Royal Palace of Ludovicia

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Royal Palace of Ludovicia
Frontal fachade of the Royal Palace of Ludovicia
State Kingdom of Ludovicia
Region New France
City Ludovicia
General informations
Building 1815-1847
Style Neobaroque
Use Royal residence
Architect [[]]
Owner Kingdom of Ludovicia
Customer Louis I of Ludovicia

The Royal Palace of Ludovicia also called palace or castle of Ludovicia (in French château de Ludovicia), it is an ancient and a great royal residence erected by the Bourbon-Orléans as sovereigns of Kingdom of Ludovicia in the capital of Ludovicia.

The palace was born at the behest of King Louis I and, on the model of the Palace of Versailles in France, soon became the center of power of the new Bourbons in the new kingdom. In any case, it was only Louis IV who definitively transferred the court, leaving the Palace of the Governor of Ludovicia which had been the center of local power since the foundation of the kingdom.

Equipped with numerous rooms and apartments to welcome the members of the royal court, the palace also has an extraordinary park of 815 hectares which also serves as the hunting reserve of the sovereign.

Since 1955 the palace has become a property protected by the state.

General plan of the complex of the Royal Palace of Ludovicia
Plan of the ground floor of the Royal Palace
Plan of the first floor of the Royal Palace