Hamanian Empire

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The Hamanian Empire is a polity made up of the Kingdom of Hama and its territories or colonies. The Kingdom of Hama is a sovereign state located on Yasteria Major. Citizens of Hama are people who have been born of Hamanian parents or naturalized according to Hamanian naturalization laws who have certain rights and recognition within the Hamanian judicial, political and economic system. A national of Hama is someone who lives in a territory or colony of Hama that is under the authority of the Crown of Hama. They do not have the same rights as citizens of Hama. Within the colony in which they live, they have the same rights as citizens. Since colonies are not independent nations, their 'citizens' cannot be called such. Instead, they are called denizens. If a person is neither a denizen, citizen or nation, but lives in Hamanian territory then they are a migrant, tourist or resident depending on the length of their stay and other applicable laws.


Invasion of Borea


The head of the empire is the King of Hama. He is elected by the Council of Chiefs for life. He has the power to appoint and dismiss the Cabinet, dissolve the House of the People, appoint judges, civil servants, and military officials, receive the accreditation of foreign diplomats, declare war and make peace, promulgate laws and issue royal decrees. He has supreme direction of the armed forces. The incumbent King is His Majesty, Maduallahu. The monarch lives in Komodu, but he appoints a Viceroy who represents him and exercises his duties in his colonies on his behalf.

A Viceroy is a representative of the King. He is appointed by the King to exercise powers that would normally be exercised by the King within the colony. The Viceroy serves at the King's pleasure, is accountable solely to the King and must obey the King's instruction. These powers include the power to appoint a cabinet and carry out the law, to appoint judges and civil servants, and other responsibilities that are delegated by the King. The Viceroy usually lives in the capital of the colony he rules.

The Parliament of Hama forms the supreme lawmaking body of the empire. All of its laws are binding on all the colonies and territories. It is made up of the Council of Chiefs and the House of the People. The Council of Chiefs is made up of 12 tribal rulers of Hama. It passes laws and has the power to override a veto by a two-thirds majority vote. Representatives of the colonies are allowed to speak at its meetings but they may not vote. The House of People is made up of representatives who are mostly elected by citizens of Hama. It makes non-binding recommendations to the King and Council of the Chiefs. The biggest party is the Hamanian People's Party.

The Cabinet forms the executive branch of the government and its jurisdiction is largely restricted to issues related to Hama. It is made up of Ministers of the Crown who serve at the King's pleasure. They are assigned responsibilities called portfolios. They meet regularly in Komodu. The King presides over the meeting. The Cabinet develops policies and proposes almost all laws. The Ministers oversee different agencies and state-owned companies.

Each colony has a government. All colonies have a democratically elected unitary legislature generally called a Legislative Assembly. It makes laws for that specific colony. It cannot make laws on issues that the Parliament did not allow it to. It cannot make laws that go against the laws that are passed by the Parliament. All colonies have an executive branch generally called the Executive Council. It is helmed and appointed by the Viceroy and administers laws passed by the Parliament and Legislative Assembly.

The judiciary enforces the law. Different parts of the empire follow different types of legal systems pursuant to their needs. In general, they follow the Sadunic law. The procedure is governed and hierarchy is determined by laws passed in Parliament. Otherwise, the judiciary applies and interprets the law according to precedents. A judge's decision can be appealed in special courts. Different courts handle different types of cases such as administrative, civil and criminal law. Judges must be lawyers who have served for a specific and time and passed a specific exam. Lawyers must study at a recognized university and pass the law exam. There is no distinction between lawyers other than their specialization and experience. Supreme Court is the highest court in the empire. It can overturn decisions made by all other courts. It is made up of many judges who handle different issues and cases.

Constituent territories

The empire is made up of the following territories:

  • The 'Kingdom of Hama is the mother realm of Hama. It is located in northwest Yasteria Major. It has an area of approximately 1 million square kilometres and a population of 20 million people. It has a GDP of 400 billion kiribs. The predominant religion is Abrahamism. The largest ethnic group is the Hamanite nation. The official language is Hamanese. It borders Packilvania to the southeast.
  • The colony of Hamanian Borea is located in southeast Borea. It is the largest colony of the empire. It is has an area of approximately 800,000 square kilometres. It has a population of 18 million people. It has a GDP of 270 billion kiribs. The major ethnic groups are the White Boreans (who live mostly in the south) and the Giants (who live mostly in the north). They speak many mutually intelligible languages broadly called Boric languages. The majority practice a syncretism of Abrahamism and native spirituality. The Viceroy is Prince Ali.

Former colonies

  • Mocambyk was a colony between 1800 and 1960. It is an island nation located in the Azure Sea, south of Aurora. At present, it has a population of 1.8 million people. Many people have a mixture of Hamanian and native ancestry although the native language is Mocambykian. The country was granted independence after a revolution.