Holy Trek

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Intergalactic Empire of Holy Trek
'Motto"protector vaS'a"
"Protectors of the Oppressed."
Anthem"To arms, citizens of the Empire!"
"World Assembly Member"
Region Intergalactic Federacy
CapitalEnterprise, New Columbus
Largest city Enterprise
Official languages Standard (English)
Recognised national languages English, Klingon, Romulan, Kinshaya, Vulcan, Bajoran, Cardassian, Gorn, Dominion, Native American
Demonym Trekker
Government Imperial parliamentary monarchy
 -  Head of State
His Imperial Majesty as Emperor
Michael I
 -  Imperial Chancellor Tora Ziyal
 -  Foreign Minister Curzon Dax
 -  Founding 2296 
 -  Unification 2305 
 -  Constitutional Enactment October 2305 
 -  Foundation of Interstellar Holy Trek Commonwealth colony system 2310 
Currency Imperial Dollar (I)

The Intergalactic Empire of Holy Trek (Klingon: quv Trek; Mongolian:Ариун Trek) commonly called Holy Trek, is a imperial parliamenatry monarchy in southeastern North America approximate to the Southeastern United States, with additional territory in the Far East and the British Isles. It is bordered on the north by the Holy Empire of Inuyashina, on the south by the Gulf of Aztlan, by the east by the Terran Ocean and on the west by New Aztlan. Holy Trek covers 4,476,584 square kilometers (in the core territories) and has has an estimated population of 4,801,000,000. Holy Trek comprises 23 Districts, 2 Autonomous Territories, and 13 star-systems.

Holy Trek's primary role is to serve as peace broker for nations seeking to end conflict, defender of and provider to nations weakened by natural or man-made disasters, and as a hub for international commerce. It does this through a combination of strong central leadership, fair and equal recognition of rights for all its citizens, and an efficient military force.


The name 'Holy Trek' came about as a result of the widespread acceptance of the religio-philosophy known as Trekism (see: Trekism). Because Trekism involves no worship of a central deity or pantheon of deities, it is readily and easily compatible with each of the predominant Earth religions, which results in curious hybrid religious adherents (Christian-Trekist, Islamic-Trekist, etc.). As a result of the universal toleration of all Earth religions under Imperial law, the label 'Holy' was applied. 'Trek' came not just from the Trekist philosophy, but from the science-fiction TV series that spawned both, "Star Trek". The standard way to refer to a citizen of Holy Trek is as a "Trekker."


Holy Trek came about as the result of the reunification of the southeastern area of the old United States as a result of the collapse of the authoritarian and atheistic Confederation of Dixie resulting itself from the fracture of the old United States following the end of World War III. It was future emperor Michael I who forged the fragmented former US states into a vigorous regional power. He was also responsible for the reintroduction of Humans into space following the development of warp-propulsion resulting from a rare technological exchange with another Earth-based power which had since left Earth entirely. Using starships and FTL-propulsion, Holy Trek was able to establish colonies in the surrounding star-systems and rise to the rank of interstellar and eventually intergalactic power. [1]

Holy Trek has, in the years since first venturing into space, explored 85% of the Milky Way and even begun exploring two neighboring galaxies. With Union Treaties with the native empires of the Romulans, Klingons, Gorn, Tholians, and others, Holy Trek consolidated into what many refer to as the Greater Empire. Each Union Treaty called for the recognition of the emperor as de facto ruler of the empires and the consolidation of the native space fleets into the Imperial Starfleet, in exchange for the continuance of the local heads-of-state (praetor, chancellor, autarch, etc.) as de jure leaders and conferring upon them the status of Regional Governors and Vicars. This quadrupled the military power of the empire enabling for both the continued exploration and Imperial expansion, and for the defense of the new territories. It also allowed for the opening of Imperial high offices to non-Humans (the Imperial Chancellor is a mixed Bajoran-Cardassian, and the Foreign Minister is a joined Trill, among others). As a further means of defending her territories and in continuation of her role in promoting peace, she joined with The Holy Empire of Inuyashina in a marriage alliance to form the Dual Monarchy of Holy Trek-Inuyashina.[2]

Holy Trek recently participated in-indeed began-a summit for the purpose of drawing up a defense organization for Earth. The Earth Defense Force Treaty Organization or EDFTO[3] was attended by The Holy Empire of Inuyashina, The Galactic Federation of Odinburgh, The Imperial Dominion of The Interstellar Mongol Khanate and other nations interested in safeguarding Earth from interstellar threats and confining disputes between Earth-based space nations to space, not allowing Earth to become a battlefield as a result of an interstellar border dispute. While discussion on the Founding Charter remain to be had, the EDFTO has been officially proclaimed by Michael I. For now, he holds the title of Executive of the organization until a nation not affiliated with the Intergalactic Federacy is selected by popular vote to assume the executive for a longer basis (though not a permanent one).


Holy Trek has a diverse geography due to the scattered nature of its territories on Earth. In the Core Territories, the Appalachian and Cardassian Mountains serve as a natural northern barrier against invasion from the north (though with the allied nation of The Holy Empire of Inuyashina to its north, there is little danger of such an event). Mountain passes enable easy commercial and social interaction between the empires. To the south, the Gulf of Aztlan serves as a natural limitation to invaders lacking a sufficient navy. The many islands scattered between the Gulf and the Terran Ocean serve as tourist havens as well as suitable defensive bastions guarding the many access points to the mainland. Berda (OTL Bermuda) serves an additional role as weather monitoring station and long-range radar platform to monitor for potential seaborne invasion.[4]

Geography in the colony-systems of Holy Trek is still a matter for exploration, though much of the effort has been done via probes and planetary survey teams dispatched to the surface. Overall, the variety of geography on each planet remains the same as on Earth, though with peculiarities due to differing climactic and geological conditions. For example, on Borallus the geography consists of mostly flat terrain with shallow gorges and canyons and some craters interspersed due to the way in which it developed and the effect of the nearby gas-giant planet Hazar, while the geography of Atlantica is almost 90% oceanic with few, tiny islands resulting from volcanic activity. Xeno-cartography (the study of the geography of terrestrial worlds) is very useful in determining the survivability of settlements on a newly discovered planet.

The geography of the alien worlds within the Greater Empire are even more diverse. On Vulcan, the largest below-sea average area is the Forge, which takes Earth's Death Valley to the extreme with temperatures so hostile that non-Vulcans who are not prepared can easily die of dehydration, sun-stroke, or heat-exhaustion. The geography of Breen worlds, like everything else about them, is unknown as few outworlders (Imperial and otherwise) have actually visited any Breen worlds, while the geography of Tholian worlds are unknown due to the secretive nature and almost xenophobic distrust of outworlders by the Tholians themselves, although what is known is that Tholians see Class-M worlds only as a source of mineral wealth to be cracked open and mined while they prefer the Class-Y environments which prove lethal to non-Tholians.