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The Imperium of Kauvara
Imperium Kauvaris
Flag of Kauvara
Motto"We are the Skyborne"
Largest city Tōyama (東山市)
Official languages Vulpesian, English
Recognised national languages Prizyesti, Kokusaigo (国際語)
Ethnic groups (2014 Januarius) 64% Kauvaran (all), 16% Prizyetsi, 10% Iso.Chinese, 5% CESPian, 4% Sovietyetan, 1% other
Demonym Kauvaran
Government Limited Monarchy
 -  Emperor Caelum Lucis
 -  Consultor-Primaris Gaius Kauvus
Monarchial Federation
 -  Vulpesian Republic ~950BC Aprilis 15 
 -  Imperium Vulpes 1749 December 27 
 -  Kauvara unified under Vulpes 1997 Augustus 1 
 -  Founding of the Coalition 2011 Junius 12 
 -  Total 15,849,211 km2
6,119,415 sq mi 
 -  2010 estimate 5,863,000,000
GDP (nominal) estimate
 -  Total $221,924,000,000,000
 -  Per capita $37,851.61
Currency Kauvaran argent (pl. argentum) (Æ)
Date format yyyy-month-dd
Drives on the right
Calling code +84
ISO 3166 code KV
Internet TLD .kv

The nation of Kauvara /kuh-VAHR-ah/ (Vulpesian: Imperium Kauvaris, trans. "the Imperial Federative Republic of Kauvara") is a peninsular nation of city-states set into the central area of the continent of Alania in the Darklands sub-region of Ixnay under the young Emperor Caelum Lucis and his Retinue Consultorum. It is bordered by the Unified Federation of Prizyetsa to the north, untapped wildlands to the west, and the Coscivian Sea to the south and east. Kauvara is split between the large landmass of the Alanian main continent, and multiple surrounding islands, the most heavily-occupied being within the A'den and Shizuoka Provinciae. However, despite Tōyama being the largest city, the Alanian mainland holds approximately 70% of the population of nearly six billion, including the capital city of Vulpes and it's surrounding provincia.

Historical records and archeological scholars cannot pinpoint an exact time when Kauvara first gained semblance of civilization. However, the city of Vulpes can be dated back to at least circa-950BC due to the discovery of a construction manifest dating back that far regarding the construction of a civic building. Before that is a time period referred to as Chronos Immemorium, or "Time Unrememberable", where there have yet to be any records found regarding what the land was like. What is assured, however, is that the city-states of Kauvara warred for thousands of years in a primarily air-based conflict due to the dangerous nature of Kauvara's wildlands. The first major unification came in 1749, when the Vulpesian Republic united all but the Fyrto Kroninreich and the Technocracy of Sulyanosk under its banner. Finally, in 1997, Gaius Kauvus, then Imperator and leader of the Imperium Vulpes, united all of Kauvara under one banner and the figurehead Caelum Lucis, who was crowned Emperor by Kauvus. Lucis was declared Chosen by Ultima Vulpae due to circumstances such as his orphaning and raising by foxes, his innate abilities, and other factors. Ever since, he has been enshrined as the leader of Kauvara, with Kauvus acting as his closest adviser as the leader of the Retinue Consultorum.

Since then, Kauvara has been a land that has renounced war in all of its forms. Operating itself with only the most trace military possible, the nation focuses instead on technology and the welfare of humanity. Due to this, Kauvara is one of the most advanced nations in Ixnay, if not on the planet, conceptualizing and implementing ideas ranging from a space elevator to the renowned Skyfleet modernizations, often working in conjunction with Prizyetsa, its strongest ally. With high levels of healthcare, long life-spans, and an impressive economy, Kauvara is a nation that has proven how much a people can flourish if they forsake conflict with their fellow human beings. Its greatest accomplishment is Nova Aetas, the pinnacle of peaceful Coalition technology.


