Ainguximoq Dresas Jusari!

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Ainguximoq, Dresas Jusari!
National Anthem of

Lyrics Author Unknown, ca. 1350
Music Traditional
Adopted by Ainguximoqrun 1421
Adopted by Mhuvalja-Ainguximoqrun January 4, 2014
Listen (ogg)
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Ainguximoq, Dresas Jusari! is the national anthem of Mhuvalja-Ainguximoqrun. The original author of the lyrics is unknown, but it is believed that the anthem has been in use unofficially since about 1350. The music is a traditional Zðelmjor folk tune that was brought to the City-State of Redentro by Jargaða Umalura and later to Ainguximoqrun by Selem Sintrand.