Nation/Sandwich Territories

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The Democratic Commonwealth of the Sandwich Territories
Motto"Daoine an Chomhlathais, Aontú!"
AnthemCommonwealth Hymn
A Soldier's Song(Armed Forces)
CapitalPort Trádáil
Largest city Reimsburgh
Official languages English, French, Irish Gaelic
Demonym Sandwichian (official)
Government Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy with devolved legislatures
 -  Monarch King Brian I
 -  Prime Minister Al Fresco
 -  Established by Sir Paul Sandwich October 4th, 1543 
 -  2014 estimate 3,000,000,000 (3rd in Kennan)
Currency Sandwichian Sterling (§)
Time zone Eastern Standard Time (UTC-5)
Date format nn ˘ dd ˘ yyyy
Drives on the right
Calling code +657
Internet TLD .cst