Region/The Sacred Realm

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The Sacred Realm
Founder The Ancient Kingdom of Hyrule
WA Delegate No Delegate
Members 2
 -  of which WA 0
Regional population
 -  2014 estimate 1 billion
GRP $10 Trillion
Regional HDI .950
very high
Region page
The Sacred Realm
The Sacred Realm

The Sacred Realm is a large region, inhabited by a few united nations.

Regional Government

The Duties and Powers of the King

The King shall have the power to declare war, sign regional legislation into law, enact executive orders, mobilize and run the Hylian Knights, and dub someone as a Hylian Knight.

The Duties and Powers of the Consul

The Consul shall have the power to charge a person of a crime, hold the trial for that person, and dictate the punishment for that person if he or she is found guilty.

The Duties and Powers of the Hylian Knights

The Hylian Knights shall be tasked with acting as the region's military. They may elect the Consul by popular vote. A Hylian Knight must obey the orders of the king.

The Creation Story

In the beginning, there was nothing. Suddenly, three golden goddesses descended upon the chaos that was Hyrule. The First Goddess was DIN, the Goddess of Power. The Second Goddess was Nayru, the God of Wisdom. The Third and final Goddess was Farore, the Goddess of Courage. Din created the barren Land, Nayru created the Laws of the Land, and Farore created life that would uphold those laws. With their labors completed, they returned to the heavens, and leaving behind the Triforce.

The triforce is said to grant the wish of those whom touch it.