earning 6.7 times as much as the poorest.

School teachers check the staff room for hidden webcams before complaining about rebellious students, the police have been known to wiretap confessional boxes, the tenet of free speech is held dear, and stony-faced prosecutors play loud gangster rap music during court proceedings. Crime is moderate, probably because of the absence of a police force. Itasio's national animal is the Owl, which is also the nation's favorite main course, and its national religion is Catholicism.