Until the discovery of the Codex Vulpesia in 1999, the world had largely no information regarding anything having to do with Kauvara, and its predecessor state of Vulpes. Even something as simple as the name was largely lost to time. However, the Codex Vulpesia confirmed many researchers' belief that it stemmed from the belief in the Vulpesian Pantheon. While it is unknown how this name came to be, or when it was applied to the ancient nation, it is known why.

In 1997, however, the Imperium of Vulpes was renamed. There were multiple factors that affected this, with many having to do with the wish to not have a Vulpes-centered nation, as well as appease some of the politicians who still held on to their old city-state allegiances. This was done as the first act of the newly-formed government in recognition of Imperator Gaius Kauvus and the Kauvus Dynasty's efforts to unify the land. Not only that, but Kauvus was a man that all in Kauvara unilaterally respected with no hesitation or division. Emperor Lucis gave his approval, and the land was renamed Kauvara.

The word "Imperium", itself, is shorthand Vulpesian for "a government that is ruled by one leader, who is guided by many, who are in turn guided by the people."


Government and Politics

The government of Kauvara is difficult to describe using conventional means. In theory, it is run directly and exclusively by the Emperor, himself, as he and his ultimate descendents are believed Chosen to do so by Ultima Vulpae. Ultimately, according to the system in place, the current Emperor is the exclusive decision-maker in the Imperium System. None other is his equal, and he is enshrined as the highest human being in Kauvara, second only to the gods of the Vulpesian Pantheon and guided by the Consultor-Vulpae. This makes the first and current Emperor, Caelum Lucis, theoretically the sole decision-maker in Kauvara ever since his installation to the throne in 1997.

The Emperor holds much more importance than mere politics, however. He is effectively representative of the unity of the city-states of Kauvara behind a single figure of authority, one that they can all respect and follow through their inherent belief in his divinity. He is a symbol of hope and peace in Kauvara, that so long as he is on the throne, prosperity will reign in the nation and city-states will not attempt destruction of each other. In short, the Emperor is, at least in theory, the single strongest force in Kauvara, both symbolically and politically.

However, in practice, this is simply untrue. The Emperor is guided by two groups. The first is the Retinue Consultorum, a group of dedicated advisers. They are lead by Consultor-Primaris Gaius Kauvus, who in practice effectively runs Kauvara as the decision-maker for the young Emperor. The other Consultorum were hand-picked by Kauvus from amongst the brightest minds in the nation, as well as certain political appointments in order to appease select factions in the post-Unification government.

The second group consists of the nine elected leaders of Kauvara's nine city-states, each one holding the title of Praefectus. The Praefectii form the second council that advises the Emperor. While in theory they hold no actual official sway on decision-making beyond their own city-states, it is a well-known fact that Kauvus advises Lucis to listen to their words as though they were votes. Very rarely are the Praefectii all drawn in for a single council, however. Normally, they are sent by their constituent peoples if said peoples believe that their interests need to be addressed on whatever issue is being decided in Vulpes at the time. Most commonly, each one only makes his or her way to the capital about a dozen times a year, with instances of more than two or three congregating at once being seldom at best.

Each Consultor and Praefectus has his or her own Satelles, as well. The Satelles act as the cabinet members for each Consultor and Praefectus. How they are selected is widely variable, and largely up to the Consultor or Praefectus that they are under. Some choose to have them elected, others choose to appoint them. In a way, the term Satelles is simply a catch-all term for "important department official". They can be anything from a favored clerk to a city's Imperial Kauvaran Guardian Regiment Commandant to a wisened aide to a brilliant financier. The point is that each is considered a critical functionary to the department by the Consultor or Praefectus, so much so to elevate them to the status of Satelle. The Satelles have the ear of the Consultor or Praefectus, and will often attend meetings in Vulpes with him or her to assist and advise on any matters.

Foreign Relations

Defense Forces

Administrative Castellum and Provinciae

Vulpes, Sanctus Provincia Tōyama, Shizuoka Provincia Coryna, Solarias Provincia Valerya, A'den Provincia Aldvekt, Aldvekt Forgesector Provincia



