Languages in Yulis

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Languages In Yulis
* Yulisian Dúclan
* Hosbiarnan Dúclan
* Jobeïse Dúclan
* Yulisian English
* "Pure" English

Yulis has one of the greatest varieties of languages in The Lonely Plains and also the highest number of multi-lingual citizens. The most common language, by total speakers (native and acquired), is the native Yulisian Dúclan. It developed from the 1913 Constructed Dúclan and is recognisable and understood (by modern speakers) from around 2350.


Dúclan, often referred to as the "1913 Dúclan", is a constructed language that was created by a committee from 1907 to 1913. It was created by the better educated upper classes of the Republic as a single uniform languages for the people, who spoke a range of languages and dialects. It combined elements from all of the native languages, chiefly Lámenol, Deutra, English and French, but also others into one neutral language. The 1913 Dúclan does not survive so much as a commonly spoken language but certainly is alive in its written form.


The 1913 Dúclan was designed as a romance language, although it is less a romance language that its descendant varieties. The grammar was taken mostly from French and English and was combined with vocabulary from Lámenol, Deutra and Latinos.

Yulisian Dúclan

Main article: Yulisian Dúclan

Yulisian Dúclan is the most commonly spoken language in Yulis, it has over two billion native speakers and is also the second most studied language in the Lonely Plains (behind Hosbiarnan Dúclan in both most spoken and most studied). It branched off separately from the Hosbiarnan Dúclan soon after it was introduced to the Yulisian Population.
Yulisian Dúclan, like all the Dúclans, with a little difficulty, can be understood by speakers of the other variations. It probably deviates the least in pronunciation from the 1913 Dúclan.


Hosbiarnan Dúclan

Jobeïse Dúclan


Yulisian English

Pure English

Other Languages

The Prolaisian Language

Main Article: The Prolaisian Language

The Prolaisian Language has no official name and is usually just referred to as "the speech" ("Dirûme al"). Dialects of the language are common in the north-west of Yulis. It is essentially a romance language, derived from Latinos with some outside influences. The dialects found in Yulis are heavily influenced by Dúclan and are often hard to understand by native speakers from Prolais.

Extinct Languages


Lámenol was the common vulgar language in the time of The Republic (1523-1952). It came from the language of the original Nólsion Empires (when it was called Lámenólsio, Láme - language and Nólsio - Nólsion Empire) and by the time of the Republic it had undergone many changes (especially during the Inosel Empire, where it had no longer been the language of the Upper Classes and was only a spoken language) and was far simpler. It was viewed by the bureaucracy and aristocracy, who studied and spoke the higher languages of English, French and occasionally Latinos, as a vulgar, primitive language.
Much of its vocabulary was appropriated and latinised for Dúclan.


Duetra was a less common germanic language that developed during the Inosel Empire. It was adopted mostly in the north-east of Hosbiarna and was uncommon in Yulis.