Northern Union (Ixnay)

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The Northern Union is a economic and military alliance based in the far north of the Ixnay region.


Due to the location of the northern nations and the perceived threat from larger nations to the south, the concept of a union between northern states has always existed. Treaties and agreements between the nations of the so-called "Darklands" have been signed throughout the ages covering subjects ranging from royal marriages to trade, to military cooperation.



The Northern Union, as the name might indicate, encompasses much of the northern hemisphere of Ixnay. In addition, it has a substantial coastline and several different overseas territories to their respective official owners. This comes as a given, considering that one of its major members is the United Federation of Prizyetsa. All nations involved have a somewhat mountainous terrain throughout their nations to some extent, though it is not entirely uncommon for more flat straits to exist.

Politics & Structure

While each of the member nations have retained their basic governments and sovereignty, the Northern Union has developed an overlying structure to help manage and direct the Union as a whole.


Foreign Affairs

As a large and domineering body within the Ixnayan political landscape, the Northern Union has established a wide variety of relations across the world. This is amplified that the NU member states have collectively become the largest supplier of arms on the globe, much to the ire of some rivals. The Constitutional Empire of Skuldan and the United Federation of Prizyetsa are the main faces of the NU on the global stage, though other member states often have large diplomatic corps of their own.